Is it ok to have adult conversations on fluther which is meant for people as young as 13?
Many people feel free to talk about adult matters here on fluther and I was wondering who thinks it’s ok and why.
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21 Answers
I dont see an issue with it as long as its done in a mature way. Its one thing to go off in a cursing spree or flaming someone. Its another to ask about sex or other legit issues. Isnt that the point of this site anyway? To help people find the answers to questions they have in life. Sex and or adult issues are a part of life. Dont you think the quality of this site would drop if we had to censor ourselves?
sorry if that was rambled. Long story short if it doesnt go against the guidelines in anyway who cares?
This is a mature question & answer site, and not a teeny-bopper site! Since you are entering adulthood at thirteen, then yes it’s fine for you to ask about sex, hair, and politics! Flag anything that offends you, and from there it’s up to the moderators. Also, it is not the mods job to make sure your internet experience is Politically Correct, that is your parents job! Maybe, you’re not ready for fluther!
Bulbatron9: who are you refferring to when you say: “you’re”?
@youknowconnor i would imagine he is talking about those offended by the content of the site.
@conner I don’t know you, but I do remember you from the “Bald Kitty” thread. You said that you were in the ninth grade. I think you should evaluate this site thoroughly, as ubs referred to in the guidelines!
And yes, when I said “Maybe, you’re not ready for fluther!” I meant You!
It’s up to parents to monitor their kid’s internet activity.
are you kidding. Parent’s would be lucky if they’re kids were spending time on this site as opposed to some other choices out there.
ebenezer is so right.
If the kids have the internet, Fluther is the least of their worries. Besides, it’s not like some 13 year old American kid is going to see the word ”fuck” and be scarred for life.
By 13, I’d pretty much seen and heard it all. And keep in mind, the internet wasn’t really around then. I turned out just fine.
Bulbatron9: I’m not going to even argue with you anymore because I don’t see any point. I feel like I’m argueing to someone far younger than me that just doesn’t quite understand much yet, but at least tries hard!
I remember growing up as a kid we had our place and adults had theirs. Now it seems like young kids are invovled in everything. I personaly do not think a young child under the age of 16 should have the right to make his/hers own decision to an extent. From there the parents need to completely be incontrol of what their children do or see and gradually put choices in their life to learn from.. Kids today have no respect or concept of adult life at least a good portion of them. ( sorry for being so blunt)
I do strictly monitor my daughter’s Internet usage. She is fourteen. When Fluther first started, I thought it might be a good forum for her if she had a question that needed to be answered. I decided to monitor it for myself before allowing her to view it or join it. I am so glad I did. She will not be allowed to see or use this site, because I find some things on it to be inappropriate for her age.
Before you say it…I know. She may be using foul language and discussing some of these same topics with her friends, but she will not be asking or reading or speaking this way with my approval and in my face.
I disagree that 13 is the beginning of adulthood. If more parents treated their teens like teens instead of adults, maybe we would not have as many problems such as alcohol, teen pregnancy and drug use . I realize that my daughter may think she hates me from time to time, but hopefully she will respect me for it later.
It saddens me that some of the topics and questions are on the seedier side. I am no prude, but, come on! I also would love some of the bad language to go away. Saying bad words words only shows an unflattering side of you.
I hate to break it to you, but I bet there’s alot about your daughter that you would die if you knew. Why not let her learn about the word instead of sheltering her from it? You guys could even talk about all kinds of cool stuff on here. You can get an open minded debate going between you to. Try to stay away from “I’m a mother, therefor I can only take this stance” mentality. You just might grow together as people and learn alot about each other that you didn’t know.
My girlfriend’s little brother (who is 11 now) was always treated with respect and almost like a little adult. No one tried to pull the wool over his eyes on things. He was told about things when they arose with maturity and without bias. And was encouraged to ask any questions, and share his feelings.
He’s one of the sweetest, most caring, smartest, and coolest kids I know. People need to stop and think a little about the damage caused by sheltering and controlling kids. Because the reality is, they’re going to do whatever the hell they want as soon as you’re not there.
My daughter certainly is not sheltered. She is a well behaved, well traveled and well read young lady. I do not try to control her. She can talk to me about anything. If you knew me or her, I think you would be blown away by her independence.
Spargett, how many children do you have. It is my policy to be tolerant of others and how they choose to raise their own children. It is also my right, as a parent, to implement rules which my husband and I feel are in her best interest.
Whatever happened to kids getting to be kids? Whatever happened parental involvement.
I said that I did not know what she did when I was not around. I also said that she would not do it in front of me. I also know all of her friends and their families. I know where she is at and whensge will be home. When she is at home, I am too. You can call me controlling if that is the way you see it. Raising my daughter is not your responsibility, it is mine and my husband’s. We take our responsibility seriously.
I have never claimed to be the best parent. I do try to be the best parent I can. I love my daughter and want only the best for her.
@youknowconnor We talk about adult issues here because the majority of the frequent users are just that, adults. If a post becomes obscene it more that likely gets flagged and removed. There are lots of topics here, and they are not all of an adult nature. You can pretty much tell what will be discussed by what’s included in the question. If I see a question that I may be offended by, I simply move on to the next one. I seriously doubt you will find any x-rated material here that will damage the average 13 year old. Once in awhile someone attempts to post something of that nature, but it gets removed very quickly. But as Kevbo said and mzgator reinforced, parents are the best judge of what is appropriate for their children, and it’s not our job to babysit here. If you take issue with anything you find here, you can always alert the moderators through the contact link.
@scamp I agree and lets not forget that there are times when it’s just all in fun too.
Wow I just assumed most of the people here were 13 or 14. What a shock for me. I may have to read some of the answers.
Reading the answers is kind of the point…
If you have teens, and I do, and you have a computer – then they facebook conversations about – well – anything they fucking feel like anyway. Sheesh.
Fluthers NSFW content is very mild and handled with a great deal of maturity and delicacy compared to other sites. Kudos to our moderators for that. Teens will get on no matter what is done to prevent it. Isn’t it better for them to see mature discussion rather than the unmoderated sludge on other sites?
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