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XOIIO's avatar

What is the order if the Robotech series?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) December 15th, 2010 from iPhone

Starting with the original, what is the order that the rest follow in?

—I only have the first 32 “Robotech” episodes, but there are 60-some in the whole series. What are the next parts of the series?

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3 Answers

moughi's avatar

There are 85 episodes in Robotech. The Macross saga is first. THe Southern Cross saga is second and the Mosepda saga is third. THe New Journey series only had a special one hour episode where Rick and Lisa got married. THe Harmony Gold came out with a DVD movie. I forget the name, but it filled in some of the gaps with the crew making it back to earth. The Macross saga has 36 episodes, Southern Cross 27, and the Mosepda series finished off the series with 22.

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