General Question

roundsquare's avatar

What determines how much a bullet "tabs in" in MS word?

Asked by roundsquare (5537points) December 10th, 2010

I’m making an outline and so I’m using layered bullets e.g.

> Topic
____* Point 1
____* Point 2
________- Sub point A
(Sorry, I had to use underscores since Fluther doesn’t appear to recognize multiple spaces in a row).

Sometimes the subsequent bullets tab in half an inch, sometimes ¾ of an inch. Normally its not that big a deal but for this outline I have quite a few tab levels sometimes (exceptions to exceptions to exceptions) and if its too narrow it ca be hard to read/use. Why does it vary within the same document? Is there a way to make it always half an inch?

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3 Answers

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Assuming your formatting is done in inches or millimeters, then it’s simply paragraph formatting. If it’s done in ‘points’ (a type of formatting that I haven’t used) then it may also be related to font size.

Either way, I think you want to look at Format / Paragraph and start there.

This can also be related to / controlled by whatever Style you may have applied.

Soubresaut's avatar

@CyanoticWasp may have it for you, I dunno

What I do know is that if you have the grid lines open around the border of your document, you can change tab depth there.

It’s a little confusing to try to explain, more of a see-as-you-do, so see if you can play around and figure it, now that you know sort of where to look? If not come back and I’ll be happy to try to explain! ...unless another jelly beats me to it… aha..

roundsquare's avatar

Thanks, I got it. I went to
Multilevel list —> Define new list —> Set for all levels.

What really bugs me is that it changed half way through the document… Or maybe I hit the wrong key at some point.

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