Does anyone use Twitter?
I only just created an account today… Any interesting accounts to recommend for me to follow?
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19 Answers
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Yeah, I’m now following 25, I think about 20 of them are bands :)
What are you interested in getting from it? Serious news? Quirky news? Jokes? Updates on bands or products? Silliness?
Um, I think mostly band updates. But I only have two followers, and none of my friends have twitter so I feel like it’s just a waste anyway :S
@scantilyclad Well, if you’re looking to get info, then it can be great. But if you’re looking to put out info… I can’t help you. I only put out info to one friend who doesn’t have texting (it’s a whole “thing”...). But I follow my school for snow days, several comedians and joke sites, and a couple news organizations.
Yeah, I was hoping for both, but I’ll have to keep working to get more followers. Thanks for your help :)
@scantilyclad Sure thing. And followers happen over time. If you’re looking to have strangers follow you, put out awesome stuff. If you’re looking to make twitter friends, there are ways to do that (Amanda Palmer started Losers of Friday Night On Their Computers, or #LOFNOTC, and it’s basically a great way to meet other Amanda Palmer fans, so something like that). Friends… you might be able to convince a couple to join, but you can also use it to get to know new friends without spending scary time around them (I live in constant fear that people I meet will turn out to be ax murderers and spending time around them before ruling out that possibility is dangerous).
That’s a really good idea! I’ll give that a go. Thanks a lot, much appreciated!
I follow financial news/stock market reports, and a few radio stations.
I use it to follow video game and horror movie news, but beyond that, I’ve no desire to let people know how bad my day was or that I need to go take a shit.
Yes. @randomassradio.
i use it like once a month. woooo twitter nation . . .
I have it on good authority that many, many people use twitter. Personally, I have no idea.
I use it rarely. I follow Owl City. His post can a bit annoying from time to time though.
Use the topics in which you are most interested as terms in Twitter search. You will find fascinating and famous people who tweet about it.
If you want to be a Twitter user who’s followed by other people, follow TheOatmeal’s advice:
I use it at work as a marketing tool (@wilsonfarm). We have a small but dedicated following. It’s a great tool.
Personally, I don’t use it however.
Yep, I mostly follow famous people that interest me seeing as a large majority of my friends don’t use Twitter. In fact, I think I originally joined with the sole purpose of following Stephen Fry!
@Leanne1986 I love his Twitter feed. John Cleese’s is another good one.
I do. I follow a lot of news, politics, writing people. Lots of journos and the like. I love Twitter and it’s a good source in relation to my work. It is also good during times of trouble, such as the floods we recently went through. I don’t tweet much though. As you can all tell, I am a shy retiring type.
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