What would you do if you caught your girlfriend kissing another guy?
Asked by
Eggie (
December 11th, 2010
Will you just walk away, or will you confront the guy and beat him up, or will you confront her and beat her up, or….......?
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31 Answers
I would just say, “I guess it’s over. Goodbye.” There’s nothing to be violent about. But she’s made her choice by her actions, and I would be hard pressed to continue the relationship.
I would find out what it meant. Whether she loves him, or whether it’s a fling. And depending, either move on, or mend the relationship. Sometimes it’s really hard to avoid a kiss. Just because you’re in a relationship it doesn’t mean you’re not attracted to other people. A kiss is not as bad as fucking, but even then it depends on your relationship type and agreement.
If she hasn’t communicated to the guy—and usually in momentary attractions there isn’t enough of a window—that she has a bf. I can’t really see the guy as dishonest. But making the assumption that there’s more to this kiss without investigating can be just as erroneous. I’d say just talk about it calmly, if you love her and she’s not just a possession to you—you really shouldn’t have any problems doing that. If you love her, set her free – if she comes back, she’s made a decision to.
A girl willing to hurt you like that isn’t worth getting violent over honey. Any girl worth loving would tell you if she started having feelings for another guy, and she certainly wouldn’t be kissing him behind your back. You’re better off without her and it is certainly her loss. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence and eventually she’ll find out what she’s lost by being deceitful with you. I’m sorry that this has happened sweetheart, sending you hugs xx
@bunnygrl…it hasnt happened to me but thanks anyway
No beating anyone up. That’s a no-no. Just let them have each other and walk away and find someone else.
It would depend upon the relationship. Is this one where the two have committed fidelity to each other? If so, I’d make my presence known and walk out so that there is no question about what was going on at the time later on.
Blame the girl friend, not the guy. The guy may not have known she was in a relationship, the girl knew what she was doing. So I wouldn’t mess with the guy at all.
I would just walk away, and neither of them would ever see or hear from me again. If she chooses a life without me, that is her right, and I will not interfere with the life she would have chosen.
@chyna but why do you need to blame the person, have you never experienced attraction so strong, you’d feel you would miss out if you didn’t do something about it? Not everyone is strong enough, or with enough self control to do that. Pretend you met the man of your dreams—or something sillier, like Brad Pitt. Even I’d kiss Brad on the mouth :P
A situation can be much more powerful than the person. And a fiction case—she had to kiss him or the baby kitten would be killed… how do you explain that? Say you walked away and decided not to communicate, you just created a tragedy. Which is entertaining to see in a movie or fiction—but not to be caught in it.
What type of kiss was it? Closed mouth soft peck plus, swaping spit, sucking face? Was her hands all over him and his all over her’s? What is her relationship to the guy? Stranger, ex b/f, ex husband? Before I blew a gasket I would seek to find more clarity about the kiss. I maybe upset but before I make it a deal breaker I would want to be sure it warrant that action. If it did then I would say “see ya….hope you made the right choice. Be happy….” and move on. Depending I would go through some grief but as the Chinese say “when one door closes another opens”. I would not wallow in bitterness letting it destroy me I would go find another to nullify that experience.
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I would simply walk away and never communicate with her again. Every girl I’ve had knows up front any cheating means ending the relationship. Kissing is just another form of cheating. Wouldn’t give her a second thought afterward.
Sometimes guys kiss girls, and the girl doesn’t want to be kissed. Then the question becomes, why did the guy think it was okay to kiss her? If she is kissing him back, your relationship is probably over, and you need to walk away with as much dignity as you can salvage. Hitting someone is a jerk thing to do, and only validates that she had reason to look elsewhere. Also, hitting someone can put you in jail.
@phoebusg Then that person shouldnt be in a relationship at all because we will always find someone in life that is more attractive than our significant others and if he/she just decides to jump into bed or kiss that other person then they are just immoral. A relationship is something that involves trust and commitment. You dont have to be married to start to be commited, you should start right now with the person that you are with. That is how things like STD’s are prevented and life long happiness begins. Thats just my belief….
@EGGIE I see where you’re coming from. But you’re making one assumption, that the relationship you seek, and you have had experience with is the only one there is. There’s as many relationship types as there are people. Open, closed, in-between. Trust, communication and honesty are far more important than just commitment. If you love the person, it means you continue to love them no matter what. Otherwise it’s a very possessive, selfish kind of love. You only love them if certain conditions are met. But of course, nothing wrong with that either – if the parties involved are ok with it.
I think I’d get really angry and let loose with a string of nasty and colorful expletives and then run out the door and immediately break down into wracking sobs. If she tried to follow me out, I think the angry would come back and I would point out exactly how many opportunities I had to do just that and how I didn’t take any of them because I didn’t want to compromise the relationship. Then I’d spend a long time trying to figure out who to call and probably wake somebody up with my my screaming and crying.
I am a much more dramatic person than I care to admit.
@phoebusg Trust and honesty brings commitment. Without commitment there wouldnt be any trust or honesty. After I saw my gf doing that how can I trust her…she wasnt honest. just saying
@EGGIE commitment to your agreement, which is the relationship. There can be any agreement. Actually, as demonstrated by all the different examples above, it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s dishonest. You’re making that assumption again. It would be dishonest if she didn’t explain herself.
So one drunk slumber, your gf kisses someone and it’s over for you?
Imaginge kissing T.I,s girlfriend or 50cents gf…..hmmm wonder if they would be so understanding. @phoebusg when a person enters a relationship the agreement is understood that there should be no fooling around(kissing) with other people…at least thats what I understand about my relationship. Maybe im wrong…isnt that what a relationship is? Please let me know cus i beginning to get afraid here…
but forgiveness….yes maybe. Everyone makes a mistake and according to how much you care maybe you can forgive and forget
@EGGIE the people you mentioned maintain a certain image because it makes them money. We have no idea who they really are.
I hate to repeat myself, so refer to previous post for my view on what a relationship can be. Now.. I’d advise to discuss with the person you’re getting in a relationship with—what it is. And what they consider to be a relationship. Compromise, as you always will, or find another partner if you can. Because it seems to me that with such a restricted thinking hurt is pretty much inevitable. Don’t be scared, just be open – talk with your partner.
If nothing is agreed upon, and two people have really different ideas about what’s ok and not ok to do in your relationship—then you may be surprised one day. So, I’d say just talk about it. Intimacy and openness are the great things in some relationships.
I’d make my presence known and watch for a reaction. If it’s a mutually wanted kiss then I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to tell that over one of them getting smackered from left field. My partner knows that would be the end of us, I’m not interested in staying with someone with so little interest in me.
Dump her then if he starts trouble, finish it.
I understand all this peace and love stuff but I would probably kick his ass anyway.
and most likely dump the girl.
If guys thought there would be no repercussions then they would all be going around seducing our girlfriends. Yep a good ass whooping is required to keep order :)
Walk away, they deserve each other if thats how it is, and neither deserves another moment of your time or attention
@EGGIE I’m so glad that this hasn’t happened to you, I just assumed from reading your question last night, apologies for that honey <hugs>. I’ve been reading all of the replies from our fellow jellies and it all seems to come down to communication. When relationships fail (and I’m not just talking about “couple” relationships, but friendships, family relationships etc etc) so much of the time it could all have been avoided and/or sorted by just sitting down and talking. Too often assumptions are made on both sides and trouble follows.
That having been said, I’ve always said that the single most solid basis for a relationship is friendship. If you can look at the person you have chosen to commit yourself to and think, yeah, thats my friend, I can laugh with him/her, I enjoy spending my freetime with him/her, I can tell them anything, thats my best pal that is. If you can do that, then together you’ll have a relationship that is so strong it will carry you through the years and get stronger with every year that goes past, because no matter what you have to face, you can do it because your best pal has your back, and you have theirs. I married my best pal and over 26 years later he still knows how to make me laugh like no one else I’ve ever known, and on the days when all I want to do is cry, he wraps his arms round me and hugs me really tightly, and somehow he manages to make whatever is upsetting me go away.
huggles honey xx
Check whether she is drunk.
I’d give some tips. “She likes it when you brush her bangs out of the way,” e.g. Then I’d go kiss another girl, as the relationship would be over.
I would shake his hand. I’d have nothing against him, as he wasn’t the one that betrayed me. I’d thank him for helping me discover she was unfaithful. The sooner I learned she was untrustworthy, the better.
I am an adult. I don’t fuck around. I expect the same.
@FutureMemory I dont think that I could be so thankful in that situation….I really don’t but thanks for your answer.
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