Social Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

How can I stop getting updates from someone on Facebook?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43881points) December 3rd, 2010

I made a big mistake. I figured it was the 21st century and I should probably get a Facebook page. I friended a few people and occasionally contact them through Facebook. Then, they sent me friends and you know how it goes. The problem is one person uses it like twitter and I get all kinds of junk about what she bought, what she likes, where she eats… It’s ridiculous! We’re adults not kids! Is there a way to stop getting this crap without her knowing? I don’t want to defriend her. But I don’t want to hear about her daughter’s friend’s latest shopping trip.
I have spent an inordinate amount of time looking over the privacy settings and just don’t see the magic “No Update messages from XYZ” button. Am I missing something?

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7 Answers

Seaofclouds's avatar

Hover over one of her recent posts on your main homepage, a ‘x’ should appear in the upper right corner of her post. When you click that x, it will give you a few options, one option will say “hide this post” and one will say “hide all posts from this person”. Click that and you shouldn’t get anymore of her posts.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Seaofclouds is correct, and the person will have no idea that you’ve done this. It will just block their updates from your news feed and they will be none the wiser.

LuckyGuy's avatar

That’s GREAT! It worked!. Poof! Off the page. And she won’t know! Muhahha! GA!
I was getting at least 8 messages a day from an old girlfriend’s sister! What the ? I dated her sister 25+ years ago and we obviously split up amicably. An update once a year to tell me how her mom is doing is probably enough. Not daily crap. Jeez!

Clearly some people are not mature enough to have a computer.

beaaach's avatar

Just tell the truth. Do you really want to be friends with her? You will be doing her a favor by telling her that you get so many emails you don’t have time to keep up, so if she doesn’t mind…..bye bye.

You are probably not the only one that feels this way. It’s not like you are assaulting her with a semi automatic weapon…she will survive.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Here’s a typical post from yesterday (Slightly modified to protect the innocent)

“Heard Kaitlin say something I never thought I’d hear: “Can I have some Brussels sprouts, please?” What a difference sauteing them in extra virgin olive oil can make!
Yesterday at 11:45am · Like Unlike · Comment
4 people like this.”

I mean, Really??? I dare not click to see who the 4 people who like it are.
I can understand the need if she was 13 but she’s closer to 50 than 13! Anyway, it’s fixed now. I assume if she wants to reach me, she can.

chyna's avatar

It’s disturbing that 4 people “liked” what she posted.

LuckyGuy's avatar

That’s what I’m thinking. I must be missing something.
I thought twitter was for brain farts like that. (I’m referring to the comments, not the people!)

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