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Only138's avatar

What is the strangest hallucination you have had while under the influence?

Asked by Only138 (4648points) December 18th, 2010

I was just wondering what some of the craziest shit people have seen, or thought they have seen while being drunk? For instance, I thought I saw a 30 foot tall green Bic lighter standing beside of the highway coming home from Cedar point one night. LOL

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35 Answers

kenmc's avatar

I’ve never hallucinated from alcohol.

The most I’ve hallucinated is when I drank a lot of cough syrup (shit’s legit, don’t let the legality fool you) and I thought there were a bunch of little gnome-like men working inside of my body for it’s physiology… but it was in front of me.

It’s hard to explain. But it was scary as well as interesting. Thus why I’ve never dosed on cough syrup again.

tapestryofregret's avatar

The 2nd and last time I used LSD was in 2001. I took 4 hits and spent the day at a park. It was a spring day with not a single cloud in the sky. It was in the afternoon and I was with my best friend at the time, who took an equal amount of LSD.

The first thing I noticed was that the grass seemed to take on the consistency of something you might see in a collidascope (sp?)....there was suddenly symmetry in places there never was before. It seemed I had adopted micro vision, because I was suddenly able to see the detail of the ants in the grass as if they were very large (like the size of a normal dog.) I remember stating that it was a bummer that there weren’t any clouds in the sky, and suddenly that’s all there was….clouds everywhere, swirling and swelling everywhere. I spent the next hour or so just looking at them. All in all i’d say it was a very positive experience. The only down part is that I haven’t come across LSD ever since that day….perhaps all for the better though.

Berserker's avatar

Haha I remember the lighter story. That’s cool.
I haven’t really seen anything while drunk, other than this old dead guy starring at me from the corner of my eye whenever I come across a mirror or window.
But on LSD I once thought I saw this…flying thing that was made out of human hair sneaking away behind the stove over in the group home I was staying at the time.
Most of my hallucinations that stand out and have affected me were auditory rather than visual.

tinyfaery's avatar

Even on 9 hits of acid I never really saw something that wasn’t there. Sure I saw trails, heard colors and saw music, but I never saw a pink elephant or anything like that.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I have to agree with @psychocandy to a degree, visual hallucinations were never a big thing for me. I had a period in my youth where I enjoyed a lot of recreational use of LSD, and visual hallucinations were rare for me. Aside from trails and a general sense of being less than real, or, perhaps… animated. Once I was eating “Smarties” candies and I thought my teeth were falling out.

Cruiser's avatar

Someone must have spiked my hot cocoa, as after a long night of playing Apples to Apples, I must of dozed off….half in a daze went to go to bed and I open the bedroom door and there is Lucillelucillelucille on my bed in high-heels and a hard hat dancing on John Goodman’s back!! Scary shit!! ;)

Berserker's avatar

Scary? That made me as horny as a field of stags.

rangerr's avatar

Oh! I can answer this. I’m overly baked right now so it might take a while.

Last month? October? sometime recently..
I was hanging out with a few guys and they got the bright idea to smoke spice/k2/herbal incense.. whatever you want to call it.
We used a gravity bong, and I had about 4 hits before I begged them to take it away. I sat there staring ahead of me until I couldn’t hold my eyes open anymore.
I sat there listening to them ask if I was okay. I said I was too high and they just told me to breathe. so I did.
I saw my body warp into its self in slow motion and the world faded out around me.
Everything disappeared until I came out of the vortex like thing my body was doing and it was like.. going through stars.
or the old windows flying stars screensaver. but with sooooooooooo many stars.
I stopped remembering from there.

I woke up a few hours later in an ambulance with an IV.
The EMT told me that the boys called 911 after I told them I was dying.
I had a seizure in the ambulance.
I woke up.
Went to the hospital, got an IV and just chilled until I was calm enough to call my mom to come get me. The nurse told her I had food poisoning.

I went home and promptly passed out for a few hours.
Called out of work the next two days.

The boys came over and started explaining what happened.
They said I was shaking and said that space is scary and that I was dying, so they needed to stop talking.
Then I started asking questions about if I was real or not.
They said my thought process went something like this:
I have fingers – so I can feel
I can feel – because I am real
I have fingers because I have hands which let me feel – so I am real
..but I did that for my entire body. “You had to convince yourself you were real”

Then I started throwing up and said I was dead, so they called 911.

MissAnthrope's avatar

I’ve done a fair amount of psychoactive substances over the years, but only one time have I ever seen something that wasn’t really there. I have never hallucinated on alcohol. I also was tripping so hard on acid once that I completely lost the ability to speak and understand language and I sort of thought I was an alien, but no actual visual hallucinations.

The one time I did hallucinate was pretty random in terms of the conditions, which were very normal and like every other trip I’d had. I was in Amsterdam and I took a strain of very potent fresh magic mushrooms. I was tripping hard, but not as hard as the time that I lost language. Anyway, I started not feeling well mid-trip, so I went back to the hostel and laid down on my bed, facing the wall.

The sun was filtering through a tree outside, making the wall mostly shaded with patches of sunlight. One such sun patch was in my line of sight. As I was looking at it, full on, suddenly there was a tiger (in the patch). It started walking toward me and then came out of the sun patch at me.

I laid there, knowing fully that what I was seeing was not real, but I was totally seeing it like it was right there! Kind of crazy, but cool.

Other times, it’s just kind of neat visuals, where patterns move.. I had a really cool cloud show once on mushrooms, I was on my back, the clouds swirled and moved, and it was like watching TV!

shego's avatar

When I was 19, I was with a friend, and we decided to have some fun. My friend got some pills, and she said that they were going to take us on the best trip we have ever been on. So it was my first time, and I took one ecstasy,and one LSD pill (candy flipping) together. Bad mistake. I remember seeing taco birds everywhere. They were all over the place, and I thought they were trying to attack me. I then ran outside to protect myself from the “taco birds” and came across a big fluffy cat who was yelling at me it was an evil kitty that had a bad mouth.
But I was right next to my house and I went inside to hide in my room away from the evilness that lurked outside.
I don’t know If I fell asleep or what, but I felt like I was spinning and I was in this strange world possibly another dimension where I was staring at the taco birds attacking me again. I was watching them rip and tear my skin, and I could hear my flesh tearing. I kept trying to scream but I couldn’t they didn’t stop until I thought I saw my lifeless corpse staring back at me in a pure look of horror. Then one of the tacos came at me, and I found myself sitting on the shower floor fully clothed, and soaking wet.
As for my friend, she was found rolling around in the middle of an intersection blocking traffic.
Lesson learned.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

This one time, I was on LSD and the tree across the street talked to me.

tinyfaery's avatar

@shego Taco birds? That’s funny. I’m sorry you had a bad trip.

Claire_Fraser's avatar

I ate mushrooms this one time and I thought a chocolate chip muffin was talking to me…and the chips were ants and were wandering away. To this day I won’t touch a chocolate chip muffin. Or talk to one….lol

ucme's avatar

After a particularly long night’s drinking session I thought my wallet was empty. Couldn’t possibly be true….could it!?!

The_Idler's avatar

Smoked salvia when I was about 15 or so.

immediately left this universe, experienced existing as 12 separate identical ’me‘s, arranged radially about a central point on a giant clockface, which was part of a massive and complex machine, constructed from primary-coloured children’s toys.
Inside this machine, behind the clockface, I (at the same time as being twelve times on the clockface) was working in an office, which was managing a shop that was part of this machine & somehow central to a crazy Japanese gameshow, which was the grand setting for all this.
The work was confusing, I wasn’t really sure what I was supposed to be doing, yet I felt like I had been in this exact situation for all eternity.

When I came back to this universe and remembered I’d taken some drug, I literally couldnt speak. I wanted to explain what happened, but I just couldnt even begin to describe it…

…might get topped by DMT, stay tuned.

beancrisp's avatar

In 1979 on a school night I ate 2 heaping teaspoons of jimson seeds. The only effects I had that night was a really bad case of the cottonmouth and only getting about 2 hours of sleep,
When I got up about 6:00 I thought this stuff not going to cause any hallucinations then about 7:00 I had the first hallucination. All during the day I kept having recurring hallucinations about people I knew. One time a friend asked me a question and in the middle of my answer he disappeared. The weirdest part was I was straight the whole time as far as feeling high or impaired.

Blondesjon's avatar

I’ve eaten enough ‘shrooms and paper to incapacitate a small country. I’ve never had a hallucination but I have laughed so hard I thought I was going to die.

SamIAm's avatar

I had taken some Ambien when I was about 15 or so… but I faught the sleep and tripped balls. I can still picture the dead Amish people I saw in my bedroom perfectly. So creepy.

anartist's avatar

@Only138 Jeezus you saw a 90 foot bic lighter while DRIVING home? You are lucky you and all around you got home, imho.
Me I got so bombed at a party that I couldn’t drive home so I slept over, but woke up around 4 a.m. feeling stone-cold sober and invincible, that I was powered by The Clear White Light and decided I was ready to drive home. My host assured me I was still drunk and hung on to my keys.

El_Cadejo's avatar

DMT takes the cake. Easy.

I have experienced DMT many times and every time is much stranger than the last. Some times Ive experienced contact with alien life forms, sometimes machine like organisms. Always present seems to be these elves or gnomes. These small beings that inhabit the DMT world, they welcome you back every time you take DMT .Its a feeling of overwhelming joy and happiness that seems to take off where you last left it from your previous trip.

The most intense experience however was the time I did the most at once. Im not exactly sure how much I took as i didnt own an accurate enough scale but it was twice what I did before. When I first inhaled it I saw a bright flash of light and a chrysanthemum pattern exploding before me.It felt like being shot through a cannon through this. And then suddenly I was in Ancient Egypt. and i mean like it felt like i was really really there in the flesh and blood. There were bizarre patterns flashing all around me. about a week later I saw the symbol online for the first time. I had assumed it was just something I thought up, oddly enough it was the shamanic symbol for the jaguar, the animal representing the link to the spirit world While in Egypt I recall looking around and seeing the desert and pyramids all around me and then suddenly I was being greated by the egyptian high priest. And it felt like being in the presence of a deity.

Then all of a sudden it was starting to wear off, but , i hadnt consumed all the DMT, so I finished it, and instantly it was being like fired out of a cannon to the sky.

I remember thinking that I was on my way to heaven. Here is a good point to note that while most drugs change the way you think, DMT does not, you think exactly the same as you do sober, and you forget you took a drug, so imagine me , an atheist on my way to heaven lol. It was an interesting feeling. I remember being greeted upon arrival by thousands of beings, they felt like the gnomes, but I could not actually see them, there was just this overwhelming feeling of joy and happiness and just welcome back. I remember again being in the presence of a deity, it felt like being before god. God was a woman with long flowing brown hair, she told me her name but I cant remember it, just that it began with an E. Then as I asked her name again everything once again began to fade away and I slipped back once more to reality.

From start to finish this whole thing took place in 4 minutes lol. yet it felt like a lifetime

MissAnthrope's avatar

@uberbatman – That sounds really trippy, intense, and cool (I wanna go to Ancient Egypt!) Some of your description reminds me of salvia. I didn’t think salvia counted because everything that happened was in my head and almost entirely with my eyes closed.. but damn, that was a crazy, intense, and scary experience I don’t care to repeat. And like yours, it felt like it lasted forever and it was like 5 minutes, max. Heh.

The_Idler's avatar

defs ordering some DMT so soon.

tapestryofregret's avatar

@The_Idler wish it were that simple :/

sadly it’s one of the most illegal substances on earth.. I have been trying to find some for over a decade to no avail..almost at the point now where I’m considering making it myself.

The_Idler's avatar

Well yeah despite the fact none of my (otherwise very well stocked) psych vendors actually sell straight DMT, I’m an undergrad chemist, and the (100% illegal) extraction from (100% legal) plant material is very easy, if you understand the technique.

tapestryofregret's avatar

@The_Idler @Undergrad Chemist haha well yea, that helps.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@MissAnthrope it is somewhat like salvia, except it is far far more intense in my experience. One big dividing factor between the two though are for me at least, salvia tends to get very dark, you tend to have a feeling of being trapped. DMT is always, well almost always, there was that one time I was in a void and the entire universe ended, but was again reborn , very happy and welcoming. The after effects are really different too. Like salvia as it wears off your a slump on a couch drooling all over yourself with what feels like gravity shifted 90 degrees pushing against you and your sweating like crazy and feel clammy. DMT has none of these downsides, as it wears off you just feel like your on 4 hits of LSD then that wears off and you pretty much forget the whole thing even happened like a dream which kinda sucks. Gotta always have some paper handy when you do these things :P

@tapestryofregret its not really one of the most illegal, schedule 1 is schedule 1. So really weed, lsd, and mushrooms are just as illegal. Its just a hell of a lot harder to find lol. You got to look for it at music festivals. Especially ones that cater to psychedelic music :P Found a gram of it there and considering its dosage is about 20mg I was quite happy lol

@The_Idler You can sometimes find 5-meo-DMT online on some of those research chem sites. Id advise against it though as its effects arent as good. They are still extremely intense but there really arent any visuals, just extreme body high. Especially since your mr chemist :P its really not that hard to extract like you said. Like reallly not that hard.

The_Idler's avatar

Yeah I was considering ordering some 5-MeO-DMT for NYE, but then I thought actually, maybe a 2C, but now I’m thinking go for the kitchen chemistry DMT?

tapestryofregret's avatar

@uberbatman yea but weed is decriminalized is some places…point is that no matter where you go in the world, if you get caught with this stuff- unles u can bribe the son of a bitch- you will face stiff fines and prison time.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@The_Idler Ive tried both 2CB and 2CI.. Cant say I was impressed with either.

@tapestryofregret true but same is true for LSD. There is one place you could probably get away with it though. Portugal.

tapestryofregret's avatar

@uberbatman actually after a lil reading, the shit is accepted as part of a few religions…..wondering if that grants you impunity here in the states

El_Cadejo's avatar

@tapestryofregret as far as I know, no. Most are in south america. Only one I know that really gets exempt from the states for religion is mescaline

tapestryofregret's avatar

oh well I can always go out to arizona and lick a toad…plausible deniability ftw

El_Cadejo's avatar

lol except that that method isnt really all that good since there are a bunch of other compounds in there. And if I recall correctly the bufo alvarius or cane toad contains 5-meo, not N-N DMT

tapestryofregret's avatar

yea but it’s hard to beat free drugs, just hoppin along on the ground xD

maybe that’s where they got the idea for kissing a frog and it turning into a prince

kenmc's avatar

@tapestryofregret The same toads that will cause you to hallucinate are extremely deadly in the poison department.

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