One thing that you dig about the jelly above is ___?
Asked by
Jude (
December 14th, 2010
Jelly love, kids. Jelly LOVE.
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118 Answers
She’s beautiful and shoots straight from the hip.
She’s sweet and she has a good head on her shoulders. Her heart’s in the right place, too.
He’s an open book, brilliant and sensitive. He’s taught me much about something we both share in the mental health dept., shall we say, and his bottomless well of questions are always a breath of fresh air. One of the vets I look up to and admire.
Very helpful, great sense of humor, member of the _ fraternity.
he makes great sandwiches
Oh lucky me… Soup and Sandwiches
He knows a lot about photography and answers the questions I ask about the subject.
:) My fave flutherer so far.
Has awesomeness and truth in every answer, logic and open mindedness.
Fek i was too slow, Realize
^^^coolest avatar ever^^^
Hijacks threads. Just saying.~
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies has an awesome user name, is very direct and puts a lot of passion and effort behind a lot of his questions and answers.
Intriguing, beautiful, brilliant, feisty and creative is Nessuh.
^^ Caring, great taste in art and women, lovely.
Also, to back up to @kenmc (who got missed in the commotion):
Interesting, great photo skills, cool facial hair.
In regards to @augustlan: One of the best people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting on the internet, or in real life for that matter. She is patient, kind, caring, and funny. Rare, I’d say. <3
@odysseus @asmonet is a chick!
In regards to the Kipton, she has great taste. She can paint like nobody’s business, and she knows a crazy ton about tea.
She also suggested that we should be best friends once but I never heard back from her! :(
@augustlan Thanks, Auggie <3
Thanks, both of you. AND ALSO KEN.. WELL. Um. I SUCK. SORRY. <3
We are officially best friends, okay? :)
Awww, points suck !
I have ten times more points for this nonsensical yet friendly chat than an awesome insightful answer i gave about CD-ROMs yesterday. such is life .
“Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.”
~ Oscar Wilde on Life
asmonet is awesome. I forgot about 9/11 but I will always Rembrandt her.
really great manager….intelligent, friendly…no nonsence, real and is a good friend to everyone.
Cute Avatar?... ^^^^ I’m ashamed to say I don’t know that much about you, @EGGIE , which on the good side means that you’ve never pissed me off. I’m keeping an eye on you now, though!
lol….thanks alot…you really made me laugh there I wont be pissing anybody off
Superegg! Loved the old avatar, loving the new one even more :)
Totally dig the avatar and the single eye watching everything!
@Seelix oh shucks… your eyes
@wundayatta, @EGGIE – One day I might put up the whole face, but not yet ;)
@wundayatta – You strike me as someone I’d be friends with in real life.
@EGGIE – I still love the Supereggie! I hope there will be more eggs to come in the future :)
@Seelix hasn’t been here very long but I really hope she sticks around as I find her interesting :)
@Leanne1986 I hope you stick around too….i find you very interesting…..
@JilltheTooth is passing fair, but the one I really think is the cat’s meow has to be ‘Zup.
@gailcalled is amazing. She’s wise, witty, can resist getting dragged into drama here better than almost anyone else I’ve seen on Fluther and has a wealth of experience to share. I value her as a person and a user on Fluther. :)
: Forgetting for the moment that @asmonet is on my payroll, I have from the start been stunned by her maturity, quickness of wit, humor, artistic eye and low tolerance for idiocy. I consider her one of my edaughters.
@gailcalled is incredibly knowledgeable about grammar and linguistics, things that interest me very much and I can always count on the accuracy and helpfulness of her answers to pretty much any question she posts in. Plus, she likes cats. :)
I’ve always thought @DominicX is a very clear-minded and honest individual with sensible and open-minded opinions, which he articulates very well.
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@Sunshine29 is new, and is one of the people helping to keep this site growing and interesting.
Also, I like anything involving sunshine.
Well. Um, spoke to soon?
I like that they gave us the opportunity to see our amazing mod team at work!
@asmonet – Is smart and witty and I always look forward to reading her posts. I’ve always wished I knew her better. She seems fun and interesting, at the very least! :)
@MissAnthrope is a real sweetheart! She is encouraging and kind (the thing I value most in people)!
@Kayak8 – I dig that she’s a straight-shooter, really smart, and quirky! Quirkiness is a highly appreciated trait in my book.
@MissAnthrope – I love her description, but this line in particular, ”. I know a lot of random crap that doesn’t appear to have any practical application.”
Just seems like a person that I could hang with!
Cak is one of the most admirable and sweet and strong jellies around.
I have it on good authority that @kenmc is the king of fabulous facial hair.
@JilltheTooth is funny, smart and has a wonderful dog that shares.
I dig am awed by cak‘s positivity, strength, and grace in the face of extremely trying and scary circumstances. I admire her a lot for this. Plus, she seems to be so nice!
If I were in charge of Time’s Person of the Year, I would have chosen Cak.
If we’re going to do the person above the person above, as gail did, then @MissAnthrope is a great jelly who is as witty as she is smart and funny. She’s been here since the Big Bang (circa ‘07) and she is an important part of the fluther. Lurve ya.
@gailcalled lives in a really cool place, and she knows what Omega is.
@seazen—well, he lurves me. Need I say more? ;-) No. Really. I know it’s hard to believe but it’s true. He said so himself.
@wundayatta is deep and prompts deep thought from others. Interesting, too!
@augustlan is the sweetheart of fluther. Everyone loves her. I mean, she was so adored that the Fluther Gods f’ing gave her a job. That says more than enough right there.
@kenmc is such a nice guy that he fucking censors himself.
Also, word on the street is that he drives women crazy.
@bob_ sure does love a sandwich, but can give some great answers, too. Also, his name is not Bob.
I wish Auggie was my real mom. I wish I was Auggie’s real mom.
@Leanne1986 Has great taste in women, wears her heart on her sleeve and is lovely. I would love to hear that accent of yours, lady. :)
I’m the artist formerly known has mama cakes, btw.
^^ whatever name she chooses is still a lurved jelly and a very talented artist. :-)
@AmWiser has an awesome username. Much better than mine!
^^ Is wrong. She is the best mom ever!
Oooh, mutual admiration mom fight! Home made cookies and mac and cheese at 10 paces! ;-)
You’d win that duel, every time… my husband is the cook in our family! I, however, can build a bookcase. :)
Yeah, but “bookcases” at 10 paces sounds a bit sinister…
Jill and Auggie are thread-jackers, Jill and Auggie are thread-jackers, Jill and Auggie are thread-jackers.
Pain-in-the-bum and a shit disturber, yet, lovable is seazen.
True dat. Mostly loveable.
Rabble rouser, master baiter..
P.S. I never went to bed, whee!
I dig that Zen’s like a box of chocolates.
I dig @MissAnthrope from afar. But given the chance, I’d dig her quite deeply, methinks.
I dig that zen can be so easlity distracted by the mention of birds. XP
I like @JilltheTooth‘s username. It always makes me giggle. Why is she a tooth?!
@Seelix : Because I’m legally “the Second”, named after my mom, a friend in the 70s started calling me “Jill the Tooth” (twoth=second) and we all thought he was just so incredibly clever (it was, after all, the 70s) that it stuck. I don’t really have unusual dentition. ;-)
Well, back atcha, babe! ;-)
<——- whaddya think this is???
I swear the avs are too small for me – I thought it was a doll of a beaver and that was your pun. But it turns out it’s just a dog. And not a cute one at that.
Now a cat… or a boobie. Then we’re talking pussy and porn.
A doll of a beaver??? Well, it’s been called a break-dancing baby so I guess I’m not surprised… XP You so silly, dude!
@seazen Not cute? I think that’s a very cute dog, have you no heart?!?!
Thanks, @Leanne1986 , he’s just miffed cuz there are no visible mammaries. Such a guy…
@bob_ is really funny, very intelligent and sweet and a great Skype partner. :]
@Vunessuh is passionate about (and amazing at) what she does, has a delicious sense of humor and is great in bed has the kindest of hearts XD
@bob_ Is an amazing lover. Just saying.
@seazen has it going on. Watch out, ladies!
This guy is a ladies man. I’ve known him for like 4 years and he loves the ladies.
Ken is a genuine sweetheart. :)
Auggie catches even the slightest references to me being down and leaps on her white horse and takes up her sword in my defense. That is extremely cool, heartwarming, and mood elevating.
JilltheTooth, (gotta love the name and how she acquired it), has a great sense of humor!
@AmWiser has a kick-ass avatar. I just love everything about it, very cool.
@cak is someone I knew about and was concerned about before I joined thanks to katawagrey and I’m so pleased I’ve gotten to know her, here. You’re sense of sheer cussedness about coming back from the wars inspires me. If you ever want to exchange tasteless jokes from the chemo ward, let me know, I’ve got a bunch. If i can remember them! hahaha
@JilltheTooth: Is someone I would love to sit across the table from, and laugh with…I know we would laugh. She’s sensible, funny and just gets it…that life is for laughter.
Woooooooo!!! The stories we could share! I still love the older woman that would strip when she would get hot, I do mean strip.—Then cuddle up in the blankets when the ice cold feeling came along. Just got a Christmas card from her. She’s completely nuts, her own words, but is just a hoot!
@cak taught me that online friendships are real. I’m forever grateful to her for that. <3
His compassion for rescue dogs (Sadie is a lucky girl).
Leanne is one of my favorite friends. She is compassionate and very honest with her answers.
Btw, someone please comment on Leanne to keep this going.. just had to say this.
@kenmc It’s not the ladies I love, per se, it’s the boobies that happen to be attached to them.
@BoBo1946 is a good guy. He’s had it rough, talks straight about, loves the lurve and has a positive outlook on life – most of the time. Glad he’s a jellybean.
@BoBo1946 is a swell dude, even if he’s not the most willing of sandwich-makers.
loll… well my friend, to say so little here, you say SO much! Take care my man!
@BoBo1946 has the largest store of jokes this side of Bolivia!
@wundayatta without a doubt, the deepest thinker on Fluther. A great person that thinks through everything. Also, he asks some of the best questions on Fluther. And, most important, he has become a good friend.
Unfortunately @BoBo1946 isn’t here anymore. So I can’t say much about him, except that I remember him.
She’s nice, and a pretty good team player, and thought of the perfect way to revive this question.
She’s very thoughtful and wise, and very quick to adapt.
Lives in Vietnam (I think), is very outgoing and has a lovely sense of humor.
I dig her avatar. It is almost as pretty as me! I suppose right after i post this she will change it for Halloween.
Nope. I haven’t changed it since someone helped me put it up there. I created the picture; they put on the name and the star.
@Here2_4 seems delightful and I’m looking forward to getting to know her.
She seems very hard to be offended and knows a way to turn insults into harmless jokes.
@Mimishu1995 Seems friendly and kind in every single post I’ve ever seen them make. :)
She’s smart and inquisitive.
She has had multiple “uncomfortable” experiences with various doctors and the medical system.
She’s totally groovy in a happening kind of way.
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