General Question

john65pennington's avatar

Would a cellphone number phonebook be practical?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) December 3rd, 2010

Question: Since most companies have stopped the production of landline phonebooks, would a printed cellphone directory be practical to replace it? We have free 411, but it’s not the best source of telephone information and it’s difficult to use. Please tell why or why not and your opinion.

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9 Answers

BoBo1946's avatar

Excellent idea John! People could make their own decisions about privacy issues. I’m for it…

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iamthemob's avatar

I don’t think so – phone books are generally ordered regionally. Since people often keep their phone numbers now when they move…I don’t think that it would be administratively efficient to keep updated.

The internet…maybe.

As long as it’s all voluntary.

Provlear's avatar

I dunno who’d go for it. As you point out, landline phone books are going out of practice, even the Yellow Pages. They simply don’t keep up to date with rapidly changing information as well as the internet does. Even 411 has been mostly replaced with a smartphone’s ability to search the internet.

And that’s not even taking into account the privacy issues.

BoBo1946's avatar

@Provlear understood…but, each person could make their own call about the privacy issue.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

The important questions to answer first are:

1. Who’s going to pay to compile, update, check and publish the thing?
2. Who’s going to buy it, and how much will they pay? (And how many of them will pay?)

Until you can answer those questions with some pretty good answers, it’ll just be put into the pile of “fine ideas that will never be implemented”.

truecomedian's avatar

I believe the FBI or CIA already have this. Landline phonebooks were possible because of how landlines are set up. You got area codes, cities, houses, to attach these numbers to. With cellphones you dont have that. How would you find someones cell number, even if you had their area code it would still be impossible, right? Not sure.

Mamradpivo's avatar

I’m not really interested in having my cellphone listed anywhere. It’s my only phone and an out-of-area number, but I’ve never had trouble with people being able to find me when they need to.

But I’m also not interested in phonebooks either. I have one white pages in my home so I can reference the public services section in the front. The rest go right into the recycling bin as soon as they show up on my doorstep. I’ve never felt the need to look up an individual in a phonebook that I couldn’t find on my own. Maybe that’s just me.

cowzsaysmoo's avatar

Jon I think you have an excellent idea. I mean 411 is difficult and confusing. Although some people wouldn’t want their cell phones listed in a phonebook. Maybe you could talk about it with some others and almost have a poll. Like would you rather have this or that. Do it with a couple people and see what happens. Majority rule. But I definitly thin it would help people. I would use it if there was one. It is always hard to remember someones cell #, so I hope you contiinue your idea. :D Good luck :)

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