You need at least $5000 to $10000 in the bank to successfully move out of your parent’s house and stay moved out. Moving into a house, you can easily spend $5000 on furniture, appliances, etc. even if you are renting. Not everyone has relatives that will give them these things, and not all parents will let you take your furniture with you.
One of the reasons colleges want freshman to live on campus is to spare parents from having to set up housekeeping for a freshman. I spent almost $700 on kitchen stuff – dishes, pots and pans, silverware, utensils, toaster, coffee maker, baking pans, mixer, etc. as well as the things you take for granted, like spices, cooking oil, condiments, etc., for each of my daughters.
I see on Evergreen’s site that in-state costs are estimated at $18,756, with $8,400 a month being living expenses, which sounds reasonable. My daughter is living on her own, with her boyfriend, and her half of their living expenses is about $1,000 a month. This is rent, heat, water, electric, food. They don’t really eat out, don’t have the internet or cable. She was lucky and had all of her furniture we bought her when she first moved out. She did have to buy a washer and dryer, but bought used.
How are you planning on paying tuition? Most parents will not pay tuition if their children are married because they are losing the tax advantage of having them as a dependent.