Meta Question

FutureMemory's avatar

You know you're a total Fluther-nerd when ________?

Asked by FutureMemory (24763points) December 3rd, 2010

I happen to have my laptop next to my desktop computer at the moment – both are logged into Fluther. Yes, two Fluther homepages, side by side…not on purpose of course (I only have two hands, and I haven’t trained my eyes yet to read two screens at once), but it does seem the natural state of whatever computer I’m on is one where Fluther is essentially in “go” mode… sad (or is it?).

Your turn.

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42 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

@FutureMemory Are you aware that the home page is actually rendered in 3D? You have to alternate winking your eyes while switching from screen to screen.
Dr. J.‘s middle tentacle sticks right out at you!

(You’re a total fluther nerd if you try it.)

iamthemob's avatar

When you stalk your profile to watch your lurve go to “11111” so that you can print your page as a memorial…

…and then your friggin pdf printer fails. bastard

LuckyGuy's avatar

@iamthemob Want me to take back those 5 lurve?

iamthemob's avatar

Is that possible? It was so purdy…;-)

JilltheTooth's avatar

When I feel guilty stepping away from Fluther to do something because I might miss something! And really, who am I to deprive all you fine folks of my wit and wisdom? ~

seazen's avatar

When you type something in an email, and want to italicize it, and use the underscore before and after the word – wondering why it just stays that way.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@seazen : I have the same problem with FaceBook…and “like” just doesn’t cut it like “GA” does!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

When you actually sit on Fluther for hours despite the fact that a new question hasn’t been asked for hours, and no one actually seems to be online. Yet incessantly refresh, expecting new activity.

Helps when you have company, though.

erichw1504's avatar

When at work you spend more time browser it than doing actual work.

Response moderated (Obscene)
erichw1504's avatar

When you have responded to so many questions that you make dumb typos.

See my previous answer.

iamthemob's avatar

I missed the obscenity

You’re a Fluther nerd when that makes you sad.

FutureMemory's avatar

1000 GA’s to anyone that can tell me what was in the “obscene” post.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

When is a fluther nerd thing obscene and I’d like to know what it was too. Oh no, I’m a fluther nerd.

JilltheTooth's avatar

It was a reference to the olfactory receptors of Fluther Nerds being situated close to the extreme end of an authority figure’s gastro-intestinal tract. Just not as delicately phrased.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@JilltheTooth Thanks. I also thought of another fluther nerd test: When all of your family are jellys.

jonsblond's avatar

When you Fluther in the bathroom. would that be a Fluther turd?

augustlan's avatar

When you’re here so much they offer you a job. :p

JilltheTooth's avatar

Hey, @FutureMemory , where are my 1000 GAs?

erichw1504's avatar

@FutureMemory I think it was actually degrading the mods or something.

prolificus's avatar

When there are 50+ wonderful apps on your iPhone, and you spend the majority of battery life on Fluther. It’s no longer an iPhone, it’s a JelliPhone.

FutureMemory's avatar

@JilltheTooth I lied. Neener neener, sucks to be you <sticks tongue out>.

MissAnthrope's avatar

When you get the urge to GA things in real life.

Soubresaut's avatar

When you start thinking in questions.

marinelife's avatar

When you use “pancakes” or “frizzer” in real life conversation, and then are puzzled when people give you weird looks.

lillycoyote's avatar

When you have to resist the temptation to PM someone to let them know that you got your 200th Perfecto-fish award (that’s kind of a milestone and it was about an hour ago. Yeah me!!) and nobody else really gives a shit except your fellow Perfecto-Fish OCD nutcases on fluther but you control yourself because you know it’s stupid to get all worked up about something like that.

rangerr's avatar

When you can say that you’ve cuddled with more Fluther members in the past year than you have with people you know from offline.

Soubresaut's avatar

When you take pride in being able to claim one or more (or many more) of the above Fluther-nerd requirements.

erichw1504's avatar

when you’ve collected almost every award.

iamthemob's avatar

Oh my god…when you make graphs like I did here.

Guys, seriously…help me…

JilltheTooth's avatar

@iamthemob : I linked. Now I need a nap.

seazen's avatar

Damn. I was writing something in word and put – – before and after the comment – it didn’t make it smaller.

Eggie's avatar

When you stay on Fluther from the time you get up till the next morning without going to another website.

Eggie's avatar

When even in sleep you dream of being on Fluther….

seazen's avatar

When you answer your own post with another post, like ^^.

Eggie's avatar

@seazen HATER….lol

shrubbery's avatar

When you take a gap year between high school and university and work full time for 8 months to fly across the world and spend a couple of months specifically to go and see the jellies you love.

JilltheTooth's avatar

When the first thing you do on Christmas morning is Fluther… Merryful Happies, everyone!

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