How do I talk to my crush?
There’s this guy at my school and I literally only see him for like less then a minute a day. We’re friends on facebook but we’ve never talked to each other before. I’m really interested in becoming friends with him. How do I go about talking to him or anything?
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9 Answers
Why are you FB friends with someone you don’t talk to? I assume you have something in common. Figure out what it is, then mention something about it to him online or preferably, in person. Do you have mutual friends? Like the same band? There has to be something…
Try the phone and work on up from there.
Just do it. Go up to him and say hi and ask how he is. Hell, creep on his facebook to figure out what he likes first… you know… recon work.
Just bite your tongue and do it. History favors the bold.
I agree with @Fiddle Playing Creole Bastard just go up and talk to him or get a few friends to go with you
Work up your confidence. Make yourself realize that it’s not a big deal and you have just as good a chance as anyone else. Casually chat him up on facebook about mutual interests you guys have and just let it flow from there.
I’d say start with Facebook then work up to real life. Write on his wall, using something in his profile. (“Hey you like Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure? It’s my favorite movie ever. Watching it tonight.”) Or something about school or somethign, even a joke. If you can get a friendly banter going on facebook, it’ll be much easier in real life.
Personally, I would send him a facebook message mentioning my crush on him, but I didn’t have that confidence in high school. If you can muster it up, it’ll get the job done much better.
To be exact, I would write something on his wall, like “Hey, did you take chem last year? I’m doing homework and I left my periodic table at school and I was hoping you could help with something.” Then I would send him a message saying ” ‘Hey, did you take chem last year?’ = ‘I kind of have a big crush on you.’ Just wanted to let you know.”
Be brave! If you really want him you’ll have to take action! I guarantee he’ll be impressed that you’re being forward, and I also promise you that if it doesn’t work out it won’t be mortifying.
You should talk to him.
I prefer talking to people in person first before facebook.
Don’t plan out when you’ll talk to him, or even what you’ll say—just do it!
Same classes? Ask him about class—if not, ask him what classes he’s in… Then just talk! =D
Good luck! Don’t drag it out too long!
Just go up and talk to him.
I know it will take some courage, but do it… as soon as you can.
You may regret it otherwise.
Just know that you are beautiful one the inside, as well as out. If you keep that in mind and be confident, it will show, if the boy doesn’t like you for you, don’t stress over it too much, just be friendly and find someone that has common interests and loves you for who you are.
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