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Jeruba's avatar

In what month did your big romance begin, and what part did the time of year play in it?

Asked by Jeruba (56211points) December 1st, 2010

Your primary relationship, the love of your life, your biggest romance of past or present: in what month of the year did it begin?

And how did the season affect what happened? How did the the month, the date, or the time of year influence the course of events?

Do you still celebrate that beginning?

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17 Answers

tedd's avatar

Most recent relationship, it began in December. Really the time of year had nothing to do with it, it was just when we met. Though in fairness my last two prior “major” relationships started in January. But it was the same with both of them, just when we met.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

September. I don’t think that it had any effect on the relationship. It made proposing around Valentine’s Day seem really sudden.

jonsblond's avatar

We met in June, the beginning of summer. The season gave us a chance to do things we both enjoy, which made us laugh together and fall in love. We took a blanket to the park and star gazed, traveled to D.C. and visited museums, attended outdoor concerts, made love in the park on the Fourth of July. ;)

We don’t celebrate the beginning, but I do keep June 13th in mind. It reminds me of how long we’ve been together. 20 yrs this coming June 13th

chyna's avatar

My two biggest romances: I met both of them on the same day about 10 years apart, March 19. The time of year had nothing to do with it. We were going to get married on that date, but for various reasons couldn’t, so we settled on Feb. 19, exactly one month earlier and 11 months after we had met.

Seaofclouds's avatar

My husband says he was hooked on me in August. We had known each other for a while before we started dating. We started major flirting in August and officially dating in October. I don’t think the time of year had much affect on our relationship, but the timing in our lives did. I was finishing up nursing school, so I had more time to date. He was laid off shortly after we started dating, so he had a lot of free time. He ended up going back into active duty when we had been dating about 6 months (he was in the reserves when we started dating). The time we spent apart when he went away made a big impact on both of us. It really made us realize how much we meant to each other and we got married just before our 1 year anniversary.

marinelife's avatar

My romance flourished in the spring. I remember going to a St. Patrick’s Day Parade. I remember the first time he said he loved me on a lovely spring day.

No, we celebrate our wedding anniversary, which is in August.

Haleth's avatar

Late spring/ early summer. I’m really into… aesthetics? or something, so I always notice things like the quality of the daylight and the colors it creates or the humidity in the air. For me an image that would capture that late spring, early summer feeling is golden hour sunlight on crape myrtles, those hot pink flowers that come out in the summer. To make it worse, I get hooked on music that fits these seasonal moods, so my head’s pretty much in the clouds any time we get a nice sunny day out. My first big romance was more like an added bonus to the way I was already feeling.

charliecompany34's avatar

it began in april in chicago. if you know anything about chicago weather, april is a month of “thawing out” and freshness but winter is still trying to hang on in the rear-view mirror.

my rear-view mirror at this time was an ensuing divorce and the girl i’d just met was a fresh breath of spring air. she later turned out to be my wife of three children…

15 years now and we’s still together…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

My hubby and met on March 15th, but I don’t really recall that the month itself was all that special.

ucme's avatar

June 5th 1992. Completely random date really.

OpryLeigh's avatar

It began in February. The time of year wasn’t that significant but I do remember it being very cold and he offered me his coat to wear. That was the first time a guy had ever offered me his coat to keep me warm. Cheesy but cute!

We don’t celebrate it as such but it’s in my mind when it comes around each year.

Jeruba's avatar

Our first date was December 3rd. For years we treated that date as an extra anniversary, and I still always think of it and usually mention it to my husband—as I will do tomorrow.

The time of year did make a difference because Christmas took on a special meaning for us that year and because the holidays gave us extra time to be together right in the heat of a new romance. The season still carries an extra measure of brightness for me, recalling our first times together.

chyna's avatar

@Jeruba That’s today! Congrats!

Jeruba's avatar

Thanks, @chyna! Thinking about it is what prompted this question. Let’s see…that would be 34 years ago. Wow.

I also remember some major dates of other romances, but I don’t mention those. No harm in reminiscing, though.

jonsblond's avatar

@Jeruba Happy Anniversary! I’m so happy this was mentioned. It reminded me my parents will be celebrating their 42nd anniversary in 3 days. I need to go out and get a card!

SavoirFaire's avatar

My relationship with my wife began in August. The season played a role in that our mutual friends had plenty of opportunities to get us together at various events until we got together ourselves. This wasn’t their intention, but it happened all the same. We were married on the fifth anniversary of our relationship beginning; so yes, we still celebrate it every year.

Rhodentette's avatar

April and here, that’s the beginning of autumn. It’s also when the jasmine flowers. We used to take long walks through our neighbourhood in the evenings, with the scent of jasmine heavy in the air and he would pick sprigs of jasmine and tuck them into my hair. I still have some of sprigs, pressed between the pages of my books.

I don’t know about the season having an effect on the beginning of our relationship, except that at the time everything seemed so doomed so the autumn was a fitting time for us to finally discover each other.

We both forget to celebrate the month, but he still brings me sprays of jasmine when it’s in flower.

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