Favorite book for baby?
I am in the process of buying my son’s Christmas gifts and would like to get him a book or two. He is about to turn 4 months. I see that “favorite books for children” has already been asked. However, books for him would need to be for a baby, specifically, up to one year old. I already have many. My favorite of his is “Corduroy” (it was my favorite as a child).
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you!
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18 Answers
Anything with bright colors would be great at that age.
never too young to start a dr suess collection
The Usbourne Touchy Feely range are excellent. Little Miss Meiosis loves holding them, touching them and turning the pages.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar There is a hole on each page where you or the child can stick a finger and pretend it is the caterpillar at work.
Memorable and fun.
Guess Know How Much I Love You? by Sam McBratney and Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman are both very cute ones.
Two other books on bears: The Paddington series by Michael Bond (one of my childhood favourites) and of course every library should have A.A. Milne‘s collection in it: Winnie-The-Pooh, The House at Pooh Corner, Now We Are Six, and When We Were Very Young. The prose may be too much for a baby, but the poetry—such as “Cottleston Pie”—should be perfect (lyrical with a touch of nonsense—my recommended ingredients for children.)
I’ll keep combing through books I have read to see what turns up :) There are some great recommendations in this thread though. It makes me want to raid a bookshop.
Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!
And Pat the Bunny and anything else that has a tactile component. My mother tells me that I’d sit there and pat that damn bunny for FOREVER when I was little. :)
Yummy Yucky and Goodnight Moon, as well as The Very Hungry Caterpillar are excellent as well.
When I’d read my son Yummy Yucky, I’d say the food and he’d say “yummy!” or “yucky!” Except for one part. I’d say, “Mommy’s cookies are…” He’d say, “Yummy!” I’d say, “Mommy’s coffee is…” And instead of yucky, he’d say, “Hot!” I miss having toddlers. :(
I agree with @muppetish I absolutely adore the first two books you mentioned and also “Goodnight Moon”.
Another vote for Goodnight Moon. Also, The Giving Tree is one of my favorites even today.
Thank you all so much! I really appreciate it- I am going to get some of the ones that were mentioned (I would get all but, well, I’m broke).
I already have some and agree, I love them (Goodnight Moon, The Giving Tree, Hungry Caterpillar and Brown Bear Brown Bear).
@MissAusten : that is too cute! I can’t wait for Jack to say cute things! I’m sorry you miss having toddlers but, just think, maybe one day you will have grandbabies (my mom swears it is even better than being a mom).
The Runaway Bunny
My mom used to always read me this book when I was little. I gave my boss a copy at her baby shower, and she cried and said she had this book when she was a baby, too. The Runaway Bunny is too sweet for words.
My grandsons both enjoy a book that has a noisemaker button they push and it makes the sound of a child laughing. If you aren’t annoyed by the repetition of a child laughing for the time they are playing with it (over and over and over and over) that would be a good one. Any book that is interactive with colors and sounds is good.
All their noisy toys are at my house, because I am losing my hearing and so the noises don’t bother me at all.
My Mothers hands.By Paul Cline.
So beautiful.
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