Best Misfits singer?
I have determined that when Michael Graves fromted the horror punk band, The Misfits, they truly became horror punk. Plus they became more apolitical. But, I think Glenn Danzig sounded better and he is the one who created the Misfits. Then there is Jerry Only. I don’t like Only, don’t know anybody who does. This is just an opinion question I wanna talk about.
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29 Answers
Glenn Danzig by a long shot. He embodied the Misfits. Not only did he form the Misfits, but he created the horror-punk genre as well. These other guys are pretenders to the throne if you ask me.
That’s my incredibly opinionated, subjective viewpoint. I’ve been into Danzig-era Misfits since about ‘87.
I would call Jerry Only a pretender on the spot. But, I really like Graves and what he brought to the band. The dude was hardcore, horror punk mixed with politics. The skeleton face paint and his voice. Plus there is his solo band, Graves, which kicks complete ass. Jerry Only has been in the band since its creation but just suxx. I think the only real horror punk band around nowadays is my favorite band, Murderdolls featurinf Joey Jordison and Wednseday 13.
Jerry Only handled vocals at one point for the Misfits? I thought he formed his own band, The Undead. Or was that a different ex-Misfits member?
I’m old, memory has gotten foggy on some of this stuff.
edit: maybe I’m thinking of Bobby Steele…
Nah, Jerry is the bass player and has always been there. He’e the big motherfucker who never wears a shirt.
I recognize no Misfits other than a Danzig fronted one.
Yup, sorry… Danzig FTW.
where the hell was I when this question went up?
haha what everybody says, i knew i’d lose this one but there has to be at least one Graves fan out there.
Fuck danzig. Seriously I dont much care for his singing style and it just sounds so much like other music. Graves on the other hand is awesome and unique. He brings this level of like opera to it, its awesome.
Haha we have a Graves fan ^
I like them all, but Danzig was The Misfits. I like Graves’ stuff (Forbidden Zone is great) and Jerry Only rocked on Project 1950.
Danzig was still the OG, though, even though he’s a notoriously huge douchebag.
I got somethin’ to say… I killed a baby today and it doesn’t matter much to me as long as it’s deaddddddd
Come sweet death…one last caress…..
@uberbatman, doesn’t matter much to me, as long as she’s spread.
I like Danzig’s vocals, but I really like the cleaned-up sound that came along with Michale Graves. He does an acoustic version of “Dig Up Her Bones” which is just so sexy it makes my skin crawl.
Although he does sound a lot like Steven Page (formerly of Barenaked Ladies) sometimes.
Has anyone heard the NOFX cover of “Last Caress”? Awesome.
@Seelix, I prefer the AFI cover of Last Caress myself, but the NOFX one is pretty good. There are literally dozens of covers of that song.
@FutureMemory, yep, I enjoy it too.
Have you heard the My Chemical Romance cover of “Astro Zombies?”
It’s goddamn awful
Metallica covered like three of there songs and butchered them all, they should stick to there own genre (not saying I hate Metallica). AFI did a few and were really good. AFI tho, overall, is a really good band. The singer is great and they have a peacful calming sound to there music. And Last Caress was created to be offensive. All apart of the horror punk genre. You should all listen to the modern day Misfits. A great horror punk band called Murderdolls!
I have to say I’m not a fan of AFI in the slightest. @TrkReznor – you might want to check out Volbeat if you haven’t heard them; I haven’t listened to much but they’ve got a great horrorbilly feel.
@Seelix haha I love horrobilly, i’ll definitely look them up
@TrkReznor, AFI has solidly been my favorite band for the past ten years.
@TrkReznor, lucky you! Despite the fact that I’ve practically grown up with them, I haven’t gotten to see them in concert at all, though I do have a shirt signed by them, plus a few of their rare vinyl albums.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard That stuff I do not have lol. They are really good live tho and I can get really good deals on tickets if anyone is ever interested. :)
@TrkReznor, that would be awesome, should the opportunity arise ;-)
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