Social Question

Brian1946's avatar

What are some acronyms that you use or would like to use?

Asked by Brian1946 (32774points) December 21st, 2010

What are some acronyms that you’ve seen for which you’d like the

Some that I occasionally use are:

BTW=By the way.
IIRC=If I Remember Correctly.
AFAIK=As Far As I Know.
PITA=Pain In The Ass.

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7 Answers

Blueroses's avatar

I like to go anti-acronym and use “Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot”

Supacase's avatar

I use PITA and LMK (let me know).

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I’m going to have find a way to do some SEO on my Facebook page, now that I know it means Search Engine Optimization.

Otoh, idk… I’ll brb if I think of more. ttfn

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Well, they aren’t so much favorites as bits, but IDK and OIC do both lend themselves to the sort of “Who’s On First” comedy gold.
TTFN – Because T-I-Double Gah-Er used it

Blueroses's avatar

I use BRB in a double-purpose way too.
Be right back
Bath room break

meiosis's avatar

One from my days in IT support: PBKAC – Problem Between Keyboard and Chair

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@meiosis I enjoy the ID10T

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