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Dutchess_III's avatar

Can you tell me how to retrieve items that I've deleted from my 'deleted items' file?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) December 16th, 2010

There used to be an easy way IF you knew how to do it. Can ya help me?

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10 Answers

jaytkay's avatar

I have had good luck with the free Windows program Recuva

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ach. It’s not showing Free. I have to pay for it. Last I heard, the option was actually on the tool bar in one of the menus somewhere….to the left. Somewhere.

jerv's avatar

You misread, though the age layout sucks. The program is free, but you have to pay for “premium support”.

Try this link to get the actual program from their site, or just scroll down a little to the green text below.

As for the menu item of which you speak, that is a new one on me :/

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um…if this is a work computer, can the IT guys get them?

jerv's avatar

That depends, and the biggest factor it depends on is whether or not they are competent. I mean, I know more about computers than the official IT people anyplace where I have ever worked. Where I work now is the first place I’ve been where anybody in IT even knows what Linux is!

Some of your terminology confuses me a little since I am used to different names/terms for certain things, but I think I may have figured out the menu option you are thinking of though. Bear with me.

The Recycle Bin is basically a folder where you put all of your stuff that you want to delete, but it doesn’t actually delete the files until you explicitly tell it too. (Well, unless you set it up to delete automatically like I do, but most people don’t.) Until you actually empty the recycle, you can just move the contents back out if you change your mind. This can be accomplished with the right mouse button; right-clicking causes a different menu to pop up, and there should be a choice that pops the files back to their old folder.

However, once you empty the Recycle Bin, then you need something like Recuva.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@jerv Thank for your help! No, I know how to restore from the recycle bin. I mean, how to retrieve emails that you’ve deleted from the deleted folder. In the late 90’s one of our techs said there was a way to retrieve them, and he directed me to some place on the tool bar. On the right. (See, I can talk tech to! ON DA RIGHT, MAN!!!)

jerv's avatar

Ah, we are talking e-mail here. Context helps a lot.

Which email client do you use? I use Thunderbird, which is different from Outlook, which in turn is a more feature-filled version version of Outlook Express, and none of those resemble what I have on my Droid X. As such, certain things are done differently depending on which program you use.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I MEAN ON THE LEFT! THE LEFT SIDE OF THE TOOL BAR!! Which is why I couldn’t be a tec. I’d turn a computer into an iron on accident. (JK…I could be a tech. I’d like it!)

Well, in the 90’s it was Outlook (before Outlook express) At work we use…Outlook Express. Not sure what version though. (I, personally have Thunderbird. But…it hangs up my system so I rarely get into it.)

jerv's avatar

Ah, OE. The Only OE I deal with and even remotely like it is this one and difficulty finding basic commands is part of the reason.

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