Here’s the thing about these most recent cables that were leaked: as far as the effect on individuals around the world from the contents of these documents, there’s very little contained within these documents that couldn’t be easily inferred from a basic understanding of the geopolitics of the day.
In fact, the leaked documents are being so heavily discussed because the media have nothing better to talk about – in actual controversy terms there’s not a whole lot going on here. A whole bunch of individual people’s opinions is not the kind of leak that has to be leaked. There’s nothing here that changes anything, no big secrets that need uncovering.
I’m fully in support of freedom of information, but there’s two things to consider here:
1. Wikileaks don’t have obligation to leak everything. If Assange and whoever else want to paint a certain picture they are able to.
2. If these leaks continue governments will still always have secrets. That’s how it works, because that’s how every individual behaves (we all lie, a lot, but often it’s for other people’s happiness: ‘Do I look fat in…’). They will just find another, more difficult way, for people to uncover the consequential ones.
I think that if Assange and his friends want to play spies they’re more than entitled to. But people acting all dignified in protecting Wikileaks for what it does need to remember that Wikileaks is hardly performing a valuable service in leaking documents that don’t actually have a whole deal of content. People just want something to complain about. The more Wikileaks produces content that doesn’t have a “terrible secret”, the more diluted their message will be when they actually do uncover something serious.
And really the “video of the journalists being gleefully strafed by American hot headed nut job helicopter pilots”? If you bother to watch the full video (unedited by Wikileaks) you will see how different the actual situation was. Most people who have seen the true video agree that Wikileaks’ analysis of that video was very poor and the release 100% politically motivated
This is my gripe. 100% independent transparency would be a great thing to have. But it’s impractical because people don’t always get along. People supporting wikileaks should also never deal with people they don’t like in a friendly manner, because that’s essentially what these leaked cables are about. But even then, Wikileaks is not some independent leaker – there’s a clear anti-US and anti-government sentiment from the leaks, which is fine except for the fact that Wikileaks controls what you see and don’t see. Don’t be fooled into thinking this is anything more than the mainstream media or the government themselves, in fact in many ways… it’s worse.
Don’t rely on Wikileaks any more than you rely on your government or your media. When you want answers, start digging. If everyone did this governments would already be more open.