What assures you?
What is your assurance? Is it your pet, kids, spouse, faith, skill, likeability, money, car, etc? When you ready to go into any particular endeavor what assures you before you do it that things will turn out OK?
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23 Answers
My family, what’s left of them, and my friends. the very select group of people who have been my friends for 20–30 years. They “assure” me. But, they never promise me that things will turn out right; w that things will turn out O.K., but they promise, not in words so much but in their actions and their sticking by me through all these years, that whether things turn out O.K. or not, they will be there for me; no matter how I want to handle it.
My hubby. I know that I can face the world because he’s always right there, no matter what. I know that if I ever needed him, nothing would be as important to him than that, not work, not anything. God knows he’s shown me over the years and I love him for that. I feel like maybe I can try things that otherwise I’d be too scared to do, because I know he’ll catch me if I fall over. Like now, I’m happily working away, and if you’d asked me 5 or 6 years ago if I could do that I’d have cried because I so desperately wanted to get back to work but I knew I wasn’t strong enough. I kept applying for jobs and when I didn’t get them, or worse got as far as the interview, and then didn’t get them (even got a “we don’t hire people like you” once and that almost wiped me out) hubby would hug me and he’d get the paper and say, “Their loss, honey, lets look again together” because he knew how important it was to me. Every part of my life is made possible because I have him. I don’t know why I was lucky enough to be blessed with him, but I’m more grateful than I can say, and I try every day to make sure he knows how much he means to me. @Hypocrisy Central this is a GQ, its really good to count your blessings now and again. Reminds us to be grateful for them <hugs> xx
My SO, my daughter and my lovely dogs, oh and having the philosophy I can even though perhaps deep down I am thinking Maybe I can’t.
@bunnygrl Such a lovely answer :))
My husband’s arm around me.
Waking up again does it for me.
At the moment the only thing that assures me is my own drive and goals.
My belief in free will and possibilities for the future maintains me, as does the fact that I exist at all.
But more practically, that there are always more books to read and always more people to talk to or look at.
Me. ,
I create the world around me
one of many gods
in an ever populating world
I walk with no regrets. How?
by doing the best I can every day
because the hardest judge of all
is the face in the mirror
and by doing my best
guilt will not weigh heavy
upon the mirrors brow
nor regrets upon the gazer’s heart.
I will sleep tight and rest
in the knowledge that I did my best.
Being satisfied in myself that the things I want aren’t uneccesary, frivolous or distracting from my Big Picture.
@bunnygrl “we don’t hire people like you” They said that!?! Really!?! Incredible….if they said that all I can think of is CHA CHING!!!! If they were going to go there you’d think they would not have been as blatant about it.
@Cruiser Yes any day you can look down at the daisies instead of up at them it is a good day. Slow go beats no go any time.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Some of us are not young anymore hee hee hee
@thekoukoureport That was an insighful passage.
Kitties, pillows, sleep, booze.
My wife, cats, jogging, wood fire stove and gold coins.
Computers, whiskey, lovers and chocolate.
& of course my dear old kitten Thelma
@Hypocrisy_Central It was the local cinema honey. I had sent my CV out everywhere, I so desperately wanted a job, and I got a phone call from the cinema. They were going to be interviewing for some newly created positions (they’d changed owners) and wanted to know if I’d like to attend. I said yes and when I arrived I went to the desk, said who I was and why I was there, was told to wait, and a young lad in a suit. He must have maybe been in his early 20’s but he looked like he was about 12. Anyway, he came out, looked at me from my head to my toes, clearly taking in the fact that I have a cane and wear straps on my hands/wrists due to arthritis and ignoring that I was wearing a very smart suit, and that my qualifications (college and uni) covered a full page of my CV lol, and he said “we don’t hire people like you”. I did say to him he better be saying they don’t hire brunettes, because otherwise I’d make sure both him and his company were held accountable for what he’d said and he said “prove it” and walked off. He was right, I didn’t have witnesses to back up what he said. Only my word. I cried all the way to our local job centre, where I saw Suzanne who had helped me with my cv. She was the disabled rights officer, and I told her what happened. She said she was sorry it had happened to me but that she heard stories like that a few times a week. Anyway, I kept trying, and eventually I got a job. Not a great one but I love doing it (well, most of the time lol). I won’t ever forget though how it felt to be looked at like I was some kind of bug, and then treated like I was worth less even than that.
hugs xx
@bunnygrl Such a very sad story, and an even sadder reflection of society. Disgraceful behaviour. I am so very happy for you that you found a job where you are valued. :))))
@partyparty <hugs tightly> thank you sweetheart. The thing that continues to get me is that I hadn’t at that point even completed an application form, and so hadn’t ticked the box that probably caused most of my applications to end up straight in the bin. I have to tick a box on any job application form saying that I have mental health issues, because I suffer from depression. I temped once in an HR department in town while I was at university. I was given the task of sifting through application forms, the company was having a recruitment drive at the time. Well both myself and the other girl working alongside me were given a one page, (double sided) list to look for. What was wanted on one side and on the other, what would disqualify anyone form their application going any further forward. On that sheet was a list of the boxes which, if ticked meant the application was immediately binned. We both of us said that companies can’t do that and the lady who was briefing us said “we can’t afford to hire cripples or looneys, they’d cost us money in sick pay, why look for problems.” This must have been 12 or 13 years ago, but It still happens now far more than it should, I’ve seen first hand that it does. Laws are only worth anything if they can be enforced and if you’re on your own, and someone says “prove it”. They win honey.
@Hypocrisy_Central just ran a search for Gloria Allred, (sorry hadn’t heard of her) she seems like quite a woman, and would definitely be great to have on your side. Unfortunately though, it seems to me that justice or fairness is being reserved more and more for the wealthy these days and if you happen to be “little people” not so much. tsk, nope I’m being too depressing for words. You know, I used to be an optimist once many, many years ago, but life soon knocked that out of me lol. Happy holidays to all of my fellow jellies, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and the best new year ever.
love and hugs honeys xx
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