Meta Question

PhiNotPi's avatar

What is the most lurve you have gained in a day?

Asked by PhiNotPi (12688points) December 12th, 2010

What is the most lurve that you have gained within a twenty-four hour period?

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18 Answers

Seaofclouds's avatar

I have no clue. I don’t pay much attention to it.

BoBo1946's avatar

Don’t have a clue either!

marinelife's avatar

I wouldn’t know.

Cruiser's avatar

+1 Just for showing up.

Jude's avatar

Don’t know. Don’t care. :)

wundayatta's avatar

I’m curious as to what inspired this question. Are you looking for a mark to measure yourself by?

In any case, I doubt if you’ll get anyone to tell you anything, mostly because those who don’t care, don’t know, and those who know would never admit to anyone that they cared.

If you want to maximize your daily lurve, you better do it now, because it only gets harder and harder to get as people max out on the lurve they are allowed to give you. And you better be good, too, if you want to get the record, whatever it is.

PhiNotPi's avatar

I think this question was inspired when I saw my lurve and saw that I didn’t gain any lurve for a week, and then gained ~30 lurve in a day.

lloydbird's avatar

I only joined yesterday.
And look at me now.

Blueroses's avatar

500–990 accumulated really quickly. 990–1000 took forEVER. Then, I stopped looking until I get closer to the mansion (only so I can budget for an appropriate wardrobe. This trailer park look I’ve got going isn’t going to cut it in high society.)

AmWiser's avatar

My lurve points have added up to as high as 45, but my lurve score will only increase by maybe 10–15 for the day. I have really stop paying attention to it.

YARNLADY's avatar

I don’t keep track by day, by hundreds at first, then thousands, and now ten thousands.

Brian1946's avatar

86,400— but that was back when Fluther used to award us a point for every consecutive second that we visited, instead of for consecutive days. :-p

Eventually Fluther took all those points and divided them accordingly, and now I’m too disheartened to keep track anymore. ~

augustlan's avatar

I haven’t got a clue.

FutureMemory's avatar

A couple hundred.

Eggie's avatar

the most I have ever gotten so far is ten…please dont laugh

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