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iamthemob's avatar

Has John McCain officially had a schizophrenic break...or is he just lying?

Asked by iamthemob (17226points) December 18th, 2010

I don’t like to judge – except in cases like this. John McCain has repeatedly stated he would support repeal of DADT when various information was provided… and each time it was, he has backed down and asked for more.

The Senate has now passed repeal of DADT, supported by massive data showing a negligible potential impact on our troops safety, over vocal dissent from McCain. McCain criticized members of the current Senate for pushing what he deemed a social agenda before the switch over:

“They know they can’t get it done on Jan. 5,” McCain said of Senate Democrats, citing the date that the new Congress takes office.

Further, he claims that this by doing do…the Senate is ignoring the voice of the voters.

Previously, I just felt lied to…but I now feel like this man may be insane. DADT has resulted in the discharge of over 14,000 service men and women. Discharges have slowed as the military has the right to retain a service member under DADT if it is imprudent from a defense perspective even if they come out or are outed – and has retained these individuals post-9/11 (e.g., the military retains gay military personnel until the war is over, and then would be free to discharge them). The costs associated with the discharges, solely in terms with the administrative procedures, retraining, etc., has been almost $400 million under DADT. The procedures to handle any potential negative reactions in the military due to repeal were already outlined in the report – and at a time of war, it seems that retaining members of the military is most preferable. And repeal is not a significant legislative task – all that needs to be done is the Congress needs to tell, as it just did, the military “We do not legally require you to terminate gay military anymore,” and the military to say “we have it from here”...which it already has.

But McCain is now bitching about how this is sneaky, undemocratic, and wouldn’t have gone through under the new Senate. If he’s not crazy…I’m afraid about what the incoming Congress will be like.

So, what do people think? My opinion is clear, but am I missing some valid argument for dragging this out? (PS – if you feel that the repeal shouldn’t be rushed and that’s where he’s coming from, please include information that shows how repeal at this time creates administrative burdens the military can’t handle, and why the current gradual implementation in terms of procedure of the repeal is not sufficient).

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10 Answers

ETpro's avatar

Oh I think one of the most interesting and contentious debates in politics over the past 2 years has been listening to tapes of John McCain debate today’s John McCain. There is hardly a single issue he hasn’t flip-flopped on, and some he goes back and forth on like the tides.

marinelife's avatar

I don’t think much of John McCain anymore. I used to believe that he stood for something.

Now I believe that he just says whatever to get elected.

iamthemob's avatar

@marinelife – I wanted him in the 2000 elections. I had planned on voting for him. He had one of the most straighforward and practical arguments for adhering to the Geneva Conventions in the War on Terror – if we do and they don’t, they wouldn’t of anyway. If we don’t, however…we’re not even asking them to try. Coming from a POW, this carried particular weight.

I’m actually flabbergasted, not that he hasn’t come out in support of repeal…but that he’s attempting to blame people for it, and vehemently arguing against it.

world_hello's avatar

I love his argument that we can’t change during wartime.

Are we even at war? Has Congress declared one? Oh, military engagements is what we call it now to bypass Congress. And when have we even not been involved in a military engagement? I can’t remember a time in the last 30 years when we weren’t involved in something.

tinyfaery's avatar

Alzhiemers. Or maybe senior dementia.

syz's avatar

I, too, liked McCain during his first run. And then he sleazed. And now? His behavior is indefensible.

ETpro's avatar

McCain has come down with New Republicanitis. You have to embrace the far-right fring and dance close to neo Nazism to avoid a primary challenge from the right in the New Republican party—or in McCain’s case to beat back a primary challenge from the right. The ideological preaching that right-wing think tanks have been so effectively pushing now since the days of Nixon has taken its toll on the party. The inmates now run the asylum. That’s my opinion. I am sure the right wingers here will think it is I that’s the crazy man. But I’d remind them that the Democratic Party isn’t engaged in an ideological purge. That’s a Republican phenomenon and all the Rockefeller Republicans that championed the civil rights movement of 50 years ago have either been shut out altogether, silenced, or like John McCain, changed their stripes.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

No, mostly because that’s just not what schizophrenia does or how it works… Some other mental disorder, maybe, but not schizophrenia.

iamthemob's avatar

@papayalily – I don’t know…why do you disagree…?

I wasn’t being completely serious…but I feel like the past few years have demonstrated a build up of what could be a paranoia, could be delusions about certain segments of society, etc.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@iamthemob It’s just a personal pet peeve of mine (after having several friends/SOs tell me they were schizophrenic to excuse bad behavior. Some meant dissociative identity disorder, others meant “my compulsive need to treat you like crap and be a douche”.)
If this behavior fit anything, it would most likely be a personality disorder.

Course, I really think he’s just doing it because he’s a politician and at one point he had the military on the same side as his argument, and now he doesn’t but he still believes his argument.

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