What are you ignoring right now?
It could be big or something fairly small. We all tend to ignore things from time to time. Does it save our sanity? Is it just procrastination? Do we really just think we could deal with it better later? Maybe it doesn’t matter enough.
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42 Answers
Christmas shopping and baking
I have gone and wrenched my back, yet again. I just recovered from the last time a month ago, and I did it again. I have got to stop those sudden movements, but it’s hard when caring for two toddlers around a dog. I have to just ignore the pain and do the exercises my doctor ordered. The heat pad really helps a lot.
A basket of socks that needs to be folded. It will continue to be ignored for the rest of the evening. I hate folding socks.
It’s been about 15 minutes and I still haven’t walked over to the toilet about 10 feet away from me.
Writing one of two essays. Tomorrow is another day!
Christmas shopping too, ugh!
I’m attempting to ignore my feelings.
@Fred931 I’m going to laugh if you wet yourself!
@daytonamisticrip Sorry, I just finally stopped ignoring my bladder. I lost the game.
@cak . . . i’ll be your sock folder. i work cheap.
This cold that is trying to ruin my night!!
Picking up my closet. It’s my walk changing room/laundry basket. I’m ashamed of it lately.
Getting a pair of boots refurbished. I’d have to be without them for at least a week. Brrrr….
Going to the bank to take out cash. I’m pissy when I can’t pay for everything online or by phone.
Sanding down my little doggies toenails.
The little whiny problem clients that I’m going to fire in about three weeks.
Exercise.I don’t feel like it.
Studying for my statistics final. Blech.
My feelings for my ex-girlfriend…and just who the heck I’ll side with in Fallout: New Vegas..
@Cruiser—I did the treadmill today and that is it.I can always do weights tomorrow,tomorrow—...
The 50 pages of writing that must be turned in this week.
(My current word count is: 0.)
@absalom what do you have to write about?
@Blondesjon: Only if I get to watch, and that’s with jonsblond’s permission, of course. There is a certain uniform I require. :~)
Politics, I NEVER do that, im a total politics junkie but I am so disgusted right now im sick to my stomach and took a break from having a political opinion today or going out of my way to keep up….I’ve done the bare minimum by checking up on the house/senate actions of the day in synopsis but didn’t invest myself as I usually do
Two essays are on different novels and one is on the artwork of Kara Walker. Two of the essays in particular require a lot of reading, which I’ve been doing slowly due to procrastination, so I’m down to the wire.
The fact that I’m half dressed. I came back from a run and I started to change, but then the phone ran. I look like Stuart (from Mad tv) with a shirt on, socks and gotchies.
@lucillelucillelucille it is best you let those Chaps dry out between strenuous treadmill workouts and deadman squat workouts! Smart choice! ;)
Writing an apology to Simone for acting like an ass. Not ignoring, but procrastinating.
I suppose I’m ignoring that I have to figure out a way to tell my mom that I will not be coming home for Xmas, for the 1st time ever, and I won’t be visiting again until she makes an effort to get to know my partner of 5+ years and gets some therapy for herself. My partner is an angel. Anyone else would have left me when I started getting sick, pretty early in our relationship. I don’t know how to tell her that until she can be civil and not push my buttons on purpose constantly, I can’t go there because its toxic to me and worsens my chronic pain condition. She uses that damn catholic guilt on me and I have a huge guilt complex because of it. I don’t even want to go to the family event because she will be there and I’m not the only one that doesn’t want to see my mom right now. My aunt, my mom’s older sister, invited my partner and I to come to their house for Xmas because she isn’t going to anything either for the same reasons. She’s always been the kind of person who insists everyone else is the problem and that there is a pill for everything, so since she’s on Prozac, she’s fine. No, she’s way worse, like she was the last time she was on it, during the 90’s. She still schwags out, but the Prozac makes her not care at all who she’s yelling at or what she’s saying. This is a really complex and delicate issue…sigh.
My economic outlook. Husband was just laid off. Again.
Im trying to ignore that 2 people are ignoring their need to pee, I hope neither of you have prostates….tsk tsk!
Me too. Got sick 3 years ago and was fired from my job (under 50 people – rules are different). What pisses me off though is I worked there for 6 years, never had one valid complaint and when the HR guy gave the owners the FMLA paperwork to fill out once we were over 50 people, they just shit-canned a few, so they didn’t have to have FMLA. How can I be made a level II in 6 months, get an over 17% raise and then with a management change, everything I did was wrong? I’m sick of asshole managers with a personal chip on their shoulders that comes out at work, which is neither the time nor the place. Take it out on me after work, not at work. I had all the most demanding customers and one of the highest call volumes with resolution. They wouldn’t even take into the consideration their own reports that proved I was a great employee. Almost 3 years now without a job and I’m still sick here and there when I get stressed :(
Physical Christmas shopping. Mouse clicks do the trick and I can avoid the crowds.
@mattbrowne: I lurve online gift shopping, items arrive already packed in good boxes with protective peanutes & films, all I have to do is inspect (maybe) and wrap in pretty papers. There’s a lot of FREE shipping offered this time of year.
Today I’m ignoring my silly guilt for not covering a sick person at work. It’s my day off, I’m sick too, have a 30hr weekend to put in and I’m trying to tell myself it’s okay to stay home and mend.
@augustlan I’m so sorry to hear that. May he have good luck soon.
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