Has your debating or opinion ever caused someone to deFluther you?
Have you ever debated another Flutheronian so tough that they deFluthered you? And if you happen to know they did what was the topic that cause them to drop you like a sack of dirty baby diapers? I can say there are some whom I always seem to run afoul with but 15% of the time we do agree on something so, I have never deFuthered anyone. Sometimes those who debate the most passionate and I think you know who you are gives me greater insight. If you discovered you were deFluthered would you take it personally?
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46 Answers
I think so.
But, another thing to keep in mind is that when someone cancels their account, it will appear that they dropped you..but it’s simply that their account no longer exists.
I walk away. It’s not worth it. No one wins. I’ve no idea if someone delete me. If they do, wish them well.
I wouldn’t know. I don’t check “My Fluther” anymore, but I imagine it must have happened once or twice.
Nothing like a good deFluthering after a vigorous Fluthering.
I don’t think so. Though I’m certain I’ve been hated unfollowed due to mod stuff.
I don’t know. How would I know?
I don“t know. I don’t pay that close attention.
I don’t know. I don’t concentrate on that.
The only way I would know is if I stalked everyone who has me in their fluther just to make sure I’m still there. If it has happened, oh well.
Gee, I don’t know! Honestly, I am not so tied up in the debates with anyone (nor am I here often enough or in every thread) to get myself in a rumble.
I’ve had some great debates with jellys, but with respect and honesty, so I’ve never driven anyone to defluther that I’m aware of.
I have no idea, but I really wouldn’t be surprised. I’m pretty bitchy outspoken bitchy outspoken bitchy opinionated.
@Adirondackwannabe Well… I guess you may have a different perception love, but I can admit these things about myself, LOL. I have a lot of bad days due to my “illness”, so I have a lot of impatient, cranky days.
@WillWorkForChocolate I’ve enjoyed going at it with you. Always speak your mind when you debating with me. I like it. :)
@Adirondackwannabe Oh… well in that case, let me just tell you that you are one of the biggest…... darlings I know on here!
Must be something in air today…. I’ve attacked by the debate crowd all morning. I don’t like debate. Why go there…never a winner. Just a lot of wasted finger power. loll Carpal tunnel etc…
I don’t know. I can think of one or two people that I have really disagreed with a few times on here, but if they were following me and then stopped, I have no clue. I don’t pay attention to that.
I’m not sure that I would notice. I don’t pay attention to who is following me, so I’m not sure that I would know if someone left. It’s possible.
@BoBo1946 I didn’t realise there was actually a “debate crowd.” Now you have me thinking about who all falls into that category. :)
@chyna I was thinking the same thing, but was too chicken to say it lol.
@Bobo1946 if you’re referring to the thread where you talked about how to treat a lady, no one was arguing with you, we were trying to point out that you typed it as “threat”, not “treat”. Threat as in “I’m gonna threaten you with my knife if you don’t hand over those jewels, lady”.
I have no idea since I don’t pay much attention to it and I wouldn’t care if it happened. If my opinions are too much for someone then I doubt they ever mattered much to me to begin with or had anything worthwhile to add to my life.
oh..thanks! not a good morning! I’m off my game today!
It wouldn’t surprise me but as others have said, I don’t check. I remember I did defluther one of my fluther friends after reading a thread where their words made me see them in a whole new light and I really didn’t want them as part of my fluther anymore.
I really have no idea who’s in there or not…well maybe a core half dozen or so. Consequently I wouldn’t notice, much less care if someone chose to hit the eject switch. Their decision entirely, whatever makes em happy.
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I don’t even notice these things.
Don’t know, don’t care.
Then again, it’s not like I debate all that much. Trying to change the opinions of strangers on the Internet is not exactly a hobby of mine.
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How would one know? Can one be defluthered from both ends? People quit your fluther or drop you from theirs?
I wouldn’t notice unless I was scanning through my fluther to see if so-an-so had asked any good questions lately, and then notice Zen is gone again, so I look up who he is now and add him again.
@FlutherPeeHole one helluva name, and who did you used to be?
Not to my knowledge, but I did deFluther someone on my old account because they pissed me off so much.
Fortuntely ahh keep my fluthers numbuhed, for just such an emergency!
I don’t think I’d notice.
Since “a fluther” is about as useful as an appendix, I don’t know what it’s looking like, truly, or what it looked like at any point in the past. It’s not that I’ve never looked, or won’t look, because after this question I will look some time, but the changes don’t register for more than a moment.
PS: Just “annoyed with”, @augustlan. At worst. And even then not for long.
No that that I know of. If I’ve been defluthered for any reason I haven’t noticed. I will occasionally add someone to my fluther after we’ve gotten into here just because doing that is a way, at least for me, of saying “no hard feelings. (?)”
The only reason I have defluthered people is because they are no longer active. Sometimes, when I have answered all the questions I am interested in, I go to my list and click on various users. Any who haven’t had any activity for 6 months are deleted.
I wouldn’t know if any have deleted me, since I don’t pay that much attention.
I think I saw my # of flutherees godown once, but I just attributed to the complexities of Zen—if others rejected me, I’d love to know why. I am not a major debater—just one for the pithy in-and-out and an occasional follow-up.
The only person/jelly I ever fought with [besides @dpworkin—and that was fun on both sides] was i forget but it was about copyrights and photography. The exchanges included a few “eat your shorts” but I don’ remember who it was or if I had added him to my fluther. so I fuggeddaboutit.
No, you’re wrong. I think it is a hobby of yours.
@Ivan Eh, maybe, who knows.
I wouldn’t know if they did, I haven’t memorised my list. But I sincerely doubt that my debating style (which comprises mainly “avoid debate at all costs”) would be the cause of being de-fluthered.
No but I try to be very careful with who I would add to my Fluther to begin with. I don’t expect someone to agree with me on every issue but it’s their posts and whether they were respectful with their responses or not. If there are too many differences even if someone adds me first I may leave it go for a little while before I add them myself. There are some people on here that are such polar opposites of me on here that perhaps it’s better to not be in each other’s fluther.
There is a difference between discussing an opposing viewpoint in a respectful manner and outright arrogance. There are a few people on here that even if they added me to their fluther I would erase myself from that list because they’ve been consistently nasty to me through posts and even pm’s.
It’s not like I ever expect to personally meet anybody on here so in the end it’s not a big thing to me anyway. I really joined this site to discuss issues relating to the universe and philosophy because I can’t discuss these topics with all of the rednecks who live around me. Occasionally I find it irresistable to avoid other less serious topics. I’ve learnt to be more aware of my spelling and punctuation as well since being on here.
I try to look at this site as a break from my normal reality through my daily routine and to not to replace my reality with this website.
If I knew the meaning of deFluther I could probably answer this question. maybe I should look it up?!
@Junfan the OP means to have someone stop “following” you on Fluther as a result of a debate you’ve been involved with here.
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