What can I get a Star Wars fan for Christmas?
My bf is a huggggeeee Star Wars fan and I’ve never seen more than 10 minutes of any of the movies. I am actually interested in watching them because in some way we can bond over watching all 289023849898 movies. He doesn’t actually own any of the movies but has seen them more times than we see the sun in a year. So my problem is that I have no idea what order the movies go in/if some are better to get than others/if this is even a good idea. I need help from Star Wars fans because I’d actually like to watch them and understand them but trying to figure this out is kinda like trying to read Chinese. Also is there something else maybe I can get him? We’ve been dating for a while but anytime a holiday/birthday comes around we enjoy doing things together more than gift buying which is why I figured getting and watching the movies would be fun.
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40 Answers
Who’s his favorite character? You can get him an action figure of that person.
Okay. He doesn’t own the movies.. start there.
True Star Wars fans know that the movies should be watched in the order they were released.. so start with the originals… so 4, 5, 6. A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.
The prequels come next in 1, 2, 3 order. The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith.
If you get him the movies, then that’ll definitely give you a chance to watch the movies together. You can learn about the universe and cuddle. Trust me, there’s nothing better.
They are currently out in DVD box sets of 3 Originals/prequels… but the Blu Ray set is being released next year. With additional deleted scenes and more footage, etc.
The box sets that are out now have the theatrical versions of the movies as a second disk. I recommend watching those if you’re truly interested in learning with him, instead of for him. If that makes sense.
So.. you can either get the ones that are out now, or tell him that you’ll get him the Blu Ray set when they come out. Which is what I would do. Edit: IF the theatrical versions do, in fact, make it into the set.
Now.. if you’re still wanting something more, there are approximately 445246543643645623 ideas that I have.. but it depends on if he’s into books, action figures, certain characters.. etc.. So.. what does he actually love about Star Wars?
Edit: I’ll be adding on to this probably all night. I need some inspiration myself… but for the Star Wars fan who already has everything.
Buy all six and watch ‘em with him. Try to get the pre-Special Edition films for IV-VI. It’s tough, but dangit, Han shot first.
If you find yourself overburdened with cash, look into getting a replica. If not, Barnes & Noble has this really neat book of Star Wars art prints for about $40.00.
If you ever need to break up with him, soften the blow by watching the Star Wars Holiday Special together first.
Ok, depending on your budget, either get him the box set of the original trilogy or the original.
All you have to do is watch the original with him. As someone who’s wanted many a family member to watch it with her, trust me: I get that asking you to watch all 6 or even all 3 is asking too much. All I want is for you to take enough of an interest in my life to spare 90 stinking minutes of your life to learn about mine, as I would for a movie you like.
@Nullo Because then he’ll be happy, and thus less crushed, or because your breakup will seem small in comparison to the failure that is the Holiday Special?
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@rangerr thank you for breaking it down like that!!! I knew that it was out of order but I didn’t know what that meant and titles + #‘s is exactly the info I need (seeing as how I’m completely Star Wars illiterate). I don’t think he’s really into the action figure thing but he does like to read. He’s basically just a big sci-fi kinda person. He also loves Jurassic Park (I just bought the first one) and Lord of the Rings (which I REFUSE to watch. That one’s a bit much for me)
@rangerr you got the viewing order wrong.
First, episodes 4 and 5 (star wars and the empire strikes back). That maintains the surprise of Lukes parentage.
Then, episodes 1 and 2 (Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones).
Then the Clone Wars movie, then the TV episodes.
Then, episode 3 (Revenge of the Sith).
Finally, episode 6 (Return of the Jedi). Han’s suspension in Carbonite is held. Lukes sensing good in his father makes more sense, and the Emperor’s failure is complete.
If he is a true fanboy, get him the Star Wars Encyclopedia. Lots of cool stuff in there.
@sevenfourteen Anytime. If you need anything else broken down and explained once you start watching them, shoot me a PM. It might get into a long explanation, but it’s what I do best.
Do you think he’d be interested in any of the Star Wars novels? The Extended Universe novels, comics, etc.. basically everything Star Wars that wasn’t explained in the movies is fantastic.
Would he be into comics? I can hook you up with those. I’m all for introducing new fans to the universe. Just let me know!
@Nullo mentioned the art book. There are a few of them (I recommend most of them for any fan), plus The Making of Empire Strikes Back is a fairly new book that I am completely in love with.
We have a huge amount of star wars shit at my work. Hit me up and I’ll hook you up. but, yeah, start with the movies first.
And, if you don’t watch LOTR, we can no longer be friends. Just sayin’.~
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@sevenfourteen You’re right. Everyone has their own preferred order of watching the movies. I’m beyond happy that you realize that.
(Basically.. nothing @filmfann said made sense for people watching the movies for the first time to me or my coworkers. If you’re going for the movie-watching-order that’s the most accepted by fans (and those who are introducing people to the saga for the first time) and the actors! With the exception of one, but that’s because he likes watching the movie he was in first.. is release date order.)
Edit: Wow. I just negated myself. Lets try that again.
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Lucas wants the order to be 1,2,3,4,5,6. It’s better to have the slow reveal of the 4th movie first.
I am sure everyone has their own order. My grandson is 4 years old, and when he is a little older, I will show him the films in the order I suggest. It’s too hard to find someone in their teens who hasn’t seen some of this before.
@filmfann Yeah, well, Lucas is also the one who created 1,2, and 3.
Thing is I had to wait 3 years between seeing Empire and Return. 3 years wondering if Han got out of the Carbonite. 3 years wondering about the parentage issue. That suspense is better maintained with the background material.
@filmfann But Phantom Menace tells us about the parental issues, as well as Attack and Revenge. You may be making him wait, but the suspense dies.
Oddly, I ran into my co-worker yesterday at Hallmark who was there with his son who is the 4th biggest Star Wars fan ever and he was there to get the latest Star Wars Christmas ornaments. This kid has every Star Wars Do-dad and all he could think about was that one new ornament he didn’t yet have!
Here is a discussion on the viewing order. I am adding my comments to this.
Does your BF usually play video games? If he has an xbox 360 or PS3 then you should probably get “The Force Unleashed 2” for him, which is the most recent Star Wars video game out right now. There’s other Star Wars games I can also recommend, depending on the console/system.
@Michael_Huntington I’ve always been partial to Star Wars Battlefront as far as Star Wars games go. An oldie, but I don’t really think any of the newer games have come close to Battlefront yet.
@Michael_Huntington no he doesn’t play video games (thank goodness for me) mostly just loves to watch movies or read.
@sevenfourteen Ask him if he would be interested in some of the SW novels, then!
Going with @rangerr‘s book suggestion, I nominate The Thrawn Trilogy. In nice hardback, if you can, because if he’s truly a hardcore fan, he’ll have read all of the good stuff already.
@papayalily From what I’ve gathered (I dare not expose myself directly), anything will seem unimportant in the face of such utter failure. Some, I expect, might consider the very presentation to be grounds for ending the relationship.
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If he has the movies (which he SHOULD being a huge SW fan and all) get him something out of the ordinary. This site is good for that: Star Wars
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Star wars Force Unleashed 2 ? :)
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