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ChocolateReigns's avatar

My hair doesn't curl at all. I'm alright with this. I'm just curious, though - would it straighten?

Asked by ChocolateReigns (5624points) December 4th, 2010

My hair is really thick, and healthy. I’ve heard that the more healthy you are, the harder it’ll be for your hair to curl. Well, I’m alright with no curly hair. I’m not sure I would like curly hair. But I’m curious – would it straighten? It has just enough wave that straightening it would show. But I would think that since it doesn’t curl (and, believe me, I’ve tried everything), would it straighten?

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9 Answers

Soubresaut's avatar

I’m not entirely sure, but since my hair’s stubbornly straight I can relate with the no-curling.
My guess would be that straightening hair is easier than curling, since with curling it’s gravity weighing down the curls that causes them. I know a girl with the most stubborn, crazy and thick curls in the world, she got her hair straight.
Best way to find out is to try! : ]

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awacting's avatar

I don’t know. Try it!

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

Like @noelleptc said, you just need to do it in small sections and layers. I have thick hair too; it takes forever, but it’ll straighten!

ChocolateReigns's avatar

@noelleptc Please tell how you curl your hair!

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ChocolateReigns's avatar

@noelleptc I need to try this!! I want to see what I would look like with curly hair now that I have shorter hair. Up until this summer, I had pretty long hair. But I took the leap and got it cut to just below my shoulders. I really want to see how it’d look. Thanks!!

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ChocolateReigns's avatar

@noelleptc It’s about 2 inches below my shoulders, so not short short, but it’s shorter than I’ve ever had. I LOVE it! I have a thing with playing around with hair styles in real life, though. I’m always terrified I’m going to hate it and have to go places with it! But I’m going to try the curls tomorrow, I think.

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