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john65pennington's avatar

Would this item ruin a perfectly good pizza for you?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) December 12th, 2010

Wife and i were eating at Pizza Hut the other day. While waiting for our pizza to arrive, another pizza arrived at the table next to us. The man asked the waitress if she would bring him a bottle of ketchup(catsup). This she did. I sat amazed at the amount of ketchup this man dumped on a perfectly good pizza. He now was about to eat a ketchup pie, instead of a pizza pie. I realize people are all different, but this was ridiculous. I hate anchovies on pizza. Question: Was my opinion of this man correct, that dumping half a bottle of ketchup on a pizza was ridiculous?

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38 Answers

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

It’s his pizza, let him do what he wants. Who cares so long as he isn’t sharing it with anyone?

I’d never do it, though.

Seelix's avatar

A friend of mine puts ketchup on just about everything (chicken cooked any way, steak, turkey), but I’ve never heard of anyone putting it on pizza. Diff’rent strokes, I guess.

Funny, when I read the heading of this question I thought “mushrooms?” That’d ruin a pizza for me.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Yes,that would ruin it for me!
How’s it goin’,John?

Mikewlf337's avatar

It wouldn’t bother me because it isn’t my pizza. I wouldn’t do that to a pizza. Seems pretty pointless due to the fact a much better and tastier tomato based sauch is on it. To each his own.

john65pennington's avatar

Hey Lucy, its going great. snow showers here and 24 degrees. you okay?

bunnygrl's avatar

oh dear. I have a friend who does this too. Not just on pizza, on chicken, on my much loved lasange, scrambled eggs, you name it. Her meal isn’t a meal without half a bottle of ketchup on it. Different strokes for different folks I suppose. You know, the reason it’s always bugged me actually, is because she doesn’t taste anything first. I’ll have spent ages cooking a meal, planning it, etc and she doesn’t even glance at it, she’s already rummaging in my larder for the ketchup bottle lol.

As to the question though, I’ve never seen the point of having pineapple bits on a pizza, of course I’m a simple gal and tend to go for plain cheese topping.

john65pennington's avatar

Bunnygrl, i could not agree with you more on having pineapple on a pizza. pineapple belongs in Hawaii and in tropical drinks and desserts, not on top of a pizza.

Cruiser's avatar

To each his own John, but when my MIL insists on putting the pizza on her head and dancing like Carmen Miranda I get up and leave. As cute as it might be, I just cannot patronize that kind of behavior!

marinelife's avatar

I wouldn’t like catsup on pizza.

bunnygrl's avatar

@john65pennington yaaaaaay finally!!! Thank you, I’ve always been told that pineapple is a “natural addition” to a pizza (a quote from another loopy pal, SiL of the tomato ketchup fiend actually). In what universe?? I totally agree, its tropical, it belong in desserts, in tropical drinks but NOT on pizza lol :-)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@john65pennington We have snow too but it is a tropical 32 F here! :)

daytonamisticrip's avatar

Your opinion about his pizza can’t be wrong, and his choice of pizza can’t be wrong.
I completely agree with you though that it is ridiculous, almost as ridiculous as my stepfather who overloads his tomatoes with salt.

deliasdancemom's avatar

Im concerned that you think pizza hut is perfectly good pizza….lol

klutzaroo's avatar

Pineapple is excellent on pizza, but only with ham (and possibly bacon).

I despise olives.

Berserker's avatar

I don’t know if it’s ridiculous, if he likes it that’s his gig, although I’d never try that, ugh. And I’m not picky either. I haven’t found a topping on pizza I don’t like.
I’m quite fond of making special spicy pizzas, with jalapeno and banana peppers all over it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sure doesn’t sound good to me! Meat of any kind ruins a pizza for me. I like…...dare I say it?? Dare I??…...PINEAPPLE!!!!!!! Just pineapple and cheese!!!! It is soooooo good! Fact I have some in my fridge now. Want some @bunnygrl and @john65pennington? Heh!

deliasdancemom's avatar

Mmmmm spicy pizza toppings, that’s my style too!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Heating up the oven now for to heat up some PINEAPPLE PIZZA!!!

Pizza is kind of like a casserole. You can put anything on it. I would not like baked beans on my pizza, though. I would not like potato chips on my pizza. Spaghetti would not be good. There are a lot of things I would not like on my pizza!

deliasdancemom's avatar

We make perogie pizza sometimes, pizza crust butter sauce mashed potatoes fried onions and cheese…its a pittsburgh thing, its awesome

daytonamisticrip's avatar

Spaghetti on pizza doesn’t sound to bad. Spaghetti with sauce and sprinkle cheese is almost the same thing as pizza.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

The sight of it would turn my stomach but that’s because I’m not a Catsup/Ketchup fan. Just the smell of it bugs if more than a dollop. I’d not be able to stay seated there, probably take my pizza home and eat in comfort.

ratboy's avatar

We all slather our pizza with grits as God intended.

deni's avatar

Gross gross gross gross gross. I don’t get people who put ketchup on everything. Whatever you are eating then tastes like ketchup. AND IT SMELLS.

deni's avatar

@deliasdancemom three cheers for the burgh!

Dutchess_III's avatar

French fries and ketchup good. I’m not a big salt person, but for some reason I love a lot of salt on my fries…..

bunnygrl's avatar

@Dutchess_III LOL LOL <throws mountains of hugs> xx

Aster's avatar

Gross. Disgusting. Ick. making bad face

john65pennington's avatar

Never would i try spahehtti, anchovies, pineapple, or ketchup on a good pizza. might as well open a can of pinto beans and just stay home.

Berserker's avatar

Never tasted anchovies before. What are they like?

deliasdancemom's avatar

They are good! Very salty

Berserker's avatar

I usually love seafood anyways…but I’ve never actually been to any place that has anchovies as a pizza toping. :/

deliasdancemom's avatar

There is a place by my house that makes pasta alglio olio that has sardines in it….its so good, almost every place around here has sardines…I only get em on white pizza though

rooeytoo's avatar

I love Australia, I have dual citizenship, but… would not believe the stuff they put on pizza here. A friend had one with “the lot” and it had fried egg and bacon, carrots, red beet, omg, it was disgusting!!!

Seelix's avatar

Okay, here’s something weird I do with pizza: french fries on pizza. It’s soooo good! I think it started when I was a kid and McDonald’s had pizza for a little while.
When I was in Italy in 2007, pizza with fries on was actually on the menu! I was pretty excited. We went to a pizzeria that had slices for takeout (alla nordamericana) and I got a slice that had what looked like sausage on it, but when I ate it I realized they were hot dog slices! That was a little weird, especially for Italy.

deliasdancemom's avatar

Ohhh that a big thing here, fries on everything, pizza salad and sandwiches!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ya’ll are just GROSS!!! Hotdog pizza?? French Fry pizza? Me and @Aster making bad faces together.

lonelydragon's avatar

Yes, it would. Why use ketchup when you can have some perfectly good tomato sauce? But to each his own.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! That’s a thought @lonelydragon! Now, see, if all the ketchup was underneath the toppings, would that be different?? :) I mean, it’s pretty much the same thing as tomato sauce…

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