Social Question

Ladies, how would you feel if a random woman told you you were beautiful?
I know you guys already think I’m weird and I think this may make you think I’m really weird, but I have this compulsion to compliment people, because I like to think it might make them feel good. I don’t believe in false flattery, so when I compliment, I’m spurred because the person has something I genuinely admire. What I compliment varies and is something I sincerely like, like an item of clothing or their hair. Sometimes, though, I see a beautiful woman and I really, really want to tell her, but I’m afraid I’ll come off as a huge weirdo. Or it’ll creep her out. What I’m going for would be to make her feel good, not to freak or to weird her out.
The reason I want to so much is because, as a woman, I know that many of us wander around with insecurities. I know a lot of women, even if they’re beautiful, don’t think so. So my thinking is that I want to do a small deed to make a stranger feel good, maybe brighten their day, as that sort of compliment tends to.
I’m tomboyish, pretty normal-looking, kind of unassuming, and I must generally look like a nice person because random strangers approach me all the time to ask me things. I mention this because if I looked like this, your answer would probably be different.
So, I’m wondering if a fairly normal-looking woman approached you and gave you a brief, genuine compliment like, “I just wanted to tell you that I find you to be very beautiful”, smiled, and then let you be, what would you feel? Is that creepy or would that make you feel good?