Midnight on Christmas Eve; What are you most likely to be doing?
Asked by
ucme (
December 13th, 2010
Give or take a few minutes here & there. Tucked up in bed, arranging the kids prezzies, whatever it may be. I got’s to know, i’m nosey see =)
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41 Answers
My son should be in bed before midnight. Once he’s asleep, I’ll be putting the presents under the tree and then heading to bed.
Party over the road at a neighbours house :-)
Enjoying a nice single malt scotch before bed while admiring the artful arrangement of loot that we helped Santa Clause provide for the kids.
I’d like to say sleeping, but Zuppy gets very excited stupid dog is like a 3 year old on crack and Katawagrey and I tend to stay up late watching movies and talking too much. :-)
My husband and I will be figuring out how to place way too many stickers on toys from China. Not that there is anything wrong with toys from China, they do have the coolest ones.
(I just hope not to get ones with lead paint. And surely if Obama can borrow money from them for the next generation or so, my toy budget won’t hurt our economy…)
Sleeping fitfully because I’ll be so excited for Christmas morning. I’m hoping to get some killer stuff this year, but am also excited to see my sister’s reaction to the present I bought her. She’s really into Neoclassical art, so I bought her a print of her favorite work, which is Napoleon at St. Bernard’s Pass by David. Can’t for the life of me understand why she likes a painting of a short man on a rearing pony in the mountains, but to each her own I guess?
Eating cookies, drinking cider or eggnog and writing a letter.
Tossing and turning in bed. I doubt I will sleep much at all.
Probably sleeping, possibly watching television, maybe looking out the window for Santa’s arrival.
Probably setting up presents for the kiddo watching a movie with the hubby with some nice hot herbal tea!
I couldn’t hope to be sleeping with @Trillian. So I’ll be playing cards online instead.
If I’ve finished wrapping presents, I will probably be sitting quietly in the living room, taking in the glow of the lights on the tree and thinking nostalgic thoughts. My husband and both of my sons (I fervently hope they will both be here) will still be up and around for some time after that; I’ll be the first to turn in.
In past years that would have been stocking-stuffing time, when I pulled out everything I’d been accumulating for the past month or so and my husband and I literally put on our Santa hats (I always insisted on that detail) and each took one stocking. It was a contest to see who could fit everything in on the first try.
If I haven’t finished wrapping, I’ll still be in the dining room, with carols on the stereo, doing my best to make every last package look unique and special.
I will have been asleep about an hour. ;-)
I’ll be asleep at my partner’s sister’s house, as I’ll be getting up early with my 1 year-old daughter in the morning.
Hmmm, good question. I usually have my grandson’s on the weekends, but I wonder if their parents are going to keep them that weekend? I’ll have to find out. They’re young enough to not be too excited about it, and they already received their Hanukkah gifts from their Great Grandma.
Usually around midnight on Christmas Eve, we have just gotten back home from my hubby’s grandmother’s house. We put the kids to bed and read them “Twas The Night Before Christmas” and the “Nativity Story”. Then my hubby and I sit together on the patio with a cup of hot cocoa and wait a few minutes for the kids to fall asleep. Usually by 12:30–12:45, we are able to start putting the “Santa Presents” under the tree and in the stockings. Then we go cuddle up for Christmas nookie and go to sleep. =0)
Tucked up in bed with my SO. His parents will be staying with us and tend to sleep in a bit, while I wake up before daylight. It allows me to slip out of bed and filll the stockings and put out any additional presents before anyone else is up. There is something special about playing Santa to adults.
(Plauged by insomnia) reading poetry by Robert Frost or working on my latest short story, only ,of course; after all the gifts have been set out under the tree :).
@WillWorkForChocolate christmas nookie! You are a champ….if my hubby tried for christmas nookie after all the eating and wrapping and what not I would have to kick him in the jingle bells! LOL
Wellllll, I was gonna answer this but….everybody sounds so happy. So good times to all of you.
Midnight, that’s the time for my husband. We sit and enjoy the calm before the storm and a nice glass of wine. Shortly there after, he’s figuring out how to transform, Transformers or how best to display the Legos. I’m usually mumbling about breakfast and saying let’s go to bed!
Our son is driving up from Odessa next week. I can imagine around midnight we may be hammered.
Competing against my wife in the Festivus feats of strength. :-p
due to insomnia, I’ll be doing something to keep me occupied ranging from reading a good book, playing video games, or idling about followed by pulling a devious prank.
Stuck at Grandma’s this year, so probably playing cards with my brother and raiding her fridge.
I love Christmas in the tropics. Sitting on the verandah feeling the breezes (swatting the mozzies) probably watching the evening thunder storm (swatting the midges) listening to Christmas music. Just enjoying it all !!!
Trying very hard to sleep.
Sleeping. Gone are the days when I couldn’t sleep on Christmas eve due to the excitement!
@deliasdancemom Well after putting up with all the stress, and the kids, and my shennanigans, I figure my hubby deserves a little Christmas nookie lol.
Christmas Eve and Christmas fall on Shabbat (the Jewish Sabbath) this year. So, after a dinner with friends at their place, I’ll probably read a little and then be asleep by midnight.
Sleeping…No doubt about it. DB and I will be snuggled, Perla at the foot of the bed, Seranne perched above my head on a pillow, Malley and Thea will be close as well…
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