Why don't we say screw it and chuck the whole frigging world?
I’m tired of being an adult and just want to throw up my hands and quit being an adult. I think the anarchists are on to something. Want to join with me? What kind of world do you think we’ll end up with?
My dark humor coming out.
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61 Answers
No I would not join with you. This world is in a state of change and it is almost time for it to receive its progression and to have it altered. We will end up with a new world of peace, love and advancement. It is inevitable and will soon take place.
@Summum I want to know what fucking rose garden you live in?
The Reality Garden of Life.
I won’t do it now because Macy’s has some great sales going on! Maybe some time in March…. ;)
Okay, Now I’m having a good day. :)
I’m with @lucillelucillelucille on this. March is a great time to chuck the world, as a general rule. Unless we get a warm day in the first week or so, in which case I automatically have hope for another year.
@Summum Seriously? Of all the times of social upheaval and change in the past, none of them has resulted in lasting peace and love (some have resulted in relative peace, which is normally less war but not neighbors singing together). But this time it’s gonna happen? Despite how much humans suck right now?
You know what happened right after the end of It’s a Wonderful Life? Jimmy Stewart stubbed his toe, proceeded to yell at some people, and things went right back to the way before his trippy dream thingy.
@Adirondackwannabe everyone feels that way occasionally! I just wait for it too pass and it usually does my friend. Besides, “the sun doesn’t shine on the same dog’s ass everyday!” When it evenually shines on my ass, hope it blisters the Hell out of the SOB!
@BoBo1946 LMAO. How can I be in a dark mood with you guys around. And another good one incoming. :)
Are you kidding?? Obama just gave us all the big tax cuts we have been begging for and I just to figure out how to spend all this new found money!! Cancun?? Big Screen?? New Car?? New Meatloaf pan??
Yes! A new meatloaf pan! To plant my herb garden, because I sure can’t afford meat.
@Adirondackwannabe my college roommate once said, “you have one problem, you give a sh*t !” loll That made an impression on me. Bottomline, just let it go…. ain’t going do any good to worry. It ain’t going to change. So, WTF!
@BoBo1946 lol. Plus we have some new meatloaf pans floating around for lucille to work with.
@Adirondackwannabe that girl always has my vote. She is the one of the all-time good ones! Plus, she is real good with those one liners. even if some object..not saying who, of course!
Hey, I’m finally getting over my cold and feeling better. Can we postpone the world-chucking and anarchy til after I’ve had a chance to enjoy feeling good for awhile? Huh? Please?
I see the world through optimistic eyes. I’m not sure the world can ever be the way @Summum describes but I commend them on being open to the idea. Sorry to rain on your cynical parade but my heart is warm, welcoming and looking forward to the bright future.
A global hissy fit! Imagine if everyone stamped their feet in a petulant rage, all at once. My what a din….would rock the world though :¬)
@ucme i’ve got a “mighty big foot!”
Meatcake for everyone! Oh happy day! ;)
@free_fallin I will say one more thing. Just watch and you will see that it will be that way in time.
It’s a love/hate relationship. I just want to live to see how much progress occurs within society. Just a curiosity to know how far we are able to pull our heads out of our asses.
@BoBo1946 No, say it ain’t so! Just me jokingly admiring your mighty appendage! explaining away a funny…time to walk away :¬(
It does all depend on one’s outlook you know…;)
everybody sing! XD
@JilltheTooth Screw it, lets all of us get a room. My cynicism touched a nerve today or what?
@JilltheTooth Babydoll, don’t worry that pretty little head of your’s. I’m only dance with girls!!!!!!
@Adirondackwannabe hey, that question was a spark to allow us to vent our frustrations…we ALL got em!!!!!!
better to vent with the fingers!!! i’m referring to typing…..lol
Somehow, this conversation got off track… thank goodness for social!
Ahem…deep macho voice. I hit with a straight bat…arrow straight, just sayin :¬)
@ucme : How do you know the bat is straight? Maybe he’s just not out of the closet!
@JilltheTooth Unlike Bill Clinton, my bat is ramrod straight! Oops, more tea vicar :¬)
I would like a half-tab of whatever drug @free_fallin is on.
@Adirondackwannabe here is a good joke…. going to see who figures this one out first. This is a thinking joke.
A farmer had 3 beautiful daughters who were getting ready to go out on dates. The first beau came to the door and said, ’‘I’m Eddie, I’m here to pick up Betty. We’re going for spaghetti, is she ready?’’
“No,” the farmer said.
The second beau came to the door and said, ’‘I’m Joe, I’m here to pick up Flo to take her to the show. Is she ready to go?’’
The third beau came to the door and said to the farmer. ’‘Hello, my name is Chuck.’’
The farmer shot Chuck.
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@ucme Methinks the lady gentleman doth protest too much. ~ ;-) (Have I made it clear that I’m joking, darling? I’m sure that you only hit for the AC team!)
@noelleptc First time I ever wanted to be a caveman. :)
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I work way to hard to acquire things I don’t need and debt I don’t want. I’m with you. ;-)
@Trillian I love you & I want your babies XD Now which way should you take that….I wonder.
@ucme I’m assuming that you think they’d taste good on toast. (You Brits eat the oddest things…) :-P
@Trillian How very dare you! I dip my toasted soldiers in my chucky egg of a morning, if you must pry XD Oh & i’m an Englishman not a spits on floor Brit :¬P
Oh crap, not today please? I’m trying to talk my husband into giving me another warm, snuggly baby! If he refuses, I’ll help you blow it all to hell tomorrow.
@Adirondackwannabe Oh hehe, it’s not a problem of getting laid. It’s that I want to get laid without protection so I can get me another little girl!! ;)
@BoBo1946 Have you seen the skit on Benny Hill that’s from?
It’s a long time ago, but Benny and his cohorts were in some kind of labor dispute and the boss didn’t want any extra workers hired. Benny was trying to get him to put more men on the job. At the end the boss announces he has to go because he and the missus were trying to have children. Benny said put more men on the job.
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