Do you ever wonder when you die, if you'll be truly missed?
By your family and friends?
I have been thinking about this recently, and came to the conclusion that I don’t think I would be. Sure they’d cry for a couple of days, and miss me for a month or two, but I think that they’d get over me pretty fast, and forget that I existed.
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25 Answers
I think about it from time to time. When I think like you do, I know I’m depressed.
I bet you are underestimating your impact on people’s lives. Lots of people would remember you fondly.
Think of innovations that you have made at work.
I still think fondly of a colleague of mine from the 70s who died young. I remember her quirks and fund things we did together.
If I’m dead,it means they didn’t miss. ;)
I figure I’ll be missed by a few for a while; it’s the best I can hope for in that regard, I think. I don’t overmuch worry about it.
I’m dead sure I will be :¬)
No, people will always remember you if you made an impact on their life. How would a mother forget about her dead only son after a few months lol? Having to wonder that is a different issue other than worrying about who will miss you when you die.
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@Aesthetic_Mess listen to @wundayatta I think you are depressed. Please please talk to someone. I know you don’t want to talk to your family, I completely understand, but maybe talk to a counselor. Your questions lately say to me you are depressed, possibly anxiety loaded onto that. Or, maybe at least tell us what is in your mind. If you are not sure why you feel sad, or hopeless, or whatever negative feelings you are experiencing, that is very common too. Many people can not quite put their finger on why they feel sad or isolated. Loneliness is usually a big factor for younger people, teens, early 20’s, feeling on the outside, not included with the crowd, it can be very depressing, you are not alone. Many of us can identify with these feelings. Most people, as they get older find a lot of happiness and joy in life. If I am way off base I apologyze if I offended you in any way, but I just get the feeling you are very sad, and you are pushing away even the people who want to help you, who know you best, and can see you are not happy.
So? Whats wrong with being forgotten?
It’s an ego thing, wanting to go on forever in the minds of others. lol
I could care less about being canonized and certainly do not wish to have anyone be a slave to tending my grave. haha
I plan on cremation.
Your memory and, most importantly, your good deeds, humor, the way you parented your kids, whatever it is that makes you special to others will remain in their hearts.
To wish for ‘eternal’ recognition is trying to control from beyond the grave. lol
Yep, it’s true, dead is dead, and dead does mean gone forever, just like the gazillions of souls before us. I don’t want anybody pining away for me, celebrate the good times and bury your attachments along with my body!
No – I’m sure I will be missed by my family and friends. If you don’t think there are people who will miss you, you should think about getting some help.
I try never to think about it… but quietly I would like to think I would be missed :)
I personally wouldn’t want to be missed sorely by anyone. I’d like to remain in the hearts of my loved ones all the same.
I’m sure there are people in your life would miss you dearly. If I was feeling the way you are, I too would know that depression was setting in.
I’m pretty sure that my wife and kids would miss me for a very long time.
It’s a great time of year to watch that Christmas classic “It’s a Wonderful Life”, where George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) decides he is worth more dead than alive and his guardian angel gives him the opportunity to see how the world would have been had he never been born.
To paraphrase, Clarance (the guardian angel) sums it up by saying something like: Each one of us touches so many lives in so many different ways…
Another great flick is ‘The 5 people you meet in heaven’.
Same premise as IAWL.
John Voight is an old man that thinks his life has been a waste and when he dies during a heroic deed he is walked back through his life and shown the connecting dots.
Excellent little obscure movie!
Just as with most people, there will be those few who will miss me greatly and remember me all of their lives. There will be those who will miss me for awhile, but the cares of life will slowly push the memory of me asside. And there will be those who will shed a tear or two, then go on with their lives and seldom, if ever, think about me.
I will be truly missed, not that I really want to be. I don’t want to be a burden to anyone in death. If I am remembered from time to time and I think I will be, that will be enough. In time I will be truly forgotten.
I think about it all the time. I know my Dad, brother, and friend will miss me. My mom would ball her eyes out just so she doesn’t look bad and might shed a few real tears because she would only have one chore slave left. Everyone else I have no clue or any care about whether or not they’d miss me.
If you really think no one would miss you think about each and every person in your life separately. I’m sure you’ll come up with at least a few people that would truly miss you. :)
One thing you never truly know is the impact you make upon someone’s life. When I was in the hospital going through intense treatments for cancer, I met a young boy who was fighting as well. Not long after we met, he died. His mother gave me some of his little toys and I treasure them. In the grand scheme of things, I knew him for like a second of my life; however, his spirit and courage touched me so greatly that I will never forget him.
People will miss you. They will cry and they will also laugh at fond memories.
Dead or alive, we are all remembered by those whose lives we’ve fondly touched. It’s unfortunate that we aren’t always able to share those memories.
Thanks, @cak. I hope you had a chance to tell his mother some of what you just said here. (If you haven’t yet, it will mean more to her as more time passes, I think… but I still wouldn’t want to guess at ‘the optimal time’ to tell her.)
Sometimes – often – I think that that must be one of the best things to live for : to be a great example and lasting memory for even one person to carry on.
No, I know I will be for at least the current life times. After that not.
@YARNLADY I fondly disagree with you. You are so involved in your grandchildren’s lives that I’d be willing to bet that they will tell their children stories about their beloved grandmother. I never met my father’s parents, but have heard enough stories about them that they are people I feel like I know, and I miss them, if that can be truly said.
@Pied_Pfeffer Thank you for the kind sentiment. I also remembered the household items I have made that will probably get passed down – at least I hope so, like the Christmas Villages of various sizes. Two of my Grandsons have already put in for them, and the quilts I have made for each son and grandson.
@YARNLADY You are more than welcome. The items you mentioned will be cherished. The ones that I still possess are postcards to my grandmother when she was in her teens, as well as letters from her and a grandfather about their lives at the time before I was born. I cry every time I read them, just from the sentiment expressed by people dealing with day-to-day life and sharing it with others who once cared about their well-being.
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