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nebule's avatar

What is the psychology behind paedophilia?

Asked by nebule (16472points) December 10th, 2010

Please do not respond to this question if you just want to slag off paedophiles

I want to know the processes behind this. I truly believe we are all born ‘good’ and I think something happens to people that makes them this way

Are there different levels to this ‘disease’?
Is it black and white?
What has happened to these people to make them this way?
Does thinking about it make you a paedophile or do you have to act upon it?

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18 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I’ve actually discussed my thoughts on this, in this thread.
Obviously I have no idea if that is true, just.. the only way that I am able to make sense of it for myself.

Nullo's avatar

I once heard a decent argument about runaway evolution. Dunno how much water it holds.

Blondesjon's avatar

There is no psychology behind it.

It’s a severe, inoperable birth defect. There is no therapy and there is no cure. Best to just do what you would do for one of your pets if they turned rabid, put them down before they can do any harm.

absalom's avatar

Read Lolita. (Seriously.)


To answer your questions:

Are there different levels to this ‘disease’?

Don’t know.

Is it black and white?

I tend to think nothing is black and white, including this, and I’ve argued about it before. People often prefer to hate things than understand them, though.

What has happened to these people to make them this way?

Don’t know. I wouldn’t call it a birth defect – I don’t think it’s entirely genetically predetermined – but there is probably a predisposition.

Does thinking about it make you a paedophile or do you have to act upon it?

If you are sexually attracted to children then you are a pedophile. If you act on your attraction then you’re a child molester-slash-rapist and a criminal.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Although I agree with @Blondesjon for the most part – that there is no cure and therapy probably doesn’t work – I don’t think it’s a birth defect. Mostly because there are a lot of people who are abused who probably wouldn’t have turned into abusers, had they themselves not been molested.

marinelife's avatar

“Pedophiles start out as “normal” people and are often deeply shaken and distraught to discover their unlawful sexual preference for the pre-pubertal. The process of change from socially acceptable sexuality to much-condemned (and criminal) pedophilia is still for the most part unexplained.

Pedophiles appear to have narcissistic and antisocial (psychopathic) traits. They lack compassion for their victims and express no repentance for their actions. They are in denial and, being pathological confabulators, they rationalize their transgressions, claiming that the children were merely being educated for their own good and, anyhow, derived great pleasure from it.

The pedophile’s sense of self rests on his allopathic defenses. He usually tends to blame others (or the world or the “system”) for his misfortunes, failures, and deficiencies. Pedophiles frequently accuse their victims of acting promiscuously, of “coming on to them”, of actively tempting, provoking, and luring (or even trapping) them.”

There is more at the source.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

About the last question you have ” Does thinking about it make you a pedophile or do you have to act upon it” people always say it’s the thought that counts when it comes to good things but when it comes to bad things then it’s the action that counts. I find that kind of strange.

wundayatta's avatar

I think they have been damaged, either by upbringing or genetically. There appears to be evidence that psychopaths have different brain chemistry, particularly in the area that empathy comes from. There was an article about this in the New Yorker a few years ago.

They have probably also been abused—maybe taught that sex is bad or that they are bad for having such thoughts. I think that this causes them to have a great deal of difficulty in having any kind of normal relationship. They feel awful about themselves. Powerless.

So they compensate by seeking relationships with people even less powerful than they are. These are the only people they feel safe with, probably because their emotional development was stopped at about the same age as their victims. They become bullies that lie to themselves as well as others.

They have no sense of responsibility to anyone. Life has treated them unfairly and so that gives them the right to do anything to anyone else. After all, no one ever treated them with any dignity. Thus a sociopath is born.

anartist's avatar

With no action, one is not a pædophile; however, thinking about it, as in thinking about what it would be like to do it, should be an alarm bell for yourself to discover what would make you have these thoughts.

jerv's avatar

Are there different levels to this ‘disease’?
Yes, in much the same way that not all homosexuals are 100% homosexual. Put another way, I prefer redheads, but that won’t keep me from banging a blond (Good thing too; my wife is blond!), whereas there are some guys that won’t even consider it and/or are incapable of even being aroused without the object of their fetish.

Is it black and white?
Nothing ever is, and our liberal application of the “Sex offender” label makes it even greyer.

What has happened to these people to make them this way?
Believe it or not, many pedophiles are a bit like conventional rapists; it is about power and not sex. However, they lack the self-confidence, strength, or some other thing along those lines and thus go after the low-hanging fruit. An adult has more willpower and is more savvy, so is more capable of fending off seduction whereas kids can be bribed with a candy bar. Also, even if the kid puts up a fight, who will win? I have yet to see many adults that can’t physically overpower a small child.
Now, if somebody has felt powerless and inadequate their whole life, they may decide to try to establish dominance over someone, but can’t dominate an adult, so they become kiddy-diddlers. That can be a person who was abused as a child, or it can just be someone with such a low self-image that they feel they can’t get someone with a full-fledged identity and the will to resist.

Does thinking about it make you a paedophile or do you have to act upon it?
Simple etymology states that you don’t need to act on it. The suffix ”-phile” is defined as an attraction to, love of, or preference for whatever. Those are thoughts, so therefore you do not need to act on those thoughts to qualify.

phoebusg's avatar

This question is a big taboo. I’d say mainly because of the fear that one could discover in its pursuit that he or she may demonstrate “signs” of paedophilia. Almost as if we were homophobes talking about homosexuality. Thankfully even homophobes have found ways to talk about homosexuality.

Regarding your position that all are born good. I share a similar position. All are born with the circuitry enabling them to do good for themselves and others (actions that increase survivability and well-being), but also the opposite. Genetic pre-dispositions come into play, but depending on the dimension we’re looking at, maybe more or less. The environment has a big influence as well. (First through epigenetics, affecting gene expression – and then through the actual upbringing and influences).

Could there be a strong genetic pre-disposition for paedophilia and similar behaviors? Hard to say, considering the cultural differences that exist. In certain tribes, of Africa, Asia, and L.America it’s considered normal for pre-teens to be married away to adults. There doesn’t seem to be anything stopping them there (biologically speaking). On the contrary, our biology prepares us to have sex pretty early. Young girls as early as 10 are ready to have kids, and some do (especially in the above cultural norms). Recently there was a story in the news of a 10-year old girl with an 11-year old boyfriend having a child. I don’t know if the pregnancy was interrupted or not (I’d prefer if she had an abortion, but that’s a north/western norm). Our biological ancestors don’t care—so long the individual is sexually capable he/she will assume the role and action (depending on male dominance patterns etc).

So, kids can be sexually active and capable early on, should they? Normal development is integrated with sexuality. Unless a parent intervenes, children will explore themselves and come into sexual rehearsal through their natural play. Which is fine. Humans like sex, kids are no different. I remember my hands down my pants, so long I can remember! (hehe). That’s not the issue. The issue arises from consent, and the ability to know what something entails. Children model sexuality in their play, but up to certain ages that’s all they want. Studies have so far shown that children left to their own devices develop a “normal” sexuality—in terms of no intimacy issues, finding partners, and pursuing a reasonable amount of experiences. We want out children to be able to be happy right? Sexuality is a core part of being human.

So, to the rest your questions post the introduction(s). What is the psych? What made a person this way?—I would say, what made us this way? The norm of holding out until much later in life, or not allowing relationships with bigger age gaps. A more accepted norm, and I belong to that to—is that of consenting adults being able to do as they wish. So let’s start off with that. You can have pretty much any age gap. My personal experiences have been with so far -5 to +25 years of difference in my partners (And I’m 25 years old). I’ve heard a lot of stories and stats that resemble the same. Although it’s far more accepted for women to seek older partners, than the opposite. A bit of double standards there.

Now, why am I adding yet another introduction? Because it’s not too clear when one is an adult. The teenage years are a mix. So then, what would be the appropriate age difference there? Does it matter as age, or as pure consent? This comes down to pure legislation in many countries. My position is that after 12 years of age, a child may (but not necessarily) know enough to make a decision as to their consent. I’m using my own experience – I was able to travel by myself by 9. I left home by 16 and went around Europe. In good terms with my parents, they just knew I was very mature. This can’t apply to every case, so I’d take it on a case by case basis. Anyway – the point is, say a 13 year old may want to be with a 18+ year old, what do you do? Do you tell him/her that it’s not ok? Do you tell her that it’s not ok? Since it’s considered a blessing for a boy (and it is… in my memory haha). Granted, the female physiology is different – but then maybe we could focus on making rules about non-penetrative play or some such detailed approach.

To iterate and add to this. My position is, let preteens and teens be judged by their maturity, and be given chances to try and learn. Some cultures even in north/west have such rites of passage with more freedom. Adulthood does not happen overnight. I would leave smaller children to themselves, because of their usual inability (and I say that with caution) – to really demonstrate consent.

Now that we have some rules—in some basic order. How about the age gap with younger members? Completely unacceptable in north/western societies (but not all again, use the above examples). It’s a strong normative difference however, that often scares us due to its strength.

Could it be that children of younger ages portray themselves in ways that take on “adult norms”? Yes, I think that is somewhat apparent—due to shows/media and direct modeling of their parents or older siblings. It has a good chance of confusing what people look in their partners, especially for males. Looking for “redness”, formation of fatty deposits (hehe, bottoms and bosoms)—and similar signs of sexual maturity. Sometimes they can be there without the sexual maturity. This does not excuse the confusion, well again depends on the age range of the child. One couldn’t really say “she looked 18” with an 11-year old—- but some biological signs can be there, either due to say milk hormones, or her picking up make-up habits.

What I’m basically saying is that, let’s flip this on its head and look at it from another direction. Pretend we were 200,000 years back. You’re likely to see acts of incest, paedophilia and tribal-sex, sharing of kids (taking care of them as a tribal society). So from this as a starting point, what has changed so much to lead to the current establishment? Without considering which is the most beneficial. I too belong to the current norm, more or less. But I’m not afraid to look in the dark corners.

Paedophiles have to fight against the social norms or ignore them (in our north/west cultures), in some cases (much younger children) they have to fight against biology (sexual maturity signs). To go ahead and enter into “sexual play” with children. As mentioned above, small children only really want to explore themselves and rehearse, not really into the full play as older kids are. In any case, this goes into a gradient – going from monster (babies to young preteens), deviant (older preteens to young teens), “law-breaker” (mid-teens to barely legal).

Why? I tried to cover a lot of background so you can make conclusions or add more background. This is a difficult question and due to the taboo it doesn’t get too much deeper examinations. As @jerv pointed out, often it’s not about sex but about power. A larger and more powerful individual can will his way instead of a cooperative play. So it’s a power-play really, and it is that and the ensuing helplessness that are most damaging to the children. I know from personal experience, I was abused around the ages of 7 yo 8, it’s not exactly clear to me. I didn’t really mind the sexual attention personally, but the coercion and lack of control is pretty damaging and leads to very hard to overcome self esteem issues (ironically a lot of which arise from the later societal misconceptions and lack of proper support).

Having been a victim, and seeing the situation from different sides. I say that we’re to lose much more from cutting off adult-children interactions (not sexual, just care/learning/loving) from our societies than pursuing different ways of safeguarding children from abuses – and also of this type. I think it’s wonderful and important for adults to be able to interact with youngsters, ask questions, answer questions, encourage – play with. Western societies that are delved in fear of abuse, enter into a different kind of abuse through impoverished relations. But this is a different question in itself. How do we ensure that there are quality interactions between adults and children—that enrich their lives and personalities, while maintaining a low to none probability of abuse?

I should probably summarize and edit this response—but just going to post it for now. There’s still plenty of questions to answer and many that will arise.

phoebusg's avatar

@absalom I actually cut a lot of corners. Could probably write an exploratory book on this.

ETpro's avatar

I asked a similar question on Answerbag over a year ago and got a very insightful answer from someone personally struggling with pedophilia and amazingly self aware. Apparently he had looked into how he got to where he was. You can see his revealing answer here.

phoebusg's avatar

@ETpro great link.

“Another thing is the guilt, people hate pedophiles, pedophiles feel guilty. Guilt does not always discourage behavior or thoughts, it can amplify them by forcing a person to numb themselves little by little in order to cope.”

Fear and guilt make the situation worse. For the paedophiles themselves, and for the children. Both in terms of abuse and general quality of life. When you have a world where everyone is suspicious and no one interacts with the youngsters, it’s really a sad one. With a gap of disconnection growing. Once you could have adults mentoring and playing with the kids in the neighborhood—now it’s more likely one will be suspected of being a paedophile even if he is just connecting with them.

“The reality however is pedophiles often cannot visit shrinks because shrinks are required to report to the FBI if they believe a person may be any sort of threat to a child. The FBI will come and take his computer and tear apart his apartment, they will probably take his cellphone, his music CDs, any videos he bought from blockbuster, they will harass him, and visit his parents. They will ask about his niece and contact his brother to ask about her. His entire family will know how sick he is. Society looks at pedophiles as the worst possible thing to be, and now everyone he knows, knows he is one of them.”

I’d like them to be treated, and accepted rather than shunned and “forced” into crime. I forgave the person who did this to me, and saw the situation improve. But that took kindness, not fear. Determination, not brute-force. And trust me, I’ve wanted to take the person out for a while. But they’re still human, they deserve a chance to get better.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Fact from fiction, truth from diction. One area that lends itself to high hypocrisy is the attempt to be politically correct. It causes all manner of bogus feelings. Political correctness disingenuous beliefs and behaviors. Deep down most people have this deep seated need to be liked or at least not hated. So they will cull their true and natural thoughts in order to seem like someone more acceptable especially if what they truly think or believe will make them seem like bigots, homophobes, chauvinist, and such. Propagated hard in politics where Israel can do no wrong no matter how many times they are on the bullying end of the conflict, but to say Israel was the bully risk getting you labeled an anti-Semite. So the best way is to be a hypocrite and put the onus of the conflict on the Arabs they are against. Well, I guess many just don’t like or trust the Arabs no matter what they do, so I guess they are true bigots when it comes to Arabs. But that is at least one area and motivating factor I see that springs forth hypocrisy.

Fact from fiction, truth from diction. About 20yr ago I had some friends that done time for molestation and was in affect clinical pedophiles. It gave me the chance to pick their brains which led me to some in-depth study.

Lets get to the main myths, they can’t be treated or cured and should be either locked up or put down. Though there may not be a cure for those with real clinical pedophilia they can be treated and go on to be functional. Most of those I have met or known stayed straighter than drunks who fall off the wagon way more.

The misnomer of who is a sex offender. Unless you are going to look at it from a religious perspective there is no sex offence short of doing Fido. Because if one wants to name sexual deviancy one cannot blame any nations that criminalizes acts or lifestyles that here people fight for equality for.

If you think about it or wonder over it you are a pedophile. C’mon, if you obsess over it is different from if you wonder ”How did they do it” as in the mechanics. You have to figure a man has to be pretty small to have sex with a 9 year old girl. I don’t know but I would not think it stretches that much, or she could open her mouth that wide for oral sex to happen, but I don’t know.

Are there different levels? Yes there are. Some like boys and girls other just one or the other but not both. Then there are those who focus on a specific age range. If they like prepubescent girls your 16yr old girl or older is safe, same as your girl 11yr or younger. Simply having sex with a minor don’t make you a pedophile. Many want to call Mary Kay (Letourneau) Fualaau a pedophile when she is not. Her attraction was to one young man who she did eventually marry, (believe all you want that love as an age range). She was not attracted to any young man or boy simply because they were boys.

Are pedophiles mad or born? It really makes no difference because the pedophile loses any way it goes. If it is something they just are like transgendered, or gay people it will only further the notion they can’t function in society so wipe them out or toss them in a pit never to come out. To say they were created but started normal end up basically the same way, they are broken beyond repair so toss them out. It is a birth or mental disposition that is triggered or manifest itself by some event it just happens to be one society loathes and has great fear of, it is not a disease from what I have found.

Here in the US society tries to delay or push back adolescence to keep people children longer, even a front of nature. Many who are branded with the moniker of pedophile or molester decades ago or in other nations would be part of the normal lay of the land.

nebule's avatar

Thank you all for your interesting and thought provoking answers xx

jerv's avatar

One thing to note here is that American society really does try to make people kids longer. I mean, I’ve heard it said that 26 is the new 18, meaning that you are not an adult until you have finished your college education, or at least are old enough to have earned your Masters degree.

I remember reading something interesting about how the age of consent has increased as we become more industrialized; I’m going ot have to find it now so I can post it here…

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