General Question

When are you really ready to move out on your own for the first time?
I’m 21 years old (female) and I’ve made the decision to move in with my boyfriend of 3½ years around the first of the year.
(No, I’m not asking about anything related to my relationship. I know a young girl gushing about how much she loves and trusts her boyfriend is a bit annoying, even to me, but let’s just say it’s a very stable relationship and I have very little worries about that aspect of my situation. Take my word for it on this one.)
My boyfriend has been moved out since August of this year and lives with two roommates—a couple we are close friends with. They split the rent down the middle. He works at a factory making $15.50 an hour as a full time employee and is doing very well with his job. He’s had no problems paying his rent/bills and seems to be getting firmly onto his feet.
I, however, am a college student and I won’t be graduating until 2013. I’m currently a part-time (30 hrs/week) bank teller making $11/hr going to night school, but I’ll be transferring to a 4-year university next fall and will need to find a part-time night job where, unfortunately, I won’t be making as much money as I am now. I’ll probably end up being a server or something like that, with an internship or two thrown in.
My school is paid for with scholarships, grants, and a loan for which I don’t pay on until after I graduate. I currently pay my car insurance, gas, phone bill, and I even buy my own food each week living at home. I haven’t asked my parents for money since my first job when I was 17.
When I move in with my boyfriend, the only added funds I’ll be contributing are maybe a little on the cable bill for wireless internet that I’ll need for school, and a few other things here and there. He doesn’t want me to pay any rent or anything unless I absolutely can and want to. I always said I wanted to be able to support myself before I live with anyone else and I never wanted to depend on a man to support me. However, once I’m done with school, my boyfriend plans to go back for a degree and I will return the favor by semi-supporting him for awhile. He tells me that it’s not being dependent, it’s being in a relationship.
I’m level-headed and I feel as if I’m ready to move away, but this is a huge step and I’d like to hear what others think of my situation. I’ve heard some positive things, but my mother seems to think I won’t be able to do it. My biggest fear is having to move back home and prove her right. What do you think about this?

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