Ladies: Do you shave your arms?
Or remove the hair from them? What do you think about shaving your arms?
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17 Answers
No, but luckily my body hair is very fine and blonde. You can hardly tell that I have hair on my arms.
I wouldn’t recommend shaving them, because the regrowth would be prickly. I would say leave it alone, but if you’re intent on removing it.. I say go for the wax.
No. What a pain in the a**. Luckily, I have almost invisible and very fine, light body hair.
No, I don’t. What hair I do have on my arms is very light and almost invisible, which is lucky because it doesn’t hide my freckles. :P I only shave my underarms.
If I had a lot of dark hair on my arms and it made me self-conscious, I think I’d choose something other than shaving. A hair removal cream or laser treatments, or maybe just a bleaching cream to lighten the color. Isn’t that how many women deal with the dreaded mustache? I’d do whatever was both safe and effective.
No.That are not very hairy.
No. My arm hair is pretty fine and light compared to the rest of my hair. About 10 years ago or so, I waxed them. My best friend’s mom had ordered that product that was advertised on TV – I don’t remember what it was called, but it was apparently edible and supposedly painless… Anyway, my friend and I wanted to try it and I had just shaved my legs, so I used it on my arms. Having completely hairless arms was pretty creepy!
No. I’d never heard of that until I met my friend who is of Indian heritage and has very thick, dark hair all over her body. She shaves her arms everyday! I’m glad my arm hair is quite fine.
No way.
Fortunately, I dont think I’m hairy enough to warrant such an activity. I certainly dont want my arms turning out like my legs, stubbling up every other day. Shaving’s a right hassle, so glad to keep it to a minimum.
No. But my little sister does, even though we all make fun of her. I’m not sure why anyone would feel their arm hair is disgusting, even if it’s dark. It certainly doesn’t bother me when other people have hairy arms.
I shave my arms, they’re just so much better shaven. If your arm hairs are blond and undetectable, then I would suggest you don’t bother. It is a pain in the rear, but it’s so much quicker than shaving your legs and yet we still do that also.
No, I don’t. I already shave my legs and under my arms. My arm hair is very light colored, but kinda long, so it is noticable. I would just hate to lose it. I like it. It’s soft.
I know somone who went through beauty school, and shaving arms was a beauty thing. So she did, got into the habit, and still does. I didn’t even notice until someone asked her about it. I don’t know how she keeps it from being prickly. But it’s not a big deal for her, not a hassle or anything. She likes it.
Sometimes I wonder what would happen if we stopped shaving legs and underarms too… it’s all a beauty perception, just one opinion we all buy into. Isn’t it? What if we all decided we liked our hair? I kinda wonder what my legs would look like…
But then so many people who work in the production of shaving products would go out of business… it’s weird. Cause now it’s built into the economy, we’re told ‘shave more! shave more!’
No. It’s already a pain to have to shave my legs and my pits!!! I wish I lived in a society where it was accepted to not shave! Although I would still shave my pits, and well… one other area, but not my legs!!
Nope. Never have, never will. I don’t see the point.
No, I don’t shave anything, anywhere. The thought of scraping a steel blade across my soft, furry skin is disgusting to me.
No. It’s never occurred to me to do so.
No. I just noticed that people were doing this within the last couple of years and I’m glad I didn’t see it sooner. I’m sure I would have been self conscious of my arm hair in high school – I was self-conscious of everything else.
I get really tired of shaving my legs as it is, all I need is one more thing. Plus, I think it is kind of weird.
I shave my pits, but nowhere else on the arms.
@YARNLADY Sorry, but I was here just checking to see if my daughter is nuts or not that she shaves here arms. You wrote: No, I don’t shave anything, anywhere. The thought of scraping a steel blade across my soft, furry skin is disgusting to me.
Well, I think not. French women do not appeal to me, especially if their armpit, leg, and arm hair is longer than mine. Just my opinion.
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