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Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

Does the airforce active duty accept adult high school diplomas?

Asked by Lothloriengaladriel (1560points) December 8th, 2010 from iPhone

I dont believe its the same as a ged because there was a ged program, It’s from the county school board but called an adult high school diploma from the actual adult high
School because He had to complete 8 credits that He was missing to graduate high school that He completed at an adult high school, this is for my brother, he is 19 years old. Will the airforce active duty accept this? Or would this be tier 2?

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6 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

I don’t think it matters what type it is, you just need some form of document that shows you graduated from 12th grade.

marinelife's avatar

“Education. Generally speaking, you must be a high school graduate to enlist in the Air Force. Unlike other services, the Air Force usually accepts only individuals with a high school diploma or adult education diploma. They do accept an extremely small number of individuals with a GED or equivalent. Those individuals must have exceptionally high scores on the AFQT.”

Military Plain Facts

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

I know he is able to join reserves with a GED but he would need 15 college credits to get into active duty, during reserves he could complete the credits but do you know how long he would need to be in the reserves to switch to active?

marinelife's avatar

@Lothloriengaladriel He can be accepted with the adult education diploma. Se above.

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

I called the adult school and she told me you receive the same “diploma” for both the adult high school diploma program and the g.e.d program so I’m not really sure what the difference is..

hnhall32's avatar

I think a high school diploma is just that just like a regular one or a GED.

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