I’m often intrigued by the point that awareness and reason are what separates us, as opposed to all other animals that live on instinct. However, I’m of the mind that these special traits we have are vital tools of our own instinct.
Especially emotions, which I see as nothing but drive for survival, and that seem to drive our very history; fear, love, ambition, shame. Our evolution seems to decree that our survival be transcended to a different level through adaptation to our own evolution with societal factors like fashion, technology, wealth or religion. Intelligence and awareness, I believe, exist merely to compensate for a lack of claws, fangs, tough skin or scales, wings, poison, speed, you name it.
But who says ants don’t have a god? Are you able to make an ant understand that you’re superior to it? No. It will never understand you. You can kill it yes, we can kill everything.
But that makes us merely the strongest, the top of the food chain. That doesn’t really make us superior, because we don’t really understand anything, much less about animals than even ourselves. In fact, that we’re even part of this food chain only goes to show how not different we are; we’re still a part of what makes everything in nature exist; we’re just the ones who happen to be on top. Big deal, we’ll fall one day, just as the dinosaurs have.
And I think they were even more retarded than we are.
I mean, if we were really all that smart and superior, people wouldn’t claim Megalodon sightings. And if there are any left, I’m sure we never saw them.
Yeah my post completely blows, I’m trying to say that we barely know a thing about what lives with us, so we can’t really claim to be superior or different when we don’t understand. I mean animals have societies too, they communicate with one another, and no animal can communicate with one that isn’t its sort beyond seeing it as a threat or as food, just like we do with animals, and just like we can’t communicate with any of them beyond forcing them to submit to us. And as the male moose engages in combat with another male to win a female, so to we, have adopted superficiality in bars and high school to procreate, or better yet, have created this thing called marriage which owes its roots to oppression and status as a means of preservation. (Praying Mantis lawlz.)
I don’t think our behaviour is much different than animals when it comes to existing merely to keep existing. It just has a different form, but it leads to the same goal.