Social Question

ucme's avatar

Aside from your home & workplace, where can you be found most often?

Asked by ucme (50052points) December 10th, 2010

Yeah, a favorite bar or pub. A friends house or maybe the gym or the golf course. Any amount of feasible possibilities really. Which location would you frequent most often, other than the two already stated?

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31 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

Since i am retired, my second location of choice would be in Kentucky.

Summum's avatar

I would be fishing up in the mountains along a stream or up in my cabin during the winter.

AmWiser's avatar

Most definitely at Mom’s house.
Next would be at Bingo!

littlekori's avatar

At a motocross track, either racing, or practicing.
And in the winter, probably up on Mt. Rose snowboarding.(:

downtide's avatar

A bar in town, where I often spend many an afternoon with some writerly buddies, all of us busy tapping away on our laptops. The beer is cheap, the wireless is free and the pizzas are delicious.

erichw1504's avatar

The grocery store.

Coloma's avatar

Import stores.

I always joke that archeologists are going to unearth mass graves of cheesy import stuff like the TJ Maxx realm and think what primitive peeps we were!

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille XD….mushroom left in there for a fun-guy? :¬) I’m sorry, that was dreadfully rude. Don’t know what came over me!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme—If I laugh that will only encourage wackiness—

deni's avatar

probably jamba juice. i am dreadfully obsessed with the Peach Passion.

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I give you permission to giggle like a schoolgirl. More discreet that way see :¬)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Hmm, this is tough – some place from the tango scene here in NYC.

wgallios's avatar

the strip =/ I live in Vegas and I absolutely love going down there.

JustJessica's avatar

as much as I hate to admit it, probably at the casino.

Aster's avatar

Grocery store . How dull.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Probably a toss up between the grocery store and the gymnastics studio.

Scooby's avatar

Tesco :-/

Bluefreedom's avatar

My best friends house, a local coffee shop near my home, both of the zoos in the valley, and the city’s main library downtown.

wundayatta's avatar

My car, probably. Or maybe at the dance studio.

mrlaconic's avatar

You will find me in the nation of Facebook of course! Its a nice place theres 500,000,000 other people that live there. Where else would I be?

bunnygrl's avatar

You know the only places I seem to go to other than home or work (which is a large supermarket so I shop there too lol) are either hospital appointments or doctors appointments, with a twice yearly dental appointment thrown in for fun. Wow how small is my life. I’m depressed now. Off to hug the dog…...

daytonamisticrip's avatar

Almost no where. If I’m not at school then I am at home except the few lucky times I get to go walk my dog at the park or travel threw the woods.

lifeflame's avatar

I spend a lot of my time commuting!!

ChocolateReigns's avatar

In a book or on Facebook. In terms of actual places, though, I think it’d be my friend’s house or my church. I spend a lot of time hanging out with church friends in addition to the normal church activities.

EDIT: Oh, also, the library. I totally forgot about the library! I spend so much time there, that the librarians know me by my name and know what’s going on in our life. They see me walking in from the parking lot and get my books that I have on hold ready because I often drop in while I’m in a hurry. They’re so awesome, they let me check out books without my library card sometimes.

meiosis's avatar

Tragically for me, it’s the M1 (a motorway) either going to and from work, to pick up my eldest daughter or to see my elderly mum.

gondwanalon's avatar

Out jogging (8 to 20 miles) around my neighborhood every morning. Not much can stop me besides a major earthquake or a nuclear attack. Ice, snow, rain or freezing wind will only slow me down a bit.

janedelila's avatar

Walmart. Bar. Grandkids. Home. Work. Life.

YARNLADY's avatar

I do not leave my home for anything unless I absolutely have to. The occasional (once or twice a year) movie or restaurant, the grocery store (once a month or less), and one or two trips to San Diego a year.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Probably my dad’s house. I moved into my own place a year and a half ago and yet, I still often find myself at dad’s, raiding his fridge….

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