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ucme's avatar

How many "Santas" have you seen so far today?

Asked by ucme (50052points) December 20th, 2010

I realise that for those of you across the pond the day has hardly yet begun, or at least has a while yet to run. The time currently here in England Town is just after 5pm. Not sure why I felt the need to divulge that but there you go. So, how many then? Just to clarify here i’m referring to Santas “in the flesh” so to speak. Not on tv or on xmas cards, simply not the same if you follow. While out & about I mean, shopping or whatever.

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17 Answers

Jude's avatar

None. I haven’t left the house, yet. :)

I’m on holidays.

wundayatta's avatar

Not a one! Just came straight to work and plan to go straight home and try to recover from my cold.

coffeenut's avatar

0 except the one stuck to my grill

chyna's avatar

None, I haven’t been out of the house yet.

OpryLeigh's avatar

None, I think it’s even too cold for Santa at the mo!

ucme's avatar

Yeah, I only ask because here where I live i’ve seen hardly a one since the festive season began. Used to see loads of the jolly chaps, this year for whatever reason, they seem to be extinct.

Coloma's avatar

I have seen zero santas for years now!
Except Santa Duck in my avatar.

I am not a mall person and missed the local Christmas parade this year.

Santa only comes to my little town once to throw candy off the local fire dept. truck during the Xmas parade.

Besides, I think ‘Santa’ is really our county D.A. trying to drum up some ‘sweet’ votes. lolol

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Zero. The last one I saw was several weeks ago at the Wolf sanctuary. I asked how missus Claus was and he said good. They seem to be scarce this year.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I haven’t seen any yet!

PhiNotPi's avatar

negative 0

ucme's avatar

Could it be all these fake Daddy Xmas dudes are so disenchanted in their work they’ve had a kind of mass sit down protest? Or maybe they all have a cold, bless.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Zero which makes this a good day.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Not a single one.

We don’t see Santas very often on military bases.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Zero aside from the giant blowup display that sits on the streetside of our store.

downtide's avatar

None, and I doubt that I’ll see one at all. My local mall has a grotto that you have to pay to get into. No-one sees Santa for free round here.

ChocolateReigns's avatar

None. I’ve been home all day. :(

AmWiser's avatar

None. They don’t hang out at bill paying offices :D

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