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Jude's avatar

Has anyone ever used shredded paper for cat litter?

Asked by Jude (32210points) December 13th, 2010

Did the kitties mind it?

I have a crapload of shredded paper from work and will getting a ton more. I am thinking that it would be a way to save money. Just not sure if my Frank will go for it.

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25 Answers

Blueroses's avatar

It’s easiest to deal with if you line the box with a section of newspaper first. Then you can toss a couple handfuls of the shreds in and just lift the newspaper out to clean the box. Without some liner, shredded paper is messy and a big hassle to clean.

Also, you have to change it daily or more often but cats don’t seem to mind it.

Coloma's avatar

I’ve never tried it, but..I remember years ago trying to paper train a puppy, it was messy.
I think you should listen to @Blueroses

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

No,I’m afraid Bill will shit on my morning paper.I just can’t have that XD

bkcunningham's avatar

I wonder how it would work if you mixed it with some of your regular litter to help absorb, eliminate odor and for better coverage by the kitty? It would save you half the cost of litter. But it still up to the cat. One cat may not mind; another may refuse to use even a mixture.

lbwhite89's avatar

I used the “shredded paper” litter called Yesterday’s News for my cat when she got her claws removed. The vet recommended it so tiny pieces of littler didn’t get into her incisions. She didn’t seem to see a difference and neither did I.

However, Yesterday’s news isn’t just shredded paper. It’s more like shredded paper that was bundled into tiny hard pieces. I don’t know if I’d use actual shredded paper though. Sounds messy.

tinyfaery's avatar

The ink and chemicals are not good for animals and when the paper gets wet the ink will run. Also, I can’t imagine the stench of urine soaked newspaper. Ick. Just recycle the paper and spend the extra $20.00 on litter.

Blueroses's avatar

@psychocandy reminded me of another issue with using the paper. I never actually saw a pet get ill from the ink, but it does stain their paws. I suppose it is possible that they could become sick from it. I don’t know any people who used the paper for long though. It isn’t very convenient.

bkcunningham's avatar

Sounds like a little bit of work, but pretty cool if you would be willing to give it a try:

jerv's avatar

I have, but only when I had no option. It really isn’t all that absorbent, and is a bitch to clean the box afterwards; wet paper is nasty and sticky even if you line the box.

Our cats didn’t have an issue with it really… so long as we changed it quite often. With four cats, we’re talking about every 5–6 hours as opposed to every 1–2 days.

@lbwhite89 We had a partially declawed cat (we got her that way; we would never remove half of an animal’s toes just to save our furniture!) so we had to use pellets too. We found the Feline Pine pellets to be far better than Yesterdays News. It was more absorbent, and much better at odor control; very important in a multi-cat household.

Jude's avatar

This is plain white paper. No ink.

I am rethinking this after reading your posts, though. I think that I’ll just spend the twenty bucks.

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WestRiverrat's avatar

I would use the shredded paper as stuffing for a pillow or bed liner, instead of using it for litter.

I have used it for bedding in my dog houses, but it is messy and hard to clean up. I would rather just buy some wood chips at the local Farmco. When you factor in the time it saves in cleanup, it ends up being cheaper.

rooeytoo's avatar

When you have a cat declawed shredded newspaper is what you are to use for litter for the first week or so after the surgery. As I recall it was not particularly messy, worked very well I believe. The paper is pretty absorbent. Remember before paper towels were invented, it is what everyone used to dry windows after they were washed.

I never heard the ink was bad for animals. Why would it then not be bad for people as well. I always seem to have black fingers after reading the paper and have not suffered any dire consequences so far. I thought ink actually has an antibacterial quality to it because years ago newspapers were passed from one reader and family to the next (pre internet days obviously) and to prevent the spread of germs and disease, a disinfectant of some sort was added to the ink.

Seems to me, it would be a very green thing to do.

Kraigmo's avatar

I think it works great. It gets soggy quick and should be filled to a low level and completely changed daily.

What @Blueroses said about lining the bottom with a flat newspaper is pertinent.

anartist's avatar

Yes, in a pinch, since they normally don’t use litter but go outside. It has been an impromptu solution for emergency shut-in and they handled it with dignity and good behaviour.

Jude's avatar

I tried it. I had a clean litter box, added a liner and put a bunch of shredded paper in it. He just went and sat it in, looking at me. Then he laid down in it, lol.

I’ll get the store bought stuff.

Jude's avatar

I wish that I had my camera on me. I would have taken a picture.

Jude's avatar

Video. It’s a bed and a toy. Bathroom fail.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My cat hated it because it stuck to his feet with the teensiest bit of dampness. At first he spent time digging his feet into the carpet, dragging his but along and then just decided instead to pee outside the box. Dumb dumb dumb idea of mine. I thought I was clever bringing home shreds from my bosses office shredder, you know recycling and all.

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TheRealGodzilla's avatar

Yeah! American junk dollars!

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