How good is your memory?
I never use to have to write anything down.
Stress makes remembering things more difficult.
Lately I lose my glasses, keys and telephone numbers I write down.
When I am calm I can still remember most things.
Does this happen to you?
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18 Answers
If you’re over 40, this is probably just in the natural course of things. I started to panic about it when I was about 42 and suddenly couldn’t remember things I knew very well, from familiar words to the names of actors. By now I am used to it and have adopted lots of little tricks and props to help me along. It’s only going to get worse, so we may as well be cheerful about it and find the humor.
I told my husband recently that one of these days we’re only going to need one conversation. We can have it over and over and it’ll seem fresh to us.
If it’s really sudden and severe, though, that’s a different matter. I went through a very stressful period when I was locking myself out of my car at least once a week, leaving home without my purse, etc. That’s not normal and does call for a little attention. When the chaos eased up, so did my memory problem.
I have a great memory but because of medication I take my relay time is slower….its aggravating, I know the answer to something but it takes me longer to get it out….I’ve all but thrown the remote at the tv during jeopardy
My memory is usually… wait what is the question?
Really, mine seems to be going quick, but when I ask friends my age they say the same thing. They lose their keys, go to a room and can’t remember what they went in the room for, can’t remember their kids, spouses name, etc. I guess it is just the natural aging process. I hate getting older.
My memory was legendary. People used to come from all over the company where I worked to ask me things.
Sadly, age has put holes in it. I now have to write things down and keep a calendar.
After chemo my short term memory got funky (I hate that) and I guess age has slowed the rest of the process down. I feel like I have a dial-up brain in a WiFi world. Damn.
Excellent long-term, worse short-term. Very common in those, who like me, have Asperger’s syndrome
My son is autistic I understand.
I am over forty and my memory is not as great as it was.
In my case stress is always a factor.
I was going to answer this question, but I forgot what I was going to say.
But really, I forget little things all the time. I have to write myself notes and lists, otherwise I forget stuff, like due dates, appointments, etc. I think it’s because I’ve got so much on my plate with school that I often forget the little things.
Good enough for family to consult me for some things they can’t remember or have details for. I think it’s probably as good as I want it to be, I can remember credit card numbers, account numbers but no longer remember street addresses and phone numbers because I don’t have to (cell phone).
I have a great memory, it’s just short.
I can’t remember the names of things any more. I could never remember people’s names, but now I can’t remember the names of concepts, ideas, methods and a bunch of other stuff. I can describe what I want in other words, but the actual word I need takes forever to come to mind, and usually requires a bit of research with a thesaurus.
LOL we all do that.
It is because we do ten things at once.
MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and everyone.
If I could remember I would tell you… sorry :))
You are doing fine and put a smile on my face.
My memory is shit, and I’m only 16!! I can’t remember what I had for breakfast yesterday.
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