I hate it when I’m sitting somewhere, by myself, not intending to be interacting with anyone else per se, reading a book (like in a restaurant or on a park bench) and some guy (it’s always a white guy and usually he’s between the ages of 40 to 60— ish) comes up to me and says, “Hey, why don’t you smile? It can’t be all that bad.” It always freaks me out, because like I said, I wasn’t interacting with anybody, I was just sitting there reading my book. Then I have to wonder why was this dude standing there staring at me, who doesn’t know me and have had no dealings with up until that moment.
I also don’t like it when I go into a business for service (restaurant, bookstore, grocery store etc.) and the clerk nevers looks up, never says hello or may I help you, or I’ll be with you in a moment. Or after all that, they ring you up, but don’t actually announce how much you owe. They just stand there. Sometimes I can’t see the register display from where I’m standing, but even if I can, the polite thing to say is, “That will be $4.99 please.” and after I give them the money, they should say thank you, but they often say absolutely nothing and never look up.
Or on the rare occasions in which I go through a drive through, right when I’m placing my order, before I’m finished, the clerk asks, ” Would you like to try a crispy, new such and such?” To which I have to say no and then start over, because they didn’t catch what I just ordered. If I wanted that item, I would be ordering it if allowed the chance to place my order.
I don’t like it when people who are walking in parking lots just walk right out in front of my car without stopping or looking up and I have to slam on my brakes. Or walk down the middle of the aisle and don’t move out of the way of the cars coming toward them. I don’t have one of those quiet electric cars, so I know they can hear my car.
I hate it when people (men) hock stuff up and spit right in front of you.
I’m midly irritated when I bring my own bags to a grocery store, set the bags amongst the items in my order and the bagger starts putting my stuff in plastic bags anyway. I even had one guy take my stuff out of the plastic bag (after I told him that I brought my own) and then he threw the plastic bag in the trash. I had to point out to him that the reason that I brought my own bags was to reduce the waste of using, or in this case NOT using, plastic bags. If he’d already started to use the bag, I would have preferred to take it and use it for something else at home rather than having it thrown away and not used at all.
Not real thrilled when I go to a store and ask an employee if they have any such and such an item and they answer, “I don’t know.” instead of finding out whether they have it or don’t have it.