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XOIIO's avatar

Where would the crosshairs in Portal be stored?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) December 18th, 2010

I want to find the crosshairs in the game portal but can’t find them in any of the files. I need a picture of the crosshairs with no background, any help to find it in the system files or online?

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8 Answers

bluemukaki's avatar

The only crosshair-related file I can find is the file called ‘hl2crosshairs.ttf’ which is a font file in the hl2/Resource/ folder as part of the Portal files installed on the computer (within the folder where Steam is installed I think)

It doesn’t have the crosshairs seen in this shot however, just the old Half Life 2 crosshairs that were used in the original previews of the game.

The real one is located at this path: .../Steam/SteamApps/content.gcf/portal/materials/sprites/hud/portal_crosshairs.vtf but I don’t know how to open it.

XOIIO's avatar

Damn, that’s just what I’m looking for.

chocolatechip's avatar

You can decompile .vtf files into .tga’s using VTFEdit.


XOIIO's avatar

And how would I use the .tga’s to make a gif, or are they simmilar?

chocolatechip's avatar

A .tga is an image file like a .gif. You can open it in any image editing program, and save it in .gif format.

HungryGuy's avatar

Or you could always play the game, aim at a neutral white or black background, take a screenshot, and then load the screenshot into Photoshop and make the background color (black or white) transparent.

XOIIO's avatar

@HungryGuy True. I think I eventually found them, but I couldn’t open the texture pack. I’ll have to take another looka t it.

HungryGuy's avatar

@XOIIO – Here’s a direct link to the VTFEdit tool.

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