Social Question

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Do you hide your emotions?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) December 16th, 2010

And pretend like nothing’s wrong?

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23 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

It depends on who I’m with. I hide my feelings from my ex, but I’m very open with my friends.

Blackberry's avatar

Yeah, why, you got a problem with that? :)

I just don’t feel the need to express every little worry and broadcast every little depressive mood I feel. Everyone has problems, and I know mine are minute compared to billions of other people’s worries.

Scooby's avatar

Sometimes it pays to be tactful & not tactless, holding onto your emotions can sometime protect you from those that would seek to harm you should you be too open & honest in the wrong company! :-/

misstrikcy's avatar

Yes and no. Stuff that really matters and is a bit deep, that gets hidden.
Stuff that doesn’t (you know, the daily gripes and all that) and i’m happy to feedback to anyone.
And as for when I’m happy….. there’s no holding me back :)

marinelife's avatar

Sometimes I surprise an emotion in myself that I didn’t even know that I was feeling! So I am sure that I sometimes hide my feelings from others as well.

Jude's avatar

I don’t. I can’t.

Seelix's avatar

It depends on the situation. If I know that my emotions are irrational, I’ll refrain from broadcasting them (like if I’m feeling particularly irritable and something bothers me which I know normally wouldn’t). But if I feel justified in being angry or hurt, I’ll say so.

zophu's avatar

Yeah, learned to do that early on. I’ve got a switch. On or off. It confuses people.

wundayatta's avatar

Oh yeah, baby! Love to hide them emotions. You see, emotions is dangerous. Very, very dangerous. Let them get out of hand and you’re like to get walloped. Next thing you know your wife has kicked you out, your kids won’t talk to you, and even the dog wants a piece of your ankle.

Nope. Learned early on not to do emotions. Certainly not with anyone male. Maybe females, but still, you gotta be careful ‘cause they got all kindsa expectations and you just can never know what they really want. Ostacle course. Know what I mean?

And the sad part (not that I’m sad) is that it’s all true, even if I do say it in a jokey way.

partyparty's avatar

I would like to say that I can hide my emotions, but they are written all over my face.
If something is funny then I will laugh out loud, if I am sad then it will show and perhaps I may cry. My emotions are right up on the surface.

AmWiser's avatar

I do all the time; mainly to make sure those emotions are warranted. If they are, I might express or show them. But even that depends on the person.

Doppelganger19's avatar

My face usually telegraphs my emotions. A poker face I ain’t got.

Eggie's avatar

Yes I do. For guys in general I think we do that best so that we can resolve situations and keep ourselves from feeling hurt.

BoBo1946's avatar

Occasionally, but not often.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

I hide all my emotions except happiness. I try not to show them at all because in order for me to survive the people I’m forced to be around I have to look strong. If I show the slightest bit of sadness or anger they will jump all over me.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Some people have a poker face I envy because I don’t have one, no matter how hard I try.

Soubresaut's avatar

Yes. To the point where sometimes I have no idea what my face looks like or what expression it’s making, because I’m so often not in it.

For me it’s because with many people in my life, my emotions don’t matter, are wrong, inappropriate, in the way of truth, etc. For others, they matter too much and get blown out of proportion. And with some people, it’s somehow both at the same time. I don’t feel safe expressing them, with anyone, really.
Sometimes they start to leak out… and then everything gets sticky. Not that hiding all of them is healthy or winding up working out for me, but it’s the only option I’m comfortable with.

When I’m in control of my expression, I’ve only ever known one person to be able to see through my poker face. And they were a childhood friend I hardly see anymore, if at all.

stardust's avatar

I’m open with those I’m close to. I don’t feel the need to discuss deep feelings with every Tom, Dick & Harry. The daily gripes are grand I suppose.

tedibear's avatar

Not as well as I would like.

YARNLADY's avatar

Hardly ever, unless it is appropriate.

cak's avatar

Not like I used to, but I do when appropriate.

I try not to influence my children on certain things – take something simple, like how something tastes. I don’t throw my opinion out there. I’ve found that my son will not like something, if I don’t. My daughter is generally the opposite; however, she does watch me when I’m around people. They tend to be very protective of me. I guess around my children I hide them at time, but for good reason.

Berserker's avatar

I have a wall. ’‘Pats her wall.’’

Or so that’s what I’d like to say, but it usually doesn’t work haha.

GracieT's avatar

I don’t, mainly cause I can’t. Seriously, though, one of areas of brain messed up worst was frontal lobe, home of executive functions like emotion control. I even cry now when I hear sad songs or sad commercials.

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