Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

Why do we sometimes feel different based on what we wear?

Asked by Blackberry (34367points) December 16th, 2010

Like if I wear something really nice, let’s say a suit with a nice, form-fitting vest that makes me look super-handsome….I almost automatically start to feel better because I feel that I look better or something. Or if I wear some ragged clothes, I feel my confidence lowers.

Is this something that is all in the head? Why can simple cloth change an attitude or mood so quickly?

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20 Answers

marinelife's avatar

It’s a good question. I have noticed the same thing.

I think it is because along with the clothes we are putting on an image. Looking nice helps us feel confident and strong and invincible.

Doppelganger19's avatar

I agree with @marinelife, but it’s funny—how we perceive the way we look vs. how others see us can be very different. Having said that, I think it’s more important to dress for ourselves than for others.

john65pennington's avatar

Blackberry, you are so correct. ever heard of the old saying “clothes make the man”? this is a true statement.

Before i retired, i would wake up at 430 am each morning. i would look at myself in the mirror and ask myself “what the heck does my wife see in me”. shortly after putting on my police uniform, i would again look in the mirror and ask myself the same question, again. my whole attitude changed at what i was seeing. my wife has told me many times, “you cleanup really good”. thank God for my wife and her beautiful comments.

Yes, clothes do make the man or woman. nice clothes give you confidence and a good feeling of self-worth. good question.

JustJessica's avatar

I also agree with @marinelife & @Doppelganger19 I always dress and put on makeup for myself.

I seem to suffer from BDD but not in the way you think. While most people who suffer from BDD see themselves fat when they really aren’t, or ugly when they are pretty. I’m overweight and when I look in the mirror I don’t see it, I see a supermodel! Not that I’m complaining!

Coloma's avatar

Yes, beauty is in the eye of the perciever!

Funny, just the other day I went out in sweats, which I rarely do.

Black running sweats with a tank top and funky jacket.

I was just going to run a quick errand and thought to myself, ‘Oh well…who cares?’ haha

Ran into a friend and they complimented me saying ’ You look GOOD in sweats!’

WTF! lol

And then there was the Fed-X guy that hit on me in my jammies the other week, in what I considered ultimate ‘frump’ mode.
There is just no accounting for others perceptions. :-/

Seelix's avatar

It all depends on how you feel. I’ve been known to spend a little extra time on my hair or choose a flattering outfit if I’m feeling down – you know, the whole “look better, feel better” idea. I’m not sure exactly why it works, but it does.

I don’t think it’s so much that “nice” clothes make you feel good, but clothes that you think look good on you make you feel good. My favourite Star Wars t-shirt and denim skirt paired with tights and boots are not “nice” clothes by any stretch, but I feel good when I wear them.

Seelix's avatar

@JustJessica – That’s awesome. Confidence is the most beautiful accessory any woman can wear, and yours suits you well :)

zophu's avatar

There’s the obvious superficial reasons, which everyone’s effected by even if they are so actualized they couldn’t possible be harmed by them, and then there’s the self-expressive reasons. Both can make you feel good on different levels. By the way, anyone else think we should bring back the word “dapper”? I think it’s time.

Coloma's avatar



Confidence can wear anything and still look good!

deni's avatar

Because self image is important. And we all want to look good. Right now I’m dressed like a slob and I feel like a slob. But, for example, wearing a nice blazer in particularly makes me feel attractive, or pants that fit really well, or a really nice dress. It makes a huge difference. It even, I think, makes me more pleasant to be around.

Blackberry's avatar

@zophu I love that word, dapper, although no one knows what it means when I use it lol. Or only the older crowd does.

deni's avatar

I love the word dapper! My, aren’t you looking dapper tonight.

AmWiser's avatar

I get that feeling when I put on certain hats or change my hair style. Sometimes it will change my hole attitude. Yeah! I can feel dapper too! ;-)

stratman37's avatar

The clothes don’t make the man, the man makes the clothes!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Geez, I just feel goofy when I’m dressed up. I gotta work on that.

wundayatta's avatar

I know that some people feel better when they think they look better, but clothes never used to make me feel like I look better. I still don’t really think I look much different in a suit than in jeans, but some people have said I do, so maybe I do. I don’t know.

In any case, wearing nice clothes usually has the opposite effect on my mood. They are so uncomfortable and so hard to keep in place that I often feel like I look ridiculous. I think I look best in jeans. Maybe that’s because some woman told me I had a cute butt. Don’t worry. I didn’t believe her for a second, but it was nice to hear. It’s made me partial to jeans ever since. Hah! Lie! I’ve always been partial to jeans. Maybe a little more so now.

Anyway, the uniform gives people a status and others expect different things from you depending on your status. Hence, your uniform generates these expectations.

A suit is worn by powerful people. So if you wear one, people are more likely to treat you that way, and you are more likely to feel powerful.

It’s like where I work now. Everyone holds doors for me, now. I do believe it is because of the amount of silver in my hair. ;-)

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m usually pretty clueless when it comes to clothes, but I sometimes try to match what I wear to create a specific effect.

cak's avatar

Working out of the house put me in a horrible habit. PJs, daily. Now, I try to make sure I get dressed 4 out of 5 weekdays and both days of the weekend.

I found that when I am in regular clothes, versus the pj uniform, I seem more focused and ready to tackle the day. I don’t know how others perceive me, those that know me are shocked when I put on makeup. They usually want to know what’s wrong, when I do! I’m a very casual person.

Claire_Fraser's avatar

I find I dress according to my mood, not the other way round.

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