Social Question

ucme's avatar

The people who make it don't want it, the people who buy it don't use it & the people who use it don't know. What is it?

Asked by ucme (50052points) December 16th, 2010

Could be a very short thread but hey, who cares right? Actually on that very subject, maybe whoever works out the correct answer does one of their own. A puzzle that is, naturally. It’s a thought at least. Word puzzles for those who are interested.

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14 Answers

Dog's avatar

A coffin.

ragingloli's avatar

Unstretched Cocaine

ucme's avatar

Game over!! Unless of course anyone else has a puzzle to offer.

Aster's avatar

The people who use it don’t know what?

ucme's avatar

@Aster We’ve moved on dear, the answer was indeed a coffin.

marinelife's avatar

@Aster They don’t know they used it.

Odysseus's avatar

Highly toxic waste byproduct of aluminum. The people who make it don’t want it, the people who buy it surely wouldnt use it & the people who use it don’t know What it does to them.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Leaded toys made in China.

Aster's avatar

They don’t know they use it? sorry; I’m drawing blank as usual. How can you use something and not know you’re using it?

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Aster They are dead and don’t know anything. they are in the coffin.

For my nonstandard answer: Little kids have no idea what lead does to them.

gasman's avatar

@Odysseus I refer you to American Dental Association re: public safety of fluoride.

prolificus's avatar

XS-size condoms.

john65pennington's avatar

Bubble wrap. people hate to make it. it smells terrible. people who buy it soon discover that it is more troble than its worth and people who do use don’t know the dangers it presents with their pets and choking.

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