Did you ever feel guilty about it?
I did, yeah. I’m not exactly sure why because I my dad is way too traditional 50’s dad to ever try to talk about it, so my guilt didn’t come from him. My mom is the opposite of my dad, very liberal and open-minded, and even if she’d talked to me about it, she wouldn’t have tried to guilt me.
I think I was 10 when I did it for the first time. I musta broken my junk since then, because I used to be able to reach orgasm in a matter of seconds. Aaah, those were the days. Anyway, I felt intensely guilty about it and thought it was bad. My New Years resolution for the next few years was always that I’d stop ‘doing that’, which, of course, I didn’t. I’m not even sure I knew it was called masturbation until later.
Do you feel guilty now?
Hell no! I matured a bit, became more aware of sexuality in general, and – to my relief – realized it was totally normal and expected of a teenager. It all worked out in the end – I have a higher-than-average sex drive and I can’t imagine what I’d do if I couldn’t masturbate. If I go a week without.. look out!
Do you judge yourself for liking it too much or too little?
Nope. I like it just the right amount for me, for who I am, and for my particular physical/chemical makeup.
Does it bother you that you use porn to help you?
Not really. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with watching porn non-excessively, per se. I do experience cognitive dissonance at not agreeing with how things are done in the porn industry, but you know, sometimes I’m just in the mood to watch somebody get fucked.
Do you sneak it into your life?
No and yes. Mostly no, I do it when I want to do it, pretty much. In relationships, it’s interesting, because I do sneak it in sometimes. I mean, I love sex and masturbation is fun, but it’s no substitute for sex with your SO. My body doesn’t even recognize them as the same. So, I can be sexually satisfied and still want a little bit of private ‘me’ time to get lost in a fantasy or something.
It depends on the relationship, how open I am about it. In my last two relationships; with J, 98% open, but with E, not very. J and I had much better communication and we were pretty much equally matched in terms of libido and sexuality. As for E, when things got shitty, I masturbated quite a bit, primarily when she was in the shower or otherwise occupied. She’d have been hurt and pissed to find out, but mainly because I was wanting to be intimate with her less and less as time went on, due to our relationship issues and how volatile she was. So, I felt a little guilt knowing that she’d see it as selfish or as ‘wasting’ an orgasm when we could have spent that sexytime together.
Are you totally comfortable with it? If so, how did you get past all the negative messages about it?
Yes, totally. I never experienced any negative messages about masturbation growing up, so I don’t feel any shame about it at all.