What is the sound you find most comforting?
I love the sound of rain on the roof. It’s the perfect white noise. Although it could also be the sound of waves crashing on a beach. Both sounds are romantic, forlorn and comforting. They easily put me to sleep dreaming of love.
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56 Answers
The sound of a dishwasher at night, and a burbling stream.
I think it’s a note, but I might be wrong.
I also like blankets rustling or a strong wind outside.
A ticking clock. When I was a kid, I could hear the old grandfather clock from my bedroom, and when I first moved out, I couldn’t sleep because there was no clock.
the heat turnin on….dog snorin.
the rain, most definately
I need the whir of a fan to sleep. It’s on even if it’s 40F outside. I also find great comfort in listening to the sound of purring reverberating through my pillow. A few of my cats like to curl around my head and sleep on my pillow and I imagine that my head is lying on a big tiger belly. (Okay. I am a crazy cat lady.)
I just like the sound of rain.. no particular way (IE on the roof or hitting a car) just the sound :)
Spring time when the birds are singing and everything is coming back to life. Wonderful.
A Highland stream, the sound of rain when it is on all day until nightfall and the sound of a woman’s voice.
A neko’s purr, no question.
@ragingloli I wrote you a really short poem:
The word weeaboo,
was created for you.
Probably the steady beating of my heart.
I wouldn’t want to stop hearing that sound!
My Cat snoring & wheezing while asleep on my lap! The farting while she snores is not so comforting!! :-/
The silence at bedtime and early morning, like right now.
6:10 a.m. and all is quiet on my little mountain.
The other sounds I most enjoy are the sound of my cats little feet running down my gravel driveway when I come home and my geese mewling softly in their barn at sunrise.
I like tree frogs and crickets.
Oooh yes!
Tree frogs!
I have one in my garage right now that has woken up and started croaking the last few days with the warm weather. :-)
The best: silence.
Close runners up: rain on a tin roof, my husband breathing while he’s asleep, my children talking in soft voices.
The sound of Cobain’s voice in Something In The Way. Perfect for a rainy day but it makes me feel numb not happy.
the clickety-clack of the tram tracks
The sound of wind, the silence of fog.
A thunderstorm at night.
The sound of home. There’s no specific sound, just the energy and comfort of a home that holds my loved ones…and I love waking up to the sound of my mom making coffee. Come to think of it, that might be the most comforting sound to me. I appreciate it a lot more now that I’ve been 800 miles away from her and my family for 5 years.
Ooh, I do love the sound of a train! Especially the mournful sound of the whistle in the middle of the night.
Nothing can beat the sound of the bell on a slot machine, telling everyone you have just won a big, huge jackpot. it thrills the soul and fills your pockets….......with moolah!!
The sound of a top being popped.
@augustlan, @The_Idler I can’t agree on the train part. I live in a town that a train comes through every 8–12 minutes, shaking the house and blasting it’s horn all day and all night.
The sound that sooths me the most is silence…. oh sweet silence how I love thee!
2nd Answer: any sound at all. i now wear hearing aids and everything i now hear is beautiful. for years, i did not hear the birds chirping or even the turn signal in my car clicking away.
Throw away the boom boxes, your hearing will suffer in your later years.
When I’m home and my parents have a dinner party I like going to sleep to the sound of everybody talking. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen so often anymore, but it was great when I was a kid.
I also enjoy the sound of rain when I am indoors (especially at night). I also like the sound of traffic and the sound a train makes when it rumbles past. The sound I find the most comforting is my phone ringing when I am expecting a call. I hate waiting for phonecalls and so, when it finally rings, I am filled with a sense of relief (unless it’s not who I was execting the call from obviously!)
Comforting. The sound of my husband’s voice when he tells me about something he is interested in. Also, the dead silence in the winter months.
I love the sound of harps or jazz. I used to love rain, till I spent my career working in it. Now it stresses me.
Waves crashing against the beach.
Wind in forest of pine trees, and the smell too.
My kitty purring. She’s super old and could die soon, so I want to make sure to record her purring while I can.
My snoring – til it wakes me up!
Another comforting sound this morning.
The sound of silenced ringers on my phones!
Do not disturb! lol
A storm raging while I’m safe, warm and dry.
When I was little, I always took a bath on Saturday night. After I took my bath, I’d wrap up in warm pj’s and get in bed. Somebody else would always take their bath after I was done. I always loved the sound of that water running (the bathroom was on the other side of one of my bedroom walls). That bedroom and the sound of running water will always make me feel perfectly secure and safe.
Thank you again @wundayatta for a very interesting question. I’ve pondered this myself from a few different angles. One of which is composing music for therapy. I have a friend who is finishing his Doctorate in Musical Arts (included composing and conduction). We have an ongoing conversation about targeted composition for mood inducement. He’s also interested in going for a post-doc in musical neuropsychology. I’m keeping a close eye on this.
I’ve found sounds like: the soft crushing of waves against sand; light rain hitting the ground (smells included); white noise from certain fans (but not all, some are stressful); and the wind going through the trees at certain speeds—very soothing.
I was going to say rain but I can’t hear rain on this roof. So I’ll say the purring of a cat or cats even though I have none. I’d like to hear it, though.
I would add: outdoors, the sound of the wind in a line of trees. Indoors, harp music.
Right now, the sound of the last grocery bag being put away and the rest of the afternoon is mine!
Rain on the roof and windows, with or without deep rumbles of thunder in the distance.
The sounds that are made when the eye doctor is testing your eyes with all the different lenses. I can’t fucking get enough of it!!!! I wish I had an eye appointment twice a month. I get so excited when my yearly visit approaches.
The sounds of my children and grandchildren laughing.
The sound of a crackling fire on a cold winter’s night.
@deni “Which is better: this <click>, or this <click>”. I like that, too! We are weird, no?
@chyna Ooh, good one! I’ve been without a fireplace for too long. I’m going to buy some wood wick candles just for that sound.
@augustlan It’s a little muffled with Molly hogging the warmth of the fire. :-)
@augustlan HAHAHA we are. “better one….or better two? better two orrrr….better three?” and last time I went to the eye doctor, I went to a new one. He was gay and had the softest voice and I was IN MY GLORY.
The muffled sound of everything when a thick snow is falling.
The sound of genuine laughter. Life is good. We are happy.
The sound of pouring rain outside while I’m all snug in my bed…also, thunder, the wind blowing through the trees, music…
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