Social Question

Can you help me refresh my mind?
I have been having bits and pieces of tv shows I used to watch when I was a kid, back in the 80s, but I can’t remember of much them nor the names of the shows. So I’ll just throw out to you guys what I remember and hopefully some of you could help me refresh my mind :)
1) A kid, possibly a boy, who has an alien/UFO friend. A big swirly light, a light circle, hovering above the ground. Possibly a girl’s name and a girl’s “metallic” voice. It comes and goes. Kinda…
2) Another sci-fi teen tv show, possibly British. Huge tripods, like the alien thingies in War of the Worlds. People run from them, hide from them. I am pretty sure it’s a teen tv show, might even be a kid’s show, even if it sounds a bit…scary.
3) I remember a young girl who is blind. She and her dad and a number of other guys are trapped in a mountain, possibly a mine. There is water flooding. She has a cute knitted hat… Possibly French show?
I’d appreciate every input you guys may have on this since I am going slightly insane thinking about them :)