General Question

Jude's avatar

What would bring on an anxious feeling, when I have nothing to feel anxious about?

Asked by Jude (32210points) December 21st, 2010

I was sitting here, surfing and chillin’ with my kitty on my lap and all of a sudden anxiety kicked in. Tightening in my chest, and queasy stomach.

I wasn’t thinking about anything upsetting atall.

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14 Answers

JilltheTooth's avatar

Something in the back of your mind giving you signals? Aren’t you about to be traveling? Maybe you think you’ve forgotten to pack something or are a little nervous about the trip, but are not consciously aware of it.

janbb's avatar

From what you’ve said, you also have a lot going on and certainly the holidays coming on can trigger feelings of loss and anxiety.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

With all the things you’re working through I’d be doing exactly the same. Hang in there.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

If you need to get out and do something today,just call me :)
I have 2 new sleds XD

wundayatta's avatar

That feeling was one of the first signs I had of my struggles with mental health. It was exactly today, three years ago, and I was supposed to be singing some carols on the street corner, and this feeling of anxiety came over me and nearly made me sick. I had to lie down and my wife said I didn’t have to go to the sing.

I thought someone had died, so I called my parents to be sure they were ok. A week later I found out an old colleague of mine had received the news that he was going to die within the week around the time I had that feeling. It was too weird. I even asked a question about it.

A few months later I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I figured that must have been one of the first signs. Our brain chemistry goes awry sometimes and it can cause us to feel things for not externally identifiable reason.

The problem with such feelings is that we insist they have a cause. We are not used to feeling things for no reason. So we tend to create a cause. Almost anything will do. The holiday season and stresses thereof. The death of someone far away. I’m sure you’ll come up with something.

Since brain chemistry is such an unsatisfying answer to a feeling that is so strong, beware of that impulse to try to make it have meaning. Remind yourself that it doesn’t have to be about anything. It’s just an extraneous feeling. It’s unpleasant, of course, but nothing more than that. Try not to link it to anything that happens, because surely something will happen.

The other thing to do is to feel it, and say to yourself ‘how interesting’ and then let it go—again without attaching any particular meaning to it. It is this meaning making and attempt to explain these events that makes us crazy (not mentally ill, just crazy). We do it to ourselves.

Even if there is a reason for the anxiety—and you can choose anything—this advice still works. By far, the worst damage that comes from anxiety is obsessing about it instead of letting it go. This is true whether the anxiety has a real world reason or not. Most often, there is little or nothing you can do about a situation. Worrying doesn’t help. Someone recently had a quote about that that is brilliant, but I can’t remember it.

So use meditation techniques to calm your mind and focus on other things and let it go. It really doesn’t help you. Fight or flight instinct, except it doesn’t work well in modern society. You may want to run, but where? Anxiety, these days, follows us everywhere. The only way to deal with it is to do something constructive or to let it go.

BoBo1946's avatar

Both @JilltheTooth and @janbb gave my answer. Also, if this continues, would see a doctor!

mattbrowne's avatar

Your unconscious mind analyzes at least 10 million bits per second delivered by the nerves of your eyes, ears, nose, skin and so forth. You will consciously only experience 50–100 bits depending on the outcome of the analysis. While the rest goes “unnoticed” this doesn’t mean it has no effect. It can create the tightening in your chest and a queasy stomach. You believe you weren’t thinking about anything upsetting at all, because your thinking only has 100 bits to play with. But the other bits are still there.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Jude -C’mon Jude! Let’s crack our asses on the sledding hill !!

tinyfaery's avatar


janbb's avatar

Now we know what it was!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@janbb Yeah, I was going to say ’‘foreshadowing..””

stump's avatar

I once woke up in the middle of the night feeling terribly anxious. I lay there trying to think of what I had forgotten to do, or what terrible thing was going to happen in the morning. I couldn’t think of any reason that I felt so anxious. I got up and went in the bathroom, and suddenly vomited. I felt immediately better. I had mistaken the feeling of nausea with anxiety. Easy to do.

majorrich's avatar

Anxiety attacks occur from ‘out of the blue’ all the time. A trip to the doctor or therapist may be in order if you experience the same symptoms again, or begin to manifest in other ways .

gravity's avatar

Thyroid issues can cause anxiety.

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