Meta Question

Can you guess which incredible jelly just hit 20k?
Here’s some hints:
- She’s a super talented artist. Click here to see for yourself. ;]
– She’s got great taste in music. This and this is for you. :]
– She makes an awesome meatloaf with a single spatula.
– She’s made you laugh here more than once.
– She looks damn good with a gun.
– She’s parked in a van in front of your house.
– And she’s got some BIG TITTAYS! (Now where’s my $5 bucks, Banana?) XD
You guessed it! Congratulations lucillelucillelucille!
You’re sweet as can be, intelligent, witty and you’ve got a heart of gold.
Let’s see what some other members think…
“I admire your responses. They are funny and interesting.” – cyn
“I love laughing at your funny answers.” – Simone_De_Beauvoir
“Your posts are always clever and fun while relevant and thought provoking.” – whatthefluther
“You’re an awesome person, that’s for sure.” – mangeons
“You’re kind, caring and very funny!” – toomuchcoffee911
“She’s my hero.” – Adirondackwannabe
“Reading her answers is much akin to finding one awesome movie amidst a buncha boring ones, since she’s always so funny and cheery, and she always says everything in this cute clever way so it’s always awesome.” – Symbeline
There’s obviously a clear consensus – you just fucking rock!
And on a personal note, thanks for being such a great friend. Your friendship and support really means a lot to me. I can’t wait to see you again in a month so we can go shopping at Kohls, ruin your kitchen trying to cook stuff, get hammered and moon security cameras. XD
Ba ba ba baaaaa!
“There is magic in long-distance friendships. They let you relate to other human beings in a way that goes beyond being physically together and is often more profound.” – Diana Cortes.