What is the purpose of being gay?
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58 Answers
The same purpose of being straight. It’s the same thing, it’s not a choice, you’re born straight, gay, or bisexual.
Everyone has a right to pursue their own happpiness,don’t you think? ;)
To satisfy one’s natural sexual urges.
To live your life as you were born to live it.
It’s not a purpose. It’s a state of being present at birth. Why would you think it has a purpose?
I just want to be happy, love who I love and live my life, dammit.
By “purpose,” do you mean what causes it?
If so, the best current theory I know of is that a gene, possibly on the X chromosome, in women, makes them more fertile, possibly by making them more strongly attracted to men and sex. The same gene, in males, possibly with other genetic and epigenetic factors, can lead to homosexuality. Evolution conserves the gene because of the large reproductive bonus it confers to women.
what is the purpose of breathing? same answer, because it’s perfectly natural honey. It never fails to make my head ache when folk question the natural world around them, as if something might have gone wrong somewhere. There are many, many things the world would be far better without (politicians, bankers, small minded people) but gay people are not on the list sweetheart. I need to go look at a calender again to remind myself that we really are in a new millenium.
Purpose? Really? Probably the same as yellow.
For acceptance and love. We all look for those things.
Lovely answers, everybody.
Do you mean purpose in nature? Some argue it made sense for men to be attracted to men when they were the primary warriors and hunters for their societies. While on long treks away from their communities, they did not leave their female SO’s behind, but rather had their SO with them.
@HearTheSilence I never understood why it would matter if it is a choice or not? I completely agree that some people simply are born gay, but there are bisexual people who could maybe choose? And, some argue women might be more willing to go either way, not having been socialized to be disgusted to sleep with or touch each other, and having deeper emotional relationships with each other in general compared to men. My point is, why does society give a shit at all that two people want to be together whether same gender or different genders, it is none of societies business what adults choose to do as long as there is no harm to society; and I cannot for the life of me see how being gay harms society at all. I think the gay people are born this way argument almost gives credence to the haters, that it has to be God given for it to be ok. Just my opinion.
to piss off bigots. in fact that is what Gay pride is all about. what would you rather? that they skulked about in the shadows morbidly obsessing over their abnormality.
I guess I sounded a bit snide up there, sorry.
Well, this may come out very close but… sexually the male g-spot is located within the anus. Thus making sex so much greater gay. When that g-spot is hit, the man gets hard and the g-spot is pounded thus giving the reciever an orgasm, and the giver has his orgasm. And everyone is happy plus, it’s happiness to be who you want. So I don’t have any problems with guys and different gender prefernces.
No, that’s not ‘it’ – you need to clarify what you mean by purpose. There are different reasons people pair up with people not the least of which is who society feels it’s acceptable to pair up with…I disagree that sexuality is inherent because it’s more complicated than that and I tend to look at it in a more fluid way anyhow but until you let me know whether you mean purpose in an evolutionary sense or purpose in a social sense, I can’t begin to untangle it all for you. Suffice it to say, it exists and there is nothing wrong with it.
“Suffice it to say, it exists and there is nothing wrong with it.”
No matter how much we might disagree over biological determinism versus cultural conditioning, that is, by far, the most important take home point!
lmao, what a strange question.
Because it’s simply fabulous darling! So my gay friends have told me :¬)
Not to get all semantic about it, but “gay,” “homosexual” and “homosexuality” as terms get collapsed in a way that’s almost inevitable, but not necessarily appropriate.
“Gay” is an identity, and so is less descriptive than people often consider it and is also, when we consider it as an identity, something that is arguably completely fluid and one day will become an anachronistic term. Being gay right now has a very, very important social function – when someone says that they’re gay, they are telling people that their homosexuality is not damaging, not shameful, and not to be questioned. What two people, of consenting age, mutually agree to to give themselves and each other pleasure should not be a social issue – but when someone says “I am gay,” he or she is pointing out that their are social assumptions, pressures and oppressive mechanisms at work that require them to stand up and say “No.”
it’s for the same purpose as being left-handed.
It has no purpose. In fact, nothing has any purpose until a human assigns one to it. Because of that, all purposes are arbitrary from the point of view of the universe, and anthropocentric from the point of view of humans.
Pure pleasure—a gratuitous gift from God.
Well, I was engineered biologically as a soldier in an underground war fighting for the continued sanctity of this nation’s values and morals. As a sleeper agent, I was raised by unknowing parents, taught their norms and customs, and I learned how to behave as an unassuming law-abiding citizen. I was activated not long after my 18th birthday and what followed was a journey of self-discovery and truth about my identity.
As one of the Elite 10% (a superforce carefully integrated into the American population), it has been my mission to break down the walls of injustice and to restore some sense of sanity to this country. At my current rank, my only weapons are my wiles and my personal charisma. but I’m hoping for a promotion soon.
@MissAnthrope – I think I’ve just fallen in love. That was the most fantastic answer anyone could have possibly given here :)
I wouldn’t worry about it, straight or gay, we are most human when we do not have a purpose.
There’s no purpose it’s just a choice some people choose.
To save the world, that’s it.
@Seelix – Yeah, when I’m finally issued a real weapon, look out! pew pew pew pew!
@MissAnthrope – Can I fight alongside you under the “straight but not narrow” banner?
@Simone_De_Beauvoir – I guess my minds just bursting with different expectations and worries how this question of mine will be answered but the purpose I’m expecting you to understand is the principle behind being gay. I believe it’s not a choice, but what is the best that I can do?
@Jude – I did not want you to get angry
@Aster – For the same reason I think that man has a purpose
@Adirondackwannabe – I didn’t expect your reaction. I guess this is how I’m ‘wired’. How are you ‘wired’?
@Afos22 – This is what fluther is for :)
@flutherother – “we aremost human when we do not have a purpose” I think that only applies if our purpose is a selfish purpose. But we do have goals, and those goals make us better persons. Can’t I interchange goal and purpose in this sense?
I guess it would’‘ve been better if I asked, “What’s the goal of being gay?”. My bad
@rapraprapraprapraprap I’m with Seelix. I fight under the straight but not narrow banner. Keep your head up and keep a support group around you. Don’t go it alone. :)
The Banner of Self Discovery and Social Acceptance. We all need to be loved, cared for and sometimes just pampered. Be like the good Samaritan and don’t just walk by those in need. Be a light to all around you and don’t hide that light under a basket. What goes around comes around. Love everyone for we are not the judge jury and we are no better than the next person. Love one Another.
We are humans and we all live a life. We have likes and dislikes, we have all that there is to be human. We procreate with a man and a women, the sperm and the egg. If we fail to do this we will no longer be. Bottom line.
@Summum – how does that illuminate anything about the purpose of being gay.
I may be putting words in @Summum ‘s mouth, but I think he’s saying that being gay is a choice and that it goes against the need to procreate.
To be clear, I don’t agree with this.
It seems like, from that perspective, the human race requires homosexuality as a population check. Considering we don’t really have a heat cycle, if we were actually attempting to procreate every time we sought some form of sexual gratification, we’d probably have overpopulated ourselves out of existence. ;-)
Is there truely a reason for being gay? And if so what?
@Summum – Sure: It’s AWESOME!
Aside from that, it serves whatever purpose being exclusively straight would.
Can you really see what being gay is? Just flippin love each other and everyone.
I absolutely can see what being gay is. Now, though, I’m kind of wondering what you think it is…
@iamthemob I also think the term ‘gay’ is fluid. It can change over time, and people can mean different things about it in different contexts. I would just like to add that in some cultures, the term ‘gay’ is still like a taboo. Sometimes it is also used to insult or joke others around, make fun out of it. It’s not a very promising social function for me. I didn’t expect you to ask. You got my mind working this morning. Good morning :)
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